25 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 16, !pop] Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK $1,800,000 ־ SURPLUS - - - 2,000,000 HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, Asst. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at-Law ROBERT D. ELWOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. El wood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W, FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY, FRANK S. WILLOCK, _ Clinton Iron & Steel Co. of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Brick Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, L. L. McCLELLAND, Chantier & McClung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Secretary J. S. & W. S. Kuhn, Inc. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa. FIRST r | ''HE advantages of Pittsburgh as a reserve ־■־ city, and the inducements for keeping reserve accounts of banks with the First National Bank of Pittsburgh, will be cheerfully discussed in person or by correspondence, by officers of this institution. $3,197,764.28 24,296,502.69 28,494,266.97 Capital, Surplus and Profits, Deposits, : : Resources, : : JAMES S. KUHN, President WILLIAM S. KUHN, Vice-President F. H. RICHARD, Cashier J. L. DAWSON SPEER, Vice-President T. C. GRIGGS, Asst. Cash. ALEXANDER MURDOCH, Asst. Cash. WM. McK. REED, Asst. Cash. Berry, practiced law, but his love for banking finally induced him to give to his bank his undivided attention. For twenty-five years, Mr. Berry has been the manager of a large real estate loan firm, and during that time has loaned more than $7,000,000 in farm loans without the loss of one cent, and he is consequently a firm advocate of farm loans for savings investments, and for commercial banks as well. He has never used commercial paper, but uses farm loans instead for most of his surplus funds. T** E. B. Jackson Mr. Jackson is the active secretary of Group io, Illinois Bankers, one of the best organized in the state. Like many Illinois bankers he was “born and bred” in the city where he is located and knows “everybody” without a card index. E. B. JACKSON Cashier Marion State and Savings Bank, Marion, Illinois He was an assistant cashier over at Morris City, then at Marion, with the Bank of Marion. When the Marion State & Savings Bank took over the Bank of Marion he went along as cashier and holds that important position to-day. He was active , in the group movement and now is secretary of No. io. F. W. LOCKWOOD Assistant Cashier City National, Kankakee, Illinois BANK ROBBERIES CONFINED CHIEFLY TO MIDDLE WEST ----- IS REPORT OF-- The Pinkerton National Detective Agency T)ROTECT yourself by installing the Reliance Burglar Alarm System. For banks, vaults, safes, buildings, etc. Dependable, reliable, Burglar-Proof, Fool-Proof. Installed, maintained and guaranteed by Burglar Alarm Experts. MANUFACTURED BY RELIANCE ELECTRIC CO. 548 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Incorporated Established 1905 Morse Prison Term is Upheld New York, October 12.—The United States Circuit Court of Appeals to-day affirmed the decision of the lower federal court sentencing Charles W. Morse, the former banker and steamship owner, to fifteen years’ imprisonment in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga. V* M. P. Berry Mr. Berry is a genius, for in a town of 2,500 people, with two other banks, he has over 3,200 savings accounts. He has 1,600 children’s accounts and his methods in a larger place would show wonders. Besides acting as cashier of the Dime Savings Bank Mr. Berry is a group enthusiast and is chairman of Group 8. In building M. p. BERRY Cashier Dime Savings Bank, Carthage, Illinois up his $300,000 deposits he uses 1,400 small banks. The bank does a commercial business also. Mr. Berry says postal savings banks, do not worry him any—he already has the business, and is not afraid to compete with “Uncle Sam.” Mr. Berry is a lawyer by profession, and for twenty years, with his brother, Senator O. F.