October 2, içoç] THE CHICAGO BANKER Located at MINNEAPOLIS, the portal to a rapidly developing empire, the Northwestern National Bank, in situation and strength, is the ideal reserve agent for banks and bankers beyond the Mississippi. CAPITAL and SURPLUS FOUR MILLIONS TOTAL RESOURCES THIRTY MILLIONS The capital stock of this Bank will be increased on October 16,1909, to Three Million Dollars. Surplus, Two Million Dollars Mississippi Banks Jackson, Miss., September 24.—According to the statement issued to-day by Auditor E. J. Smith, there were on the first day of September 326 state banks in Mississippi, and their combined resources were $61,152,070.57, which is only $201,841.49 in excess of the resources shown by the auditor’s statement issued the first of last June, but there are several very interesting• items in the reports. Individual deposits show a falling ofif, having been $32,770,836.12 in June, while now that item is $26,986,507.74. Loans and discounts in June were $40,616,281.45 —now $43,753,512.89. The capital paid in June report was $12,765,038.72, while now it is $12,-699,204.42. The falling off in deposits is due to the cotton crop harvest. Chased Bandits from a Bank Des Moines, la.—The Farmers Savings Bank in Runnells was dynamited early Sunday morning, but citizens scared away the three bandits before they secured any money. A large hole was torn in the side of the bank building. From Runnells the men went to Adelphi, where they dynamited the postoffice, securing ten dollars’ worth of stamps and some money. The building was damaged. Officers pursued the three, who rode to Cordova on a handcar, later boarding a Wabash train for Pella. «׳^ Bank’s Bookkeeper Indicted New Haven, Conn., September 28.^Frederick H. Brigham, the former bookkeeper of the Merchants National Bank of this city, was indicted by the federal grand jury to-day on the charges of misapplication of $92,000 and of making false entries in the books. Will not Resume Business Pittsburgh, September 28.—In all probability no effort will be made by the Land Trust Company, controlling the Mercantile Trust Company, to resume business. Depositors will be paid in full, and stockholders will receive the amount of their investment later, according to statements of the bank officials last night. State Banking Commissioner Smith gave out a statement in Harrisburg last night in which he said the closing of the institutions had been by arrangement with the state, and he had appointed Thomas White, a bank examiner, as receiver. The state is also represented in Pittsburgh by Deputy Banking Commissioner John W. Morrison and Deputy Attorney-General J. E. B. Cunningham. Directors of the institutions held a meeting yesterday at noon, and while no conclusion was reached it was stated that the institutions would in all probability be liquidated, as affairs are in condition at this time for the speedy conduct of that operation. The Farmers Security Bank, Park River, N. D., has been incorporated with a capital of $20,-000 by J. H. Vorachek. Provident Savings Bank and Trust Co. Cincinnati, O., September 28.—The new banking house of the Provident Savings Bank and Trust Company, at Seventh and Vine, was opened yesterday under most auspicious conditions, The handsome banking room was banked with flowers, most of which were sent to the institution and its officers with notes of best wishes. President Kroger, Vice-Presidents E. W. Jewell and Lee J. Van Lahr, J. Ed Hodge and Harry Wehmer, secretary and treasurer and assistant secretary and treasurer, and the members of the board of directors acted as reception committee. Jesse Mayer, of the bond department; Glen Brown, of the real estate department, and Louis Silversack, of the safety deposit department, were also handsomely remembered by floral pieces from friends. The attendance at the bank exceeded all the expectations of the officials. It is estimated that not less than 50,000 persons visited the bank. Handsome souvenirs in the shape of metal mounted thermometers and paper weights were distributed. Flower girls pinned roses and carnations on each visitor. The reception began when the bank opened at 9 o’clock and continued until the doors were closed at 7 last evening. Address .. ..Louisville_ ,.. .Chicago.... ___Prescott..... State Convention Dates Date Association Place Secretary October 6, 7.......Kentucky..........Louisville..........Isham Bridges___ October 12, 13.....Illinois..........Decatur.,...........R. L. Rinaman___ October 21, 22, 23.Arizona...........Globe..........______ M. Goldwatçr..