15 October i6, !pop] THE CHICAGO BANKER Located at MINNEAPOLIS, the portal to a rapidly developing empire, the Northwestern National Bank, in situation and strength, is the ideal reserve agent for banks and bankers beyond the Mississippi־ CAPITAL and SURPLUS FIVE MILLIONS TOTAL RESOURCES THIRTY-SEVEN MILLIONS Long’s English Literature No matter what book on the subject a boy or girl may be using in school Long’s English Literature will be a most valuable addition to his stock of books. It should be in every library whose owner cares for the correctness of his English or of his information about English writers. This book is a direct, simple, and interesting account of the great English writers, their works, and the literary periods׳ in which they are included. A sympathetic, scholarly atmosphere pervades the entire work. The information is clearly arranged, and displays a broad, penetrating knowledge of the subject. No English text-book in literature, of equal size, _ can compare in wealth and character of illustrations. The frontispiece—The Canterbury Pilgrims—is a lithograph, in ten colors and gold, of a copy from a manuscript in the British Museum. The quotations, outlines, summaries, historical introductions, complete indexes, and a good working bibliography are of inestimable value to students. Published by Ginn & Co., Chicago, New York and Boston at $1.50, including the mailing. Union Savings Bank The Union Savings Bank of Waverly, la., has been chartered with a capital, of $30,000. The officers are: C. L. Rigby, president; O. H. Evers and James J. Spear, vice-presidents, and C. H. Haesmeyer, cashier. Faithful and Able Service Remembered The Illinois bankers at Decatur were not too much engrossed with the central bank and the Phillips amendment to remember the faithful and careful assistant to Mr. Rinaman in the Chicago office during the past year. Mrs. Olive S. Jennings was elected assistant secretary with a comfortable advance in salary. The position is executive and she will have authority to affix the official signature of the association in Mr. Crampton’s absence. E. D. Durham The eloquent Col. Durham, of course, was delegated to thank the Decatur people for their matchless entertainment. He said in part: “In spite of wind and weather we have had a most splendid and profitable meeting in the fair city of Decatur. Be it resolved that our thanks are due in unlimited measure to the bankers of Decatur for the gracious attentions showered upon us and to the ladies, local press, clubs and hotels who have so successfully seconded their efforts. This was unanimously adopted. The newly organized Gonzales (Tex.) County State Bank has filed its charter. S. J. Elkins is to be the cashier. B. F. Harris Born in Champaign county 41 years ago, attended the University of Illinois and graduated with degree of LL. B. from Columbia College, New York City. Spent eight or ten years in electric street railway, lighting and gas property management, and in later years devoted himself to large farming, stock and banking interests. The Harris family own the First National of Champaign of which H. H. Harris (formerly president of the state association) is president, and his son, B. F. Harris, is vice-president. He is active in all matters for the interest and betterment of his city and county and is serving his third term as president of the chamber of commerce. His bank is about to let contract for handsome new stone and steel fireproof bank and office building to be one of the best and most complete buildings of its kind in the state. He has many friends among the Chicago bankers and business men. James A. Latta During the week James A. Latta of the Northwestern National, Minneapolis, was in the city on a brief business trip. He reports a good demand for money in the Northwest. State Convention Dates Address .Prescott..... Secretary . M. Goldwater. Association Place . .Arizona...........Globe---- Date October 21, 22, 23.