[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 8 STATE BANK OF GHI6A60 THE FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL RANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. 427 CHESTNUT STREET Capital - $2,000,000.00 ־ ־ Surplus and Profits 1,348,000.00 ORGANIZED JANUARY 17, 1807 Dividends Paid - $12,847,000.00 OFFICERS Howard W. Lewis, President Henry B. Bartow, Cashier John Mason, Transfer Officer Oscar E. Weiss, Assistant Cashier ACCOUNTS OF INDIVIDUALS, FIRMS, AND CORPORATIONS SOLICITED PRESENT NUMBER OF STOCKHOLDERS 930 ESTABLISHED 1879 S. E. Corner La Salle and Washington Streets Capital - - - $1,500,000 Surplus and profits (earned) 1,500,000 Deposits over - - 20,000,000 OFFICERS L. A. GODDARD, President FRANK I. PACKARD, Asst Cashier JOHN R. LINDGREN, Vice-President C. EDWARD CARLSON, Asst. Cashier HENRY A. HAUGAN, Vice-President SAMUEL E. KNECHT. Secretary HENRY S. HENSCHEN, Cashier WILLIAM C. MILLER, Asst. Secretary YOUR CHICAGO BUSINESS RESPECTFULLY INVITED Jk, IN CINCINNATI ik With Resources of TWENTY-ONE MILLION DOLLARS And every facility for the satisfactory handling of Bank Accounts sNKr correspondence invited has all the qualities of the sterling young man who makes good. Ke was formerly with the Lincoln National and went from there to the Diamond and has always closely and intelligently applied himself to any matter at hand. Mr. Arnold lias been a leading figure in the American Institute of Banking and other banking organizations. Elect New Director Charles O. Kruger, president of the Rapid Transit Company, has been elected a director of the Northern National, Philadelphia, to succceed Henry Hess, deceased. Distributes Copies of Tax Law The Corn Exchange National of Philadelphia, is sending its numerous patrons copies of the new federal corporation tax law, approved on August 6th last. It is sub-headed under its important provisions, and is quite useful to every officer and stockholder of corporations subect to such taxes. Belmont Trust Company’s Growth The Belmont Trust Company, which began business last December in West Philadelphia, now has deposits of over $150,000 and about i,ioo depositors, including those in the savings department. Back at Desk after Illness Wm. McK. Reed, assistant cashier of the First National of Pittsburgh, is back at work after a long illness incident to an operation for appendicitis. Make Changes in Official Staff Directors of the Fidelity Title and Trust Company held a meeting last week, when a number of important changes were made in the official family. Charles L. Taylor was elected a member of the board, succeeding the late Robert Pitcairn, and H. S. A. Stewart was chosen second vice- Pittsburgh broker, have been convicted at Washington, Pa., and each sentenced to serve a term of eighteen months. The men were found guilty of attempting to defraud the bank. An attempt has already been put under way to secure the reversal of the verdict in the court of appeals. Both are well-known among Pittsburgh financiers. Changes Name to Union National At a meeting of the directors of the New Haven National, Connellsville, the name of that institution was changed to “Union National Bank of Connellsville.” The new name will go into effect when the approval of the comptroller of the currency is secured. The change of the name is made for business reasons. There were a number of names suggested. The new name received the endorsement of the entire board of directors. New Home for Textile National One of the finest banking houses in Philadelphia will be the new home of the Textile National, which is to be ready for occupancy in about five weeks. It is located at Kensington Avenue and Huntington Street. Constructed of terra cotta, with a granite base, and white in color, its Greek classic style will make it an imposing structure to adorn this portion of the city. The two floors, all used for bank purposes, the upper floor being the directors’ room. Surmounting the top of the building is a glass dome, in colors. The dimensions of the building are 40 by 100 feet, and the entire cost, including the land and the vaults is $60,000. Resigns Assistant Cashiership at Diamond National C. M. Arnold, for some years a capable and well-known assistant cashier of the Diamond National, has been elected secretary and treasurer of the Freehold Real Estate Company and has resigned at the Diamond National. Mr. Arnold The Merchants’ National of Philadelphia, reports the discovery of counterfeit ten dollar ($10) gold certificates not yet described in the official circulars. The local sub-treasury says it is printed on genuine paper, the silk fibre being identical with that in the genuine notes. The number of the above-mentioned note is A 3023912. The vignette of Hillegas is poorly executed, as is also the black ink work, but in rapid or careless handling it is likely to pass without detection. The note was forwarded from a New Jersey state bank and detected by William A. Teubner, money counter at the Merchants’ National. Annual Banquet of Bankers and Bank Clerks President Alexander Dunbar of the Bankers and Bank Clerks Mutual Benefit Association, has appointed two committees to look after the annual banquet of the organization which will be held at the Fort Pitt hotel November 15th. The committee to secure speakers for the occasion are: President Robert Wardrop, Peoples National Bank; President J. J. Donnell, Fidelity Title & Trust Company; President James S. Kuhn, First National Bank; President Joseph W. Marsh, Exchange National Bank; President A. W. Mellon, Mellon National Bank. The other committee will look after the banquet and is as follows: E. M. Seibert, Bank of Pittsburgh, N. A.; D. C. Wills, Diamond National Bank; J. S. M. Phillips, Fourth National; R. M. Baldridge, Union National Bank, McKeesport; H. S. Hershberger, West End Savings Bank & Trust Company; C. Clark Reed, Peoples National Bank; Alexander Murdoch, First National Bank; J. Frank Miller, First National Bank of Wilkinsburg. Cashier Sentenced Clifford Drum, former cashier of the National Bank of Coal Center, Pa., and Frederick Ward, a