37 THE CHICAGO BANKER September 18, 1909] RESOURCES OVER FIVE MILLION DOLLARS THE needs of banks and bankers carrying accounts with the Chicago Savings Bank & Trust Company receive the personal attention of our officers, who give the most careful consideration thereto, and render a service that adequately meets the individual requirements of each correspondent. OFFICERS PRESIDENT LUCIUS TETER VICE-PRESIDENT EDWARD P. BAILEY VICE-PRESIDENT JOHN A. McCORMICK CASHIER HOUSTON JONES ASST. CASHIER WM. M. RICHARDS SECRETARY LEVERETT THOMPSON DIRECTORS E. P. BAILEY National Malleable Castings Co. CHAUNCEY B. BORLAND Real Estate H. K. BROOKS American Express Co. PRENTISS L. COONLEY Link Belt Co. ROBERT B. GREGORY Pres. Lyon & Healy WM. G. HIBBARD, JR. Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. HENRY H. HILTON Ginn & Company JOHN E. JENKINS Jenkins, Kreer & Co. CLAYTON MARK National Malleable Castings Co. RUDOLPH MATZ Matz, Fisher & Boyden, Attorneys WM. E. O’NEILL Attorney JOS. E. OTIS Western Trust and Savings Bank C. D. PEACOCK, JR. C. D. Peacock, Inc. CHAS. H. ReQUA ReQiia Bros. DANIEL B. SCULLY D. B. Scully Syrup C >. LUCIUS TETER President GEO. H. WEBSTER Retired WALTrA H. WILSON Comptroller City of Chicago 3% INTEREST ON DORMANT ACCOUNTS In addition to inviting active accounts, we pay 3 per cent, interest on dormant deposits in round amounts and forward draft for the payment of interest on the last day of each month. These reserve accounts are presumably inactive, but are always paid upon demand. Thus the funds are quickly available, and at the same time bear a satisfactory rate of interest. BOND DEPARTMENT This bank has a thoroughly organized Bond Department, which it cordially places at the disposal of those institutions seeking suitable securities for the investment of their funds.