27 THE CHICAGO BANKER October jo, 1909] H. T. HOLTZ & CO. Municipal ■t J _ Railroad School I lOIKIS Corporation Furnishing Safe Investments for NATIONAL BANKS STATE BANKS TRUST COMPANIES SAVINGS BANKS ESTATES INSTITUTIONS We invite correspondence and inquiries relative to the Bonds owned and offered by us and shall be pleased to send our Descriptive Circulars on request, together with our latest publication entitled “FOR THE INFORMATION OF CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS.” 171 LA SALLE ST. Tel. Randolph 1170 CHICAGO GEljg Hakgmftg flreaa R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS CO. PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, BINDERS Telephones Harrison-350 Corner Plymouth Place and Polk Street CHICAGO, ILL. ЦЦй'ШШШЦ USA) XI Xk'Ák'lL£kJ±lLAkM AI At Al lAXlAtLAUI ¿i ÁUb AI ШШ SCHAUM ENGRAVING ׳S' PRINTING1 COMPANY SUCCESSORS TO 0 Engravers