CHICAGO BANKER A Weekly Paper Devoted to the Banking and Financial Interests of the Middle West 10 CENTS A COPY Entered as Second-Class Matter January 15, 1903, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3, 1879 NOVEMBER 6, 1909 The Two New Vice-Presidents Mr. Talbert is known wherever banking is a topic for conversation. His rise in the ranks bars comment. He goes from the Commercial National, Chicago, to the National City, New York. Mr. Crandall, an enthusiastic chapter man, is one of the “do it now” kind, and is recognized as a leader in A. I. B. circles. He has had good results from his methods in convention going, and he never departs from the rule that “new business” must be good business. He is the new vice-president of the National City Bank, Chicago. New National Banks Washington, October 31.—The comptroller of the currency yesterday approved the application to organize the Citizens’ National Bank, of Caldwell, N. J., capital $25,000, and authorized the People’s National Bank, of Hendersonville, N. C., capital $150,000, and the Citizens’ National Bank, of Sycamore, 111., capital $75,000 to commence business. The corporate existence of the First National of Frostburg, Md., and the First National of Independence, Mo., was extended. First National of Chicago The directors of the First National Bank, of Chicago, have recommended an increase in the capital stock from $8,000,000 to $10,000,000. The new stock will be sold to stockholders at Resigns Cashiership C. Holmes Sheldon succeeds E. D. Walter, resigned, as cashier of the National Bank of Brunswick, Ga. J. Hampton Parker is now assistant cashier. The Blastings (Fla.) Banking Co. is the title of a new enterprise. Capitalized $30,000. Neil McQueen is president. Bank Officers Lose Appeal The court of appeals having reaffirmed yesterday the ruling of the lower courts, Col. Edward E. Britton, president, and Frederick H. Schroe-der, vice-president of the Eagle Savings and Loan Association of Brooklyn, who were convicted of diverting $4,000 of the funds of that institution, and who appealed to the higher courts, must go to Sing Sing. The two convicted men were out on $5,000 bail each, and Schroeder was at once taken into custody. Britton, however, could not be found. It is said that detectives from the district attorney’s office went to Britton’s home, but he was not there. He could not be found at any of the places he usually frequented. The sentences of the men, which were imposed by Justice Crane of the supreme court after conviction by a jury, were indeterminate, Schroeder getting from one to two years and Britton from two to three years. V First National of Ashland The new First National of Ashland, Ala., opened for business November 1st with the following officers: Bennett W. Pruet as president; Edgar L. Whatley, vice-president; C. W. Allen, second vice-president, and E. H. Hawkins, cashier. Changes Date of Aldrich’s Address The visit of Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, chairman of the national monetary commission, which was scheduled for Saturday evening. November 6th, has been changed to Monday evening, November 15th. The change of date will enable Senator Aldrich to arrive in Milwaukee at noon on Monday, when he will be given a luncheon by the bankers. While he may make a few remarks at the luncheon, his principal address will be delivered at night in Plankington hall, Auditorium, under the auspices of the Merchants and Manufacturers’ Association. The committee on currency, Walter S. Paddock, Edward C. Wall, Fred T. Goll, Elias H. Bottum, Frank M. Hoyt and Prof. William A. Scott will meet a committee of bankers on the afternoon of November 10th to perfect arrangements. The bankers’ committee consists of J. W. P. Lombard, William Bigelow and Frederick Kasten. Tx» New Bank for Macomb K. M. Whitham, vice-president of the Aledo Bank, Aledo, Illinois, visited Chicago on Wednesday. Mr. Whitham announces the organization of a new state bank at Macomb, Illinois, with a capital of $100,000. This bank will occupy the quarters formerly owned by the First National. Macomb is a growing little city, the county seat of McDonough county, situated in the heart of a rich agricultural district, with dense population, and the three banks already established in the city have met with substantial success. Mr. Whitham enjoys a wide acquaintance throughout the Military Tract District, being a member of the state board of trustees for the Bartonville Asylum, and is a man of broad business experience. Tx* Green Bay, Wis., Bank Robbed Green Bay, Wis., November 3.—Holding up the teller, Arthur D. Chateau, at the Farmer’s Exchange Bank this afternoon at the point of a revolver, a lone masked robber grabbed about $3,000 in cash and escaped. There was no one in the bank at the time except the teller. The police were notified at once that two men were seen driving rapidly in a South or Southeast direction along the Manitowoc road and officers in automobiles are now scouring the country. It is believed that the man had an accomplice who drove him away after the robbery. The Kansas Bankers’ Program Junction City, Kan., November 2.—The program for the meeting of Group Four of the Kansas Bankers Association, to be held in this city November 11 and 12, has been arranged, and includes addresses by Senator J. L. Bristow of Salina, Representative Calderhead, Henry Allen and ex־Governor Bailey. A banquet will be given in the Bartell House Thursday evening and Friday morning the visitors will be taken to Fort Riley. Group Four consists of bankers in the fifth and sixth congressional districts.