[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 52 Fort Dearborn National Bank CHICAGO UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY $1,000,000 $400,000 SEPTEMBER 1, 1909, $12,895,614 SEPTEMBER 1, 1908, $ 1 0,8 9 7,3 6 2 CAPITAL . SURPLUS and PROFITS DEPOSITS Our facilities for handling the business of banks are so good and terms so favorable, we believe we can please the most exacting. If you are interested we shall be pleased to submit a proposition upon request NELSON N. LAMPERT, Vice President GEO. H. WILSON, Assistant Cashier COLIN S. CAMPBELL, Assistant Cashier WM. A. TILDEN, President HENRY R. KENT, Cashier CHARLES FERNALD, Asst. First National Bank of Buchanan County ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI CAPITAL, . . $500,000.00 SURPLUS, . . 300,000.00 WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS President Vice President . Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier OFFICERS CHARLES PASCHE, J. T. TRENERY, E. C. HARTWIG, W. F. MAXWELL, R. S. BRITTAIN, . H. W. FUELLING, W. D. SPEELMAN, In Milwaukee We make a specialty of handling inactive accounts on libera] terms. Are you interested? If so, write us. M erchants an¿ BANK Manufacturers Centrally Located. OF MILWAUKEE Grand Ave. and Second St. Officers L. M. Alexander, President W. S. Paddock, Vice-President J. F. Conant Vice-President M. A. Graettmger, Cashier E. C. Knoernsclnld, Assistant Cashier Directors Fred Doepke, Pres. Wrought Washer Mfg. Co. M. A. Graettinger, Cashier. Nathanael Greene, Real Estate. John McNaughton, President Commercial National Bank, Appleton. W. S. Paddock, President Cream City Sash & Door Co. H. W. Schwab, Grocer. G. A. Seefeld, Suelflohn & Seefeld. L. M. Alexander, Vice President and Treasurer, Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Company. H. P. Andrae, Treas., Julius Andrae Sons Co. J. C. Bradley, President Milwaukee Stove W^orks. J. F. Conant, President, J. F. Conant Mfg. Co.