23 THE CHICAGO BANKER September 25, !pop] “Silly Season” else, compare types, and remember that a car having less than six cylinders is three years, at least, behind the times. Compare cost of upkeep. Twenty Win-ton Sixes ran 184,190 miles (more than seven times around the earth) on $142.43 repair expenses. This expense, sworn to by the twenty owners, averages 77 cents per 1,000 miles. You won’t find its equal, because it is a world’s record. Then compare prices. Having found that the 48 horse-power Winton Six possesses every desirable quality a motor car can have, you’ll note that its price of $3,000 is lower than the price of any other quality car on the market. That’s because it is the Winton policy to give our buyers the benefit of our advantages and economies in manufacturing and selling. Our literature gives further helpful information. Write us today, all you buyers who are looking for your money’s wor;h in actual car-value. Automobile We have this season sold more cars than ever before on comparison with other makes. We bar no car at any price. Compare our 48 horse-power, six-cylinder motor with any other, on actual power, quietness, simplicity, durability, range of speed. All its working parts are housed from dust and dirt — means long life and absence of trouble. Has the best magneto and the best carburetor. Compare our oil-bathed, multiple-disc clutch with any other. Note how many makers use old-style clutches. Compare our four-speed, ball-bearing, selective transmission with any other. Note how many cars have but three speeds. Note an occasional “progressive” type. You can’t compare our self-cranking device, because the Winton Six is the only car on the market that cranks itself. Compare hill-climbing, slow work on high-gear, compare bodies, compare finish, compare workmanship, and, above all Passing of the BUYERS are getting down to brass tacks. Refusing now to pay for “prestige” they don’t get. Refusing to pay twice a car’s worth to support the maker's racing team, red tape, non-productive labor, over-capitalization, whoop-hurrah and extravagance. Refusing to buy on someone’s irresponsible say-so. Demanding their money’s worth in car-merit. _______ Because all that anybody’s money can actually buy is A CAR. Consequently, wise buyers insist that the merit of the car they buy must equal the price they pay. Buyers are “easy marks” no longer. They know what makes a car worth its price. They compare cars first and prices afterward. That squeezes the water out of fancy figures. THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. 100 Berea Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Please send Winton Six literature to THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. Member A. L. A. M. CLEVELAND, U. S. A. Winton Branch Houses (owned and operated by the company) in New York, Boston,Thiladelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and San Francisco.