27 THE CHICAGO BANKER September uvipop] Costs nothing to see it Popular on the links The Rustless Steel Golf Club e־< I in w a, ei o p w n s< _____________ H. T. HOLTZ & CO. Railroad Corporation School Bonds TRUST COMPANIES INSTITUTIONS Furnishing Safe Investments for STATE BANKS ESTATES NATIONAL BANKS SAVINGS BANKS We invite correspondence and inquiries relative to the Bonds owned and offered by us and shall be pleased to send our Descriptive Circulars on request, together with our latest publication entitled “FOR THE INFORMATION OF CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS.” CHICAGO Tel. Randolph 1170 171 LA SALLE ST. 5iirner-51deh Convertible Anastigmat f6.8־ There’s No Lens to Equal It We have recently been comparing the Turner-Reich Convertible Anastigmat with the best lenses of other makers. We have compared it with the most expensive lens on the market, and we can honestly say the Turner-Reich is superior to any lenses we know of in every respect. The Series II Turner-Reich is the only Convertible Anastigmat with a working aperture of f-6.8 in all sizes. The single combinations show a finer correction than those of any other anastigmat lens. The Turner-Reich is unequalled in covering power, rapidity and the ability to produce absolute definition. Its construction is theoretically and practically perfect. Even the best German lenses do not reach the standard of the Turner-Reich. Order a Turner-Reich for 10 days trial and it will prove every word of the above claims. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR A CATALOGUE Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Company 817 Clinton Avenue, South, Rochester, N. Y. John Burianek, Jr. Newly born babies in Cedar Rapids are being-presented with a beautiful token coin, “good for 50 cents,” with which to open a savings account at the Peoples. John Burianek, Jr., the handsome bachelor cashier, is the donor. The plan works “while you sleep,” and the account draws 4 per Union Trust Increases Capital Stock At a meeting of the stockholders of the Union Trust Company, Chicago, the capital stock of the institution was increased from $1,000,000 to $1,-200,000. The $200,000 of new stock will be delivered to the shareholders within a few days as a stock dividend of 20 per cent on their old holdings. The last official figures published by the Union Trust showed surplus and undivided profits amounting to $1,188,000 against its $1,000,-000 of capital. After the change now ordered the bank will have $1,200,000 of capital and a surplus of about $1,000,000. The book value of the stock after the increase will be about $183 a share. The Union Trust Company is one of the oldest banks in the city. Its deposits are now upwards of $14,500,000. For the last few years it has paid dividends of 8 per cent per annum on its stock, and it is stated that the same rate will be continued on the increased capitalization. F. FI. Rawson, president of the bank, owns a majority of the stock, and the rest is in the hands of a comparatively few strong interests. V The American Savings Bank, Lansing, Mich., is being organized with a capital of $100,000. W. K. Prudden, R. H. Scott and others are interested. tracted not a little attention by a unique window display. This consisted of a gigantic American flag, the red stripes of which were covered with new Lincoln pennies. There were 8,000 of the latter on display. Miss Corinne Hutchison, daughter of President S. T. Hutchison of the First National at Lake City, was married to C. H. Zybell at the home of the bride’s parents at Lake City. A. H. Gale, a well known Mason City banker, had a narrow escape from death when his automobile leaped a ditch and jumped an embankment. Mr. Gale was driving the machine and tire steering rod broke. The auto was wrecked. James Watt, president of the German Savings, Des Moines, is traveling abroad. His latest letter was mailed at Paris. The Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland, lias filed in district court, suit for $5.020.90 against Carl Spencer, defaulting teller of the Des Moines National for whom it had gone security. Miss Leo G. Crowe, only daughter of E. L, Crowe, banker at Mapleton, was married to L. H. Salinger, a well known attorney at Carroll. V Stock Exchange Secretaryship Some of the more influential members of the governing committee of the Chicago Stock Exchange say there will be no haste in selecting a successor to the late William B. Wrenn. Ford R. Carter is acting as chairman and secretary to the general satisfaction, and the organization is such that there is no immediate need for the selection of a new officer. It is the intention to look the ground over thoroughly and find a man qualified in all ways for the position. Cedar Falls to checks drawn upon the Commercial National at Waterloo. The girl admitted her guilt and declared that she is only one of a gang that has been practicing the handwriting of other people. Insurance Man Elected to Directorship George Van Evera, well known insurance man and member of the firm of Robinson & Van Evera, has been elected a member of the board of directors of the Iowa National of Des Moines to succeed H. K. Butler who resigned recently because of other business affairs, although retaining his financial interest in the institution. Mr. Butler is a resident of Chicago. Practical Joke ? Cashier Harry Blackburn of the Iowa National was somewhat surprised to receive a letter from Charles A. Stone of the American Hippodrome Company of Troy, N. Y., stating that a Nubian lion had been shipped Mr. Blackburn. He thinks he is the victim of a practical joke but he isn’t sure. Bank Clearings Bank clearings for the week ending September 4th reached a total of $3,553,941.64, an increase over the clearings for the corresponding week last year of $1,265,662.63. The state fair business is ascribed as one reason for this remarkable gain of nearly 60 per cent. Banking Notes R. T. Wellslager of the Central State of Des Moines, underwent a serious operation for gall stones and although 75 years old, will probably recover. Mr. Wellslager is the oldest banker in point of service in Des Moines. He began in the business in May, 1863. The Union Savings at Davenport recently at-