15 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 9, 1909] Located at MINNEAPOLIS, the portal to a rapidly developing empire, the Northwestern National Bank, in situation and strength, is the ideal reserve agent for banks and bankers beyond the Mississippi. CAPITAL and SURPLUS FOUR MILLIONS TOTAL RESOURCES THIRTY MILLIONS The capital stock of this Bank will be increased on October 16,1909, to Three Million Dollars. Surplus, Two Million Dollars Death of G. F. Van Vechten The death of G. F. Van Vechten, the well-known banker at Cedar Rapids, last week, at 82, was the close of a useful life. Mr. Van Vechten was the founder of two of Iowa’s most successful banks and of many private fortunes through kindly assistance to young men. He was born in New York but lived in his adopted city for thirty-three years. Cedar Rapids has had no more useful citizen and greatly will his loss be felt by the community. *r» County Clearing House Association Medford, Ore., September 27.—The latest organization for Jackson county is the Jackson County Clearing House Association, composed of the four banks in Medford, three in Ashland, two in Jacksonville, one in Central Point and one in Gold Hill. The association has headquarters in Medford, and the officers are: E. V. Carter, cashier of the United States Bank, of Ashland, president; J. E. Enyart, president of the Medford National Bank, secretary. A social and business meeting of the association was held in Medford, attended by representatives of all the banks in the county. Following the business meeting, a banquet was given by the Medford Bank of Eastman The Bank of Eastman (Ga.) with a capital of $50,000 has been organized. The directors are: S. Herrman, president; A. G. Williamson, first vice-president; C. C. Hosford, second vice-president; J. D. Herrman, J. J. Harrell, S. J. Anderson, J. S. Nickolson and W. L. Jessup, of Eastman, and R. L. Kinchen, of Scotland. V• A new bank building is to be erected by che Farmers National at Cynthiana, Ky. A new secretary is to be elected to fill Mr. Rinaman’s place. No member of the council has any moral right, and probably no desire, to vote for any but a tried and well qualified man. Any other choice will be fatal to the future growth and influence of the Illinois association. V* Bank Saved by Guaranty New York, October 4.—The Oklahoma law guaranteeing bank depositors has been found to work successfully in the instance of the Columbia Bank and Trust Company, which failed for more than $3,000,000, according to a dispatch received from A. M. Young, Oklahoma bank commissioner. Mr. Young telegraphs: “The Oklahoma banking law is a complete success, even against the persistent opposition of a strong element of the other class of bankers. We adjust the affairs of an embarrassed state bank with perfect ease in a very few days and with no public clamor whatever. “Everybody is in good humor and conditions are normal. Other state banks are quiet and gaining in deposits.” V» James G. Goslee was elected cashier of the Carrollton (Ky.) National to succeed D. M. Bridges, deceased. president. He should be ex officio a member of the big council. Illinois has the oldest state association and could with propriety and credit to herself, start the movement. The state associations should be tied to the parent body. The chief recruiting officers of the A. B. A. are the state secretaries and yet, one of them who has distinguished himself by the number of new A. B. A. members sent in, was turned away at the door of the Auditorium theatre and told to “go up in the gallery.” This was a gross injustice. He should be entitled to sit with his state delegation and could in many cases be their official spokesman. R. L. Rinaman in one year has demonstrated the possibilities of a paid secretaryship for Illinois. Those who doubted have been convinced. In the language of the street, he has “made good.” He goes to an important banking position in St. Louis, not because of having been secretary for Illinois, nor because he sought the place. His old chief, Mr. Van Riper, entering a new field, wanted a man he knew and trusted. Every banker in Illinois will want to see Mr. Rinaman succeed in his new place. State Convention Dates Date Association Place Secretary Address October 12, 13 R. L. Rinaman ... October 21, 22, 23..,