21 THE CHICAGO BANKER September !8, /pop] □ a □ ♦ UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY ♦ The First National Bank Mason City, Iowa Capital and Surplus -—-—— DEPOSITS —— $327,821.26 $1,849,045.32 C. H. McNIDER, President O. T. DENISON, Vice-President C. A. PARKER, Ass't Cashier W. G. C. BAGLEY, Cashier R. P. SMITH, Ass’t Cashier Customers and Correspondents Assured of Every Courtesy and Accommodation Consistent with Conservative Methods ^ Safety Deposit Vaults YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED □ ♦ □ |c=ioi=3|[01|(־־־״׳......toi.......j||51[t-_______ioi==>1[ö11c=io> ־i][ö]|c״ tc» >|[ô]|c toi=z>|[ö1[c==io) 3l|ö־l|c=3of=51 i o D Peoples Trust ^ Savings Bank p o D CLINTON, IOWA o o o Capital - $300,000.00 Surplus - $235,000.00 LARGEST BANK IN CLINTON COUNTY o o o J. H. INGWERSEN, President C. F. ALDEN, L. LAMB, C. B. MILLS, Vice Presidents W. W. COOK, Cashier J. L. BOHNSON, Ass t Cashier D i ♦ An Up-to-Date, Conservative, Commercial and Savings Bank that Makes a Specialty of Collections and Bank Accounts |c=ioi=3|[01l<---io!---->|[o]|c toi===?1[ô1|c==io) ilföllc- io! ■>lföl|c-------■1qe=zd|[ö|[(^—loi-----51[o]|(=io]fzn 0 I ♦