Gl CHICAGO BANKER THE September 18, 1909] The Black Hawk National of Waterloo, Iowa one of the largest banks in Southern Iowa, the State Central Savings Bank of Keokuk. He is a man of force, and will add much to the already strong management of this progressive institution. The directorate of the Black Hawk National is considered the wealthiest directorate of any bank in the city. Being made up of men of commercial capacity, of conservative temperaments. his detailed attention to the varied interests of the bank, and together with the president and cashier, has the management of the bank and the responsibility of passing on credits. He is one of the organizers of the Black Hawk National and also of the Bank of Latimer some years ago. He was formerly interested in the Reinbeck State Bank, of Reinbeck. Iowa. Dr. Powers also is the medical director of the Iowa Life Insurance Co., as well as a member of the directorate. Charles W. Knoop, an efficient cashier, has been with the bank for the past five years. He formerly was cashier of the First National of Gardner, and prior to that was connected with the First National at Waterloo, Iowa. Not a little of the successful growth of the bank has been due to his counsel and painstaking efforts No bank of its age in the whole country has attracted so much attention as has the Blackhawk National of Waterloo, la., on account of its solid, substantial progress. At the end of six years it ranks with those half a century in business. F. F. McElhinney, who is president of the bank, is a man of varied interests, largely commercial, investments being principally in banks and real estate. ׳ He devotes his personal attention to the BLACK H AWK NATIONAL BANK Waterloo, Iowa President presidency of the Blackhawk National only. His banking interests, however, extend through a number of banks in Iowa and some in Illinois. The Black Hawk National, while being a bank of only a few years’ growth, is now much larger than any bank in Waterloo was at the organization of the bank six years ago. Their gain in deposits during the past year has exceeded $225,-000. The bank’s slogan or motto, which was E. A. FRENCH Assistant Cashier First National of Aiken ^ The stockholders of the First National, Aiken, S. C., have organized with the following temporary officers: President, T. G. Croft; vice-president, B. Sherwood Dunn; cashier, R. L. Gunter. The following are the directors: B. Sherwood Dunn, T. G. Croft, Esq., R. L. Gunter, Esq., T. G. Croft, M. D., J. W. Lybrand, I. J. Ward, and R. F. Mulligan. as well as his courteous treatment of its large clientage. This is conceded by all. He has been engaged in banks in various channels for the past eighteen years and is now one of the most valuable assets of the institution. E. A. French, assistant cashier, came to the bank only recently. He formerly was cashier of the Bank of Collins, Iowa, and prior to that time was, for a number of years, connected with THE MARKET CHART COMPANY INVESTMENT SPECIALISTS 259 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO Reviews and Forecasts of Financial and Trade Conditions. Correspondence of Bankers invited. CHARLES W. KNOOP Cashier adopted after a spirited contest for a premium, is “The Bank of Stability and Progress.” The bank demonstrated its progressive spirit by erecting an eight-story bank and office building at an expenditure of one quarter of a million dollars. Mr. McElhinney is also ])resident of the Iowa Life Insurance Co., an old line institution organized with $125,000 capital and surplus. Dr. F. W. Powers, active vice-president, gives Dr. F. W. POWERS Active Vice-President and all engaged in an active business career, it adds greatly to the commending influence and the prestige in which this institution is held, not only in the bank's immediate clientage, but in the minds of the bankers as well in Northeastern Iowa. The bank has a very favorable outside banking clientage in addition to its local customers, which is the best of evidence of its stability and of satisfactory service rendered.