19 THE CHICAGO BANKER October !6, /pop] LISTING AND ADDING MACHINE THE WALES VISIBLE Manufactured at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., by the ADDER MACHINE COMPANY The Leading Features in which We Excel VISIBLE Writing :: VISIBLE Adding :: AUTOMATIC Correction Key :: AUTOMATIC Clear Signal, Easy Handle Pull, Rapid Work :: The UP-TO-DATE Adding Machine SAXE a HOGLE ■ CHICAGO Distributing Agents for Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Northern Minnesota and the* Northern Peninsula of Michigan j. b. & w. b. McKinley CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS Bankers and Brokers Capital, $50,000.00 CHARLES ZILLY, . . . Cashier THIS BANK HAS BEEN IN BUSINESS CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1876 A Condensed Statement of the Condition of the Lagrange state bank LA CRANCE, ILL. September 2, 1909 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in...... $50,000.00 Surplus Earned.............. 12,500.00 Undivided Profits............ 8,996.16 Demand Deposits............ 219,436.39 Time Deposits.............. 312,769.51 $603,702.06 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts........$315,279 91 Overdrafts....................... 93.58 Bonds....................... 188,466.87 Furniture and Fixtures_____ 334.88 Cash due from Banks........ 45,748.31 Cash in Vaults............... 53,778.51 $603,702.06 ESTABLISHED 1880 CAPITAL, $50,000.00 SURPLUS, $12,500.00 OFFICERS C. L. SACKETT, President CHAS. W. NORTHRUP, Vice-Pres. and Cashier HENRY SANDS, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS L. C. BASSFORD C. L. IVERSON F. C. MANDEL J. A. BRYDON A. H. KEMMAN CHAS. W. NORTHRUP F. D. COSSITT H. B. KILGOUR C. L. SACKETT 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits The Commercial National Bank of CHICAGO Statement of Condition at the Close of Business September 1,1909 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In - - - - - $ 7,000,000.00 Surplus Fund 2,200,000.00 Undivided Profits ------ 1,143,646.00 National Bank Notes Outstanding ... 2,766,000.00 Deposits 67,271,777.90 Total - - .... $80,381,423.90 $46,144,121.96 1,053.82 44,694.36 3,765,000.00 5,057,979.76 1,597,500.00 23,771,074.00 $80,381,423.90 RESOURCES Time Loans - $37,618,930.50 Demand Loans - 8,525,191.46 Overdrafts -------- Real Estste ------- U. S. Bonds at Par ־ Other Bonds ------- Stock Commercial Nat’l Safe Deposit Co. (Bank Building) ------- Due from U. S. Treasurer - - 482,800.00 Cash and Sight Exchange 23,288,274.00 - ־ Total ------- HARVEY C. VERNON...................................Assistant Cashier H. ERSKINE SMITH...................................Assistant Cashier CHARLES C. WILLSON..................................Assistant Cashier RALPH C. WILSON.....................................Assistant Cashier EDWARD M. LACEY............................Assistant Cashier OFFICERS EDWARD S. LACEY, Chairman of the Board ROBERT M. WELLS..................Vice-President W. T. BRUCKNER.......... Assistant to Vice-Presidents NATHANIEL R. LOSCH......................Cashier FRANK P. JUDSON.......................Secretary GEORGE B. SMITH..................Assistant Cashier GEORGE E. ROBERTS...............................President JOSEPH T. TALBERT..........................Vice-President RALPH VAN VECHTEN..........................Vice-President JOHN C. CRAFT..............................Vice-President DAVID VERNON...............................Vice-President