11 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 2, 190p] FOURTH STREET NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Capital - $3,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits 6,000,000.00 ־ UNEXCELLED COLLECTION FACILITIES CORRESPONDENCE INVITED R. H. RUSHTON, President E. F. SHANBACKER, 1st Vice-President B. M. FAIRES, 2nd Vice-President R. J. CLARK, Cashier W. A. BULKLEY, Assistant Cashier W. K. HARDT, Assistant Cashier FRANK G. ROGERS, Manager Foreign Exchange Department SHORT, STANTON & CO. DEALERS IN TD A TVT T^\ Q HIGH GRADE -D U IN 1J О MUNICIPAL- RAILROAD-CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL IRRIGATION Suitable for Banks, Individuals, Trust Funds and Estates Principal Secured; Income Assured Circulars describing offerings furnished on request CHICAGO CINCINNATI 533 First National Bank Building 1005 Fourth National Bank Building Telephone Central 6047 Telephone Main 1280 THE STERLING WAGON t| The Sterling thirty horse-power shaft drive, fast truck and delivery wagon does the work of three teams, cuts down the number of employes and saves delays. It is made as a bank wagon fo r the transfer of clear -in g s and e x -changes. Sell Direct. THE STERLING VEHICLE COMPANY FACTORY AND GENERAL OFFICES AT HARVEY, ILLINOIS ICakrfitftr руган R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS CO. PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, BINDERS Telephones Harrison-350 Corner Plymouth Place and Polk Street CHICAGO, ILL. wholesale purchasing, we would welcome suggestions, and as we have already been ‘approached’ by some of the dealers we feel sure arrangements can be made to effect a saving in cost of such purchases. If the manufacturers can sell the goods without as great traveling expense they will undoubtedly be willing to make a concession in the price.” Banks Taking Out Insurance Nearly $200,000 worth of new insurance was written in one month by the insurance department of the Wisconsin Bankers Association, the following banks being the patrons: First National, Neenah; Bank of Downing, Downing; Bank of Two Rivers, Two Rivers; State Bank, Cleveland; State Bank, Medford; Bank of Hudson, Hudson; State Bank, De Pere; First National, Fond du Lac; Bank of Marshall, Marshall ; Lincoln County Bank, Merrill; State Bank, Plymouth; Citizens State Bank, Stanley. Two Handsome New Banks With the informal opening of the new Commercial and Savings Bank, Racine, September 25th, that city rejoices in one of the best equipped bank buildings in the state. The new bank occupies the corner at Main and Fifth streets and is a three-story structure. The exterior of the building is of blue Bedford stone and the architecture is of classic and handsome design. The interior of the banking room is finished in heavily veined Italian marble, and the cages and grille work are of statuary bronze of dignified and beautiful design. The rich mahogany wood work of the ladies’ and officers’ rooms, the mosaic floors, the artistic decorations, the chief motive of which—the classic laurel leaf—has been carried out in the electric light fixtures, (Continued on page 30) Meeting Place Left in Doubt Group No. Five, of the Wisconsin Bankers Association, appears to be having a difficult time to secure a meeting place for its annual meeting-scheduled to be held during the month of October. Janesville had been accepted as the appointed place but through some hitch in the proceedings the meeting will not be held there and Secretary George D. Bartlett will endeavor to secure some other city. Practically the only cities of any size where meetings have not already been held in former years are Waukesha, Portage and Beaver Dam. It is probable that one of these places will be finally selected. Wants Bankers to Co-operate The Wisconsin Bankers Association, through the medium of “The Tickler” published by Secretary George D. Bartlett, is making a strong bid for patronage for its purchasing department in the following: “There are undoubtedly 100 typewriters purchased by Wisconsin banks annually, and a quarter as many adding machines, burglar alarms, automatic cashiers, to say nothing of various other high-priced office necessities. “Co-operation in placing orders for insurance, bonds, and time-lock cleaning has saved the banks of our state thousands of dollars, and if the purchasers of these necessities would wish to continue such ‘savings departments’ by having us ascertain what can be done in the way of American Telephone and Telegraph Co. A DIVIDEND of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Friday, October 15, 1909, to stockholders of record at the close of business on Thursday, September 30, 1909. WM. R. DRIVER, Treasurer. The total number of banks is 465, an increase of five since the last preceding report on June 23d. The total resources and liabilities of the banks on September 1st, the date of the returns by the banks were $136,230,430.10—an increase of $3,682,850.42 over those of the June report. The statement also shows a decrease in undesirable items and an increase in desirable ones. Joins the Benedict Family Cards were issued September 27th for the marriage of Theodore C. Ebernau, assistant cashier of the Fond du Lac National, and Miss Theresa Maria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Galloway, the ceremony to take place October 9th. Mr. Ebernau went to Fond du Lac from Oshkosh two years ago having formerly been identified with the old National of that city. Milwaukee 1910 School Bonds The Milwaukee school board will take up the school bond issue for the ensuing year at a meeting to be held October 4th, in order that notice may be sent to the council before November 1st, in compliance with the law. The limit to which bonds may be issued under the city’s present financial status is $473,027.90, and Secretary Frank Flarbach states that the board could easily use double this sum to advantage for new schools and additions, if it were available. The net amount of school bonds outstanding on January 1, 1910, will be $1,734,250. One per cent of the assessed valuation of property, the limit to which bonds may be issued will be $2,322,277.90, leaving a margin of $588,027.90 for new bonds. From this, however, must be subtracted the $115,000 left out in the last school budget fight, and which will be issued next year, leaving the margin for new issues at $473.027.90.