11 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 23, 1909] FOURTH STREET NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Capital - - - $3,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits 6,000,000.00 ־ UNEXCELLED COLLECTION FACILITIES CORRESPONDENCE INVITED R. H. RUSHTON, President E. F. SHANBACKER, 1st Vice-President B. M. FAIRES, 2nd Vice-President R. J. CLARK. Cashier W. A. BULKLEY. Assistant Cashier W. K. HARDT, Assistant Cashier FRANK G. ROGERS, Manager Foreign Exchange Department SHORT, STANTON & CO. DEALERS IN D TVT T\ O HIGH GRADE ±-> U ±\ U O MUNICIPAL— RAILROAD-CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL IRRIGATION Suitable for Banks, Individuals, Trust Funds and Estates Principal Secured; Income Assured Circulars describing offerings furnished on request CHICAGO CINCINNATI 533 First National Bank Building 1005 Fourth National Bank Building Telephone Central 6047 Telephone Main 1280 SuMier-Siekh Convertible Anastigmat f-6.8 There s No Lens to Equal It We have recently been comparing the Turner-Reich Convertible Anastigmat with the best lenses of other makers. We have compared it with the most expensive lens on the market, and we can honestly say the Turner-Reich is superior to any lenses we know of in every respect. The Series II Turner-Reich is the only Convertible Anastigmat with a working aperture of f-6.8 in all sizes. The single combinations show a finer correction than those of any other anastigmat lens. The Turner-Reich is unequalled in covering power, rapidity and the ability to produce absolute definition. Its construction is theoretically and practically perfect. Even the best German lenses do not reach the standard of the Turner-Reich. Order a Turner-Reich for 10 days trial and it will prove every word of the above claims. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR A CATALOGUE Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Company 817 Clinton Avenue, South, Rochester, N. Y. the members of the club upon the subject of currency. See Humor in Situation Residents of Oklahoma, whose state was so recently invaded by the investigating committee of the Wisconsin state legislature, the members of which have been freely quoted in the press as declaring the Oklahoma bank guaranty law a “failure,” are now poking much fun at that committee and ask that a comparison be made between the settlement made with the creditors of the Columbia Bank and the Mineral Point Bank of their own state. Death Claims Wisconsin Banker Leander Choate, of Oshkosh, died at his home at 9:15, Monday morning, October 18th, at the age of 75 years. Death resulted from injuries sustained in a runaway accident on July 27th. Mr. Choate was president of the Oshkosh Savings and Trust Company and in former years has been prominently connected with many of Wisconsin’s leading banking institutions. Closing Old Bank’s Affairs _ The Fidelity Trust Company, Milwaukee, assignee for the Plankington Bank, which failed June 1st, 1893, has petitioned the circuit court for permission to sell at auction the remaining assets of the bank. These assets consist of twenty-five lots in Whitefish bay, notes for $253,000 of Frank T. Day, president of the bank when it failed, a claim against Frank A. Lappen for $221,413, a judgment again Ferdinand Schlesinger, president of the Milwaukee Coke and Gas Company, and other notes and judgments amounting to approximately $100,000. New Bank in Pierce County Commissioner of Banking M. C. Bergh has approved the articles of incorporation of the Plum (Continued on page 15) of following and other questions: Are bankers’ meetings profitable and how can the association be of greater benefit to members? What form of advertising pays a bank? How can a small town entertain the group meetings ? Should group action be taken to govern overdrafts and exchange rates? Evening session—During the evening the Waukesha bankers have arranged for a banquet and smoker at the “Resthaven” hotel at 7 o’clock, on which occasion J. W. P. Lombard, Milwaukee, will serve as toastmaster and in addition to several short responses, Hon. M. G. Jeffries, Janesville, will speak upon “Postal Savings Banks.” The noon recess will be taken up by an automobile ride about the city. The present officers of the group are as follows: President, M. T. Alverson, Portage; vice-president, C. R. Carpenter, Racine; secretary-treasurer, H. A. Moehlen-pah, Clinton; additional members of council, W. H. Purnell, Kenosha and R. P. Breese, Waukesha. Will Hold Forty-sixth Meeting Judging from the number of responses to the invitations issued early last week by the Bankers Club of Milwaukee, their forty-sixth meeting will prove an enjoyable affair. The meeting will be held on the evening of October 23d, at the Milwaukee club house, dinner being served at 7:00 o’clock. The speaker of the evening will be Victor Morawetz, of New York, who will address HORNBLOWER & WEEKS *Bankers and Brokers Members of New York and Boston Stock Exchanges 3rd FLOOR, 152 MONROE ST. - CHICAGO packed around the vault doors so that all sound of the explosion was practically deadened. The bank uses a ‘party’ line telephone and it must have been just about this time that an urgent call was made for a physician upon the same line as the bank. At the same time a duck hunter passed along the opposite side of the street with his gun over his shoulder, and the combination of the man with the gun and the ringing of the telephone bell evidently frightened the thieves so that they left without securing any part of the $5,000 or more within easy grasp. The total damage will probably amount to about $800.” Program of Group Five Group No. Five, Wisconsin Bankers Association, will hold its fourth annual meeting at the “Resthaven” hotel, Waukesha, Friday, October 29th, and the following program has been issued to the bankers of southeastern Wisconsin by H. A. Moehlenpah, of Clinton, secretary of the group: Morning session, 10 o’clock—Call to order, M. T. Alverson, president of Group Five; address of welcome on behalf of the city, Mayor Glenn; address of welcome on behalf of Waukesha banks, A. J. Frame; response and annual address of the president, M. T. Alverson, Portage; report of secretary, H. A. Moehlenpah, Clinton; paper on “Real Estate Mortgages as Investment for Surplus Funds,” F. W. Thompson, Chicago; “Guarantee of Deposits as seen in Oklahoma,” J. K. Ilsley, Milwaukee; remarks, “Let George Do It,” George D. Bartlett, secretary, W. B. A. Afternoon session, 2 :30 o’clock—Paper, “Legality of Deposits made payable to either of two persons” and “Liability of Endorsers who signs in fulfillment of an oral promise,” by Attorney A. E. Matheson, Janesville. Address, “Central Bank,” Hon. George E. Roberts, ex-director United States mint. “Question Box Discussion”