47 THE CHICAGO BANKER September !8, !pop] The Trust Company of Cuba HAVANA Capital and Surplus $550,000.00 COMPLETE BANKING FACILITIES TRUST DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT We invite correspondence with a view of handling all your collections and other banking business in Cuba. PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE NORMAN H. DAVIS, O. H. HORNSBY, Vice President & Genl. Mgr. Secretary & Treasurer J. M. HOPGOOD, W. M. WHITNER, Assistant Treasurer Mgr. Real Estate Dept. J. A. G. LANUZA, President J. F. SHERMAN, Second Vice President able to protect its depositors who are ignorant of the real value of their property, which others, wiser than they, are seeking to buy below its value. It should protect them when tempted to place their little capital in questionable enterprises advertised under “Business Opportunities” in the daily press. It should go farther and warn the spendthrift when he is rapidly frittering away the little hoard laid aside for his benefit by the self-denial of his parents. It should be able to reconcile family difficulties; many domestic problems have been aired in our offices—a few at least have been solved; young married folk who find it difficult to make the necessary adjustments (financial and otherwise) during the first year or so of married life, frequently need friendly counsel. Many such as these have been helped over thorny places. The session concluded with a paper by Robert M. Rother, of Baltimore, on “Partial Payments Compared with Sinking Funds.” The Cowboy State Bank, Shafter Lake, Tex., is the title of the new chartered institution capitalized at $10,000. B. M. Irwin and others are interested. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY The Cedar Rapids National Bank Cedar Rapids, Iowa Continues to offer to Iowa Banks and Bankers the services of a progressive and conservatively managed bank, having adequate facilities and thoroughly equipped in its every department. OFFICERS A. T. Avf.rill, President Kent C. Ferman, Cashier G. F. Van Vechten, Vice Pres. Louis Visha, Ass’t Cashier Ralph Van Vechten, Vice Pres. Martin Newcomer, Ast.Csh. A. R. Smouse, Auditor JAS. KEEBLE President Elgin National, Elgin, Texas ceived the benefits derived from those who are more contented since they have become an active part in the great financial system of this country. Edward L. Robinson on the Department of Mercy “The Department of Mercy” in a savings bank should throw its protecting arms about our unfortunates and incompetents; it should be able to give intelligent and disinterested advice in the investment of money; it should point out the dangers of the financial pestilence which lurks underneath so many magazine articles exploiting schemes of acquiring rapid wealth. It should be money gets tight the bank simply stops making loans. Experience has shown that a million dollars in mortgages of this form will bring in from $15,000 to $35,000 in cash each month. This, of course, includes extra payments and cancellations; and this income, which can be counted on, will often prevent the calling of good loans in the other form. Edward B. Carney on Branch Savings Banks The legislature of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, during the session of 1908, codified, revised and amended the laws relative to savings banks and institutions for savings. Very few of the old laws were stricken out, but a number of new ones were added. One of the important amendments to the statutes was that allowing savings banks to receive deposits outside of the banking rooms. We believe that the benefits derived from the experiment warrant its continuance for three reasons: First, the spirit of saving and confidence in our savings banks have been brought to the operative; second, the amount of deposits in the savings bank has been healthfully increased, and, third, the operators of these factories have re- THE OTTUMWA NATIONAL BANK OTTUMWA, IOWA Capital, $100,000 Surplus, 75,000 Will render genuine service to all those having business in Ottumwa and vicinity. J. B. IWOWREY, L. E. STEVENS, R. W. FUNK, President Cashier Ass’t Cashier