9 THE CHICAGO BANKER September 25, 2909־] All Forms of Surety and Casualty In surance in One Company ROBERT B. ARMSTRONG, President OFFICES: Entire 18th Floor, Majestic Bldg., Chicago, U. S. A. Capital $2,000,000 Surplus $2,000,000 Deposits $33,000,000 We solicit accounts oi banks and bankers and otter them our complete facilities lor the handling of their out-ol-town items W. B. WELLS, Vice-Pres. J. R. COOKE, Asst. Cash. R. S. HAWES, Asst. Cash. J. F. FARRELL, Asst. Cash. C. H. HUTTIG, President G. W. GALBREATH, Cash. D’A. P. COOKE, Asst. Cash. H. HAILL, Asst. Cash. Rational Bank of Commerce in Jieto ?Jork is prepared to transact all branches¡ of bomesttc anb foreign banking. Accounts are soliciteb from banks, bankers, firms, corporations anb inbibibuals, tofjo map rein upon courteous consiberation anb the berp best terms that are consistent hath 200b business methobs. CorreSponbence is inbiteb. Capital, Surplus anb ®nbibibeb ;profits ober $40,000,000.00 C. Frank Spearin Whereas, Mr. C. Frank Spearin, a charter member of Chicago Chapter, American Institute of Banking, is known to be a candidate for the office of secretary of the Illinois Bankers Association, and Whereas, Mr. Spearin, through the eight years of his connection with the chapter, has demonstrated unquestionably executive ability and capacity for organization, and has shown particular adaptability for the task of increasing membership and stimulating interest in chapter affairs, therefore Be it resolved that this chapter of nine hundred bank men of Chicago and vicinity in general meeting assembled this fourteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and nine, extend the greetings of this organization to the executive council of the Illinois Bankers Association and request that they give to the candidacy of Mr. Spearin their most careful consideration, and Be it further resolved that these resolutions be made a part of our permanent records and our secretary be instructed to forward a copy thereof to each member of the executive council of the Illinois Bankers Association. Charles Gates Dawes Mr. Dawes came over to test the actual "candle power,” figuratively, of the big A. B. A. body. He remained to hear and this was the verdict: “The gathering assembled here is one of the most important that could have been called together in Chicago. The men who meet to discuss affairs are the conservators of the wealth of the nation. Their deliberations cannot but be of profound public interest.” V* The Park Savings Bank, Birmingham, Ala., has been organized with a capital of $50,000. W. H. Saunders is president. sessions of the conference of commissioners on uniform state laws, at which have been perfected uniform laws on the subjects of warehouse receipts, bills of lading and transfer of title to stock certificates. “In connection with the work of the committee on bills of lading, the standing law committee, the savings bank law committee, the committee on trust company laws, the voucher check committee and other committees of the association, many meetings have been attended and legal briefs and other documents prepared, the details of which need not be given. “In conclusion, general counsel desires to express his appreciation of the hearty co-operation which has been given him by the general officers and members of committees of the association, as well as by the secretaries and legislative committeemen of the state bankers’ associations.” V* Merchants and Farmers Bank The Merchants and Farmers Bank, Holly Springs, Miss., elected the following officers and directors; John E. Anderson, president; W. C. McCrary, vice-president; S. W. Mullins, cashier; A. Q. Greer; M. A. Green, L. A. Rather, C. C. Stephenson, T. W. Raymond, J. C. Totten, R. Shumacker, David McCleary, Addison Craft, John E. Anderson. A dividend -of 16 per cent was declared by the stockholders of the institution. Open Branch Banks The Merchants Bank of Canada opened the following branches: Sidney, B. C., A. B. Halstead, acting manager; Viking, Albert, N. S. Mackenzie, acting manager, Killam, Alta; subagency to Sedgewick, Muirkirk, Ont.; subagency to West Lome. ! CAPITAL & SURPLUS $1,000,000 Pays a rate of interest consistent ml¡2 good banking most primeval forest, mingle the oldest and newest civilizations. The far Occident and the far Orient are bartering learning as well as goods and many religions, philosophies and cults come together to broaden all and militate for the millenium of universal brotherhood. Thomas B. Paton One of the best things the American Bankers Association ever did was to put Thomas B. Paton in the saddle. As legal adviser he has been a notable success. In closing his annual report Mr. Paton said : “In the progress of his work, general counsel has accumulated the banking laws of all the states, together with the latest amendments ; also the current decisions affecting banks and banking transactions which have been arranged and classified, the whole constituting a bureau of legal information for ready reference. “During the year, 127 legal opinions have been prepared for various members of the association on questions of banking law arising in their business, and in addition a large and constant correspondence has been conducted conveying information on various legal and banking subjects and in relation to the work of committees and sections. “Considerable time has been given in the way of legal editorship of the Journal of the association and of the Bulletin of the American Institute of Banking, and constant service has been rendered the institute in the legal branch of their educational work, including the delivery of thirteen lectures on subjects of banking and commercial law. “In the matter of bank burglary insurance, six companies have been led to insert in their policies clauses which insure the bank in event of “night hold-ups,” a kind of loss wTiich has not heretofore been covered. This is the result of agitating the subject in the Journal. “A considerable number of legislative committee hearings upon measures of interest to the association have been attended, as well as all the