[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 32 The Continental National Bank of Chicago Capital, - - $9,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits, 5,000,000.00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. OGDEN ARMOUR President Armour & Co. JOHN C. BLACK Formerly President Continental National Bank HENRY BOTSFORD Packer E. J. BUFFINGTON President Illinois Steel Company ALBERT J. EARLING President Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. B. A. ECKHART President Eckhart & Swan Milling Co. E. H. GARY Chairman U. S. Steel Corporation JOHN F. HARRIS Harris, Winthrop & Co. WILLIAM J. HENLEY President Chicago & Western Indiana R. R. Co. FRANK HIBBARD Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Wholesale Hardware EDWARD HINES President Edward Hines Lumber Co. W. H. McDOEL President Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. Co. SAMUEL McROBERTS Treasurer Armour & Co. JOY MORTON Joy Morton & Co. ALFRED H. MULL1KEN President Pettibone, Mulliken & Co. T. P. PHILLIPS Formerly President Federal Trust & Savings Bank E. A. POTTER President American Trust and Savings Bank GEORGE M.REYNOLDS President E. P. RIPLEY President Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ALEX. ROBERTSON Vice President WM.C. SEIPP Capitalist CHARLES H. THORNE Montgomery Ward & Co. F. E. WEYERHAEUSER Lumberman and Pine Land Owner, St. Paul, Minn. OFFICERS George M. Reynolds President Edwin A. Potter Vice President Alex. Robertson Vice President James R. Chapman Vice President Herman Waldeck Vice President Wm. G. Schroeder Cashier Charles S. Castle Acting Cashier F. H. Elmore Asst. Cashier Wilber Hattery Asst. Cashier J. R. Washburn Asst. Cashier Wilson W. Lampert Asst. Cashier Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Manufacturers, Merchants and Individuals Invited The American Trust and Savings Bank Capital $3,000,000.00 OFFICERS - Secretary Assistant Secretary Mgr. Bond Dept. Frank H. jones William P. Kopf George B. Caldwell - President Vice President Vice President Edwin A. Potter George M. Reynolds John J. Abbott A Thoroughly Equipped Savings Bank, Trust Company and Bond Department The Capital Stock of this Bank is owned by and held in trust for the stockholders of The Continental National Bank of Chicago