23 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 30, 1909] Don’t Confuse Self=Cranking With “Starting On the Spark” Winton Six give it a fair show and crank it. ___________ If your car is a self-cranking Win-ton Six, you have the assurance that, by means of air pressure, you are starting the motor on the simplest, easiest and only mechanically perfect method known to the automobile world. And no matter how often you use your Winton Six air starter, you are never injuring the motor. This superiority of the Winton Six air starter is characteristic of the Winton Six from radiator to gasoline tank. Look it over. It will pay you to know about the car that holds the world’s record of 184,190 miles on $142.43 upkeep expense — expense that averages 77 cents per 1000 miles. The price is a revelation. $3000 for our 48-H.P., five-passenger, six-cylinder Winton Six is a figure that dismays competition. If you want maximum car value at minimum COSt, you’ll get our literature. It bristles with dollars-and-sense facts. That system is both uncertain and violent. To “start on the spark” there must already be gas in the cylinder. If the gas isn’t there, all the sparks in Christendom will not start the motor. Therefore, you are never quite sure whether “she’ll start” or not. But, assuming that you are fortunate enough to have gas in the cylinder—what happens? Just this—all the force of that charge of gas is shot against pistons that are standing dead still. The shock thus sustained by the entire train of pistons, the crank shaft and the bearings is like that suffered by a standing railroad car that is bumped by a locomotive going 20 miles an hour. If you value your car and mean to treat it with consideration (so that it will not be prematurely bumped upon the junk pile) don’t ever “start on the spark.” _________ If your car isn’t a self-cranking The Winton Six motor cranks itself. It is the only motor that cranks itself. Our self-cranking system is fully protected, and cannot be used on any other car. The Winton Six system is not only a great convenience in saving labor, annoyance and humiliation to the car owner, but also — It is the only natural method of starting the motor. In the Winton Six air pressure admitted to the cylinders causes the pistons to move through their various strokes. During this movement, which draws in fresh gas, the spark occurs, igniting the charge and causing the motor to begin its regular operations. Note that the pistons are already moving when the spark occurs. That’s important. Some cars are advertised to “start on the spark.” The Winton Motor Carriage Company, 100 Berea Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Winton Branch Houses (owned and operated by the company) in New York. Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Pittsburg, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and San Francisco. Winton Agencies in all important places. Member A. L. A. M. Licensed under Seiden Patent.