9 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 16, !pop] All Forms of Surety and Casualty Insurance in One Company CONSOLIDATED CASUALTY COMPANY IN THE HEART OF AMERICA ROBERT B. ARMSTRONG, President OFFICES: Entire 18th Floor, Majestic Bldg., Chicago, U. S. A. Capital $2,000,000 Surplus $2,000,000 Deposits $33,000,000 We solicit accounts ot banks and bankers and otter them our complete facilities for the handling of their out-of-town items W. B. WELLS, Vice-Pres. J. R. COOKE, Asst. Cash. R. S. HAWES, Asst. Cash. J. F. FARRELL, Asst. Cash. C. H. HUTTIG, President G. W. GALBREATH, Cash. D’A. P. COOKE, Asst. Cash. H. HAILL, Asst. Cash. Jlattonai 33ank of Commerce in jfleto fork is prepared to transact all branches of bomestic anb foreign banking. Accounts are soliciteb from banks, bankers, firms, corporations anb inbibibuals, tofjo map relp upon courteous consiberation anb the berp best terms that are consistent hath goob business methobs. Corresponbence is inbiteb. Capital, Surplus anb iHnbtbibeb profits ober $40,000,000.00 _____ Elected to Presidency E. McDonald has been appointed president of the First National of Coon Rapids, la., in place of A. Dixon; Jos. Dixon, vice-president in place of E. McDonald, and A. F. Greenwaldt, cashier, in place of George H. Dixon. V» Bank of De Queen The Bank of De Queen, Ark., elected the following directors: T. W. McCowan, M. F. Allen, Otis T. Wingo, C. C. Ray, and L. D. McCowan. T. W. McCowan was elected president; CARL HELLPENSTELL Vice-President and Cashier Peoples National Rock Island, Illinois M. F. Allen, vice-president; L. D. McCowan, cashier, and J. L. Henderson, assistant cashier. Ten per cent dividend was declared, chairman of his group, Mr. Turner has been a leader in opposition to deposit guaranty and postal bank vagaries. He is well and favorably known all over the state. Carl Hellpenstell Among the well-known bankers in attendance at the annual convention of the State Bankers Association at Decatur, was Carl Hellpenstell, vice-president and cashier of the Peoples National Bank of Rock Island, Illinois, who is serving the association as a member of the executive council. He has been several times one of the vice-presidents of the association and is recognized as a good worker for the upbuilding of the organization. Mr. Hellpenstell, who has been twenty-three years cashier of the above-named bank, is but 47 years of age, and was at the time one of the youngest cashiers in the state. He is also a member of the State Fire Insurance Commission recently appointed by Governor Deneen. Mr. Hellpenstell has attended almost all state meetings and has been announced by his friends as a candidate for chairman of the executive council for the 1910 meeting. V “The Motor Car and Its Engine” Every owner of an automobile will want John Batey’s new book, “The Motor Car and Its Engine,” published at $1.00 by the George W. Jacobs Co., Philadelphia. This is a practical treatise for motor engineers, owners and chauffeurs. It is a pocket edition and will earn its cost every week if carefully studied. It isn’t a trouble doctor only, but will enable an owner to well and carefully care for an engine so as to get fine and efficient service. CAPITAL & SURPLUS $1,000,000 Pays a rate of interest consistent wit! good banking Wisconsin Bank Out $210,000 Mineral Point, Wis., October 11.—The First National Bank of this city has discovered a shortage of $210,000, due to forgeries of notes. The bank officials spent until midnight trying to arrange affairs so that the bank would be able to continue in business, and the effort probably will be successful. The shortage was hidden by the placing of forged notes of local business men in the bank’s vaults. W. E. Turner Mr. Turner is a Group 7 man, resident at Tay-lorville. He, too, was an original group man and W. E. TURNER Cashier Farmers National, Taylorville, Illinois has had a big share in the work of building up his own group. He is cashier of the Farmers National, and comes of a banking family. As