The CHICAGO BANKER A Weekly Paper Devoted to the Banking and Financial Interests of the Middle West 10 CENTS A COPY L. T. McFADDEN Cashier First National, Canton, Pennsylvania Vancouver Trust and Savings Bank Vancouver, Wash.—The Vancouver Trust and Savings Bank has been incorporated by E. F. Bouton, Frank Eichenlaub, T. H. Adams and A. 11־. Fletcher of Vancouver, and R. D. Alton and F. H. Perkins of Portland, with $30,000 capital stock, and will open a bank here. V National Bank of Palouse The National Bank of Palouse, Wash., has been organized with a capital of $50,000. R. P. Ward is president; A. L. Hill, vice-president, and Geo. C. Jewett, cashier. John L. Hamilton John L. Hamilton is a labor saver. Fie has received so many letters from one Chicago candidate for secretary of the Illinois Bankers Association and from members of the Press Club in his behalf, that he adopted a form letter to send in response. He tells them all that he is for Crampton first and last. Mr. Hamilton says down staters generally look upon Crampton as an ideal selection for a most important position and as being in some sense only a delayed first choice. The Council Club The speakers’ list at the first annual banquet of the Council Club is of national character. Speaker Cannon and Chairman Vreeland will top the column. Clark Williams and Walker Hill will be end men and Robert J. Lowry and Joseph G. Brown will be interlocutors. Governor Deneen and George M. Reynolds will have monologues. Besides there will be a quartette and an orchestra. Ladies will be present, which probably settles that question for good. In that feature will eventually be great strength. The attendance will be almost unanimous. Entered as Second-Class Matter January 15, 1903, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3, 1879 WILLIAM B. HUGHES Secretary Nebraska Bankers Association while the cash resources dropped $2,844,000 to a total of $158,862,000. The banks now hold cash means equivalent to about 39.4 per cent of their total deposits. Chapter Meeting The first meeting of the fall season will be held by Chicago, Chapter on Tuesday evening, September 14th. Judge Karel, of the Probate Court, Milwaukee, will deliver an illustrated stereopticon lecture on “A Trip through Alaska.” Interest in the Institute degree has been revived and a special committee composed of C. Frank Spearin of the law committee, E. J. Goit of the educational committee, and Roy C. Osgood will report on the matter. Probably a special lecture course will be decided upon if it can be financed. Director Allen will be in consultation with them on the subject. Presentation of medals to winners of field and track meet, by E. B. Mann, chairman of athletic committee, followed bv delegates’ reports of the Seattle convention. All bankmen and their ladies are invited as guests of Chicago Chapter at this opening meeting, Tuesday night, 8 P. M. sharp, at Assembly Hall, Northwestern University Building, Lake and Dearborn streets. Reception and Entertainment Committee: Seattle Convention Delegates. H. E. Herrick, Chairman Reception Committee: R. B. Fuessle, Chairman Entertainment Committee. Carriages at 10:15 P• M. ry New Bank for Fargo A new bank will soon be opened at Fargo, N. D., to be known as the Scandinavian Bank and Trust Company. It is being organized bv Karl Norvale, M. A. Baldwin. R. M. Hamilton, W. A. Larson, and other prominent men. The main office will be located in Bismarck or some other central point. Mr. Norvale will be either president or vice-president. Capital stock is $100,000. SEPTEMBER 11, 1909 Clearing House Section The programme for the Clearing House Section is important. The meeting will be on Wednesday in the banquet hall, at 10 A. M. Clearing house examinations will be discussed by the examiners from Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City and St. Joseph. All of these cities have adopted the Chicago plan. C. R. McKay of the First National, Chicago, will speak on the transit department, Jos. A. McCord, of Atlanta, on collecting country cheques, A. Kains of California on state clearings, and P. M. Kerst, on the new system of state examinations in Minnesota. Taft Still for Postal Banks George H. Currier, chairman of the executive committee of the Postal Savings Bank League, said that he had received a letter from President Taft saying that in the speeches to be delivered on the two months’ tour, the executive will refer to the question of postal savings banks. It was one of the planks in the last republican national platform, and the letter from President Taft stating that he would give it attention in his “round the circle” speeches, was in response to inquiry from Mr. Currier as to what topics the President expected to discuss. “The fact that President Taft will emphasize the need for the enactment of a postal savings bank measure is peculiarly important just now,” said Mr. Currier, “in view of the opposition which has come from the American Bankers Association, which will hold its annual convention next week when the President will be in Chicago.” The Secretaries The main reception room, second floor of the Auditorium Hotel, has been placed at the disposal of the organization of Secretaries of State Bankers Associations for headquarters. Tables or desks will be arranged for the use of the different states, and members of the various state associations will be welconye at all times. Charles L. Farrell will speak on the “Old Guard.” Rina-man will tell how he induced the Egyptians to join and the only Hillyer will recite “When Bryan Came to Butte.” Allen Kauffman, Bowman et al will speak upon topics assigned by Col. Farnsworth, who is secretary of the secretaries. “Dean” Dinwiddie will tell reminiscences of the days when he and W. T. Fenton were the Iowa Association. Just to show you, the secretaries are going to talk right out in meeting. The rank and file ought to be in on this. V* The Nationals Fourteen national banks in Chicago reporting their condition as at the close of business September 1st, show a total of $402,803,000 deposits, an increase of a little more than $1,000,000 over the amount held June 23d, the date of the last preceding call from the comptroller of the currency. In the same period the loans were expanded $1,417,000 to a total of $264,753,000,