[Volume XXVII THE C EI I C A G O BANKER 32 Information of Importance to Bankers We sell the strongest safes in the world. They are made to resist explosives, the electric arc and blowpipe. You can get the lowest rates of insurance on them. Our standard safe is 22nx21״xl6״ inside measurement, secured with the latest triple time lock of Sargent & Greenleaf make. We can furnish this modern safe, f. o. b. cars Chicago, for the sum of $850.00. If you will investigate, you will find that Donnell’s Patented Steel Rail Lining is stronger than any plate lining, Manganese or Armor plate lining made. It is the best vault lining on the market and we will sell it subject to a test against any lining made. We sell Hall’s Safe Company’s high grade safes and carry the largest stock in the West. We also handle the York Safe & Lock Company’s high grade burglar-proof work. Their work is famous— they have the largest and best equipped safe factory in the world. We have on hand screw door safes, Manganese safes and plate safes which we have taken in exchange ; also vault linings, burglar-proof vault doors, deposit boxes, etc., which are modern and in good condition as new. We can furnish banks with plans and estimates for the work they desire without ־cost. DONNELL SAFE COMPANY 200-202 E. Washington Street Tel. Main 2782 CHICAGO Established 1886 %niv6n§ai Adding and Listing Machines Manufactured in St. Louis-Used Everywhere Have been adopted and endorsed by leading banks of Chicago and other cities. Built to meet all demands for Accuracy, Speed, Durability, Convenience, Economy. Investigate before you Invest. A machine will be furnished you for a demonstration upon your request—free of expense or obligation. Write or Phone for One Today Factory and General Offices, ----ST. LOUIS------- Branches in all Principal Cities ?Cnlv&ttsat Adding Machine Co. J. F. GILLEN, Sales Ajjent PHONE 1241 CENTRAL 75 Monroe St., CHICAGO Unh^rsal a DDING^UcHINE 9 9 9 9 9 GO GD G D >G D )GDC GDC »GD GDC GD GD An Up-to-Date Bank *71׳ PRESS ONLY ONE KEY, cannot long combat the money-saving argument of labor-saving equipment, especially when our machine must make good on your own counter. The Brandt Automatic Cashier is used and endorsed by Over 5000 Bankers It is infallibly accurate and saves 25% in time. A moment’s time, a postal will bring full particulars of our interesting offer to bankers. BRANDT CASHIER COMPANY 423 MONADNOCK BLOCK ■ CHICAGO Pressing• ONLY ONE KEY Completes the Transaction 0D 9 I ׳5> I Ä 9 I Ä 9 <5 9 ׳5> GD )GD GDC >GD DG DC GDC GD GD >GD 9 ©DC Ask for “Systems for the Teller” f|J There is a bunch of material in it that will interest you. €fl WeTl frankly admit that it is for the benefit of the Burroughs Adding and Listing Machine but it tells you how the Burroughs can help. Tells you some things you want to know. You are not obligating yourself to buy. But we know that when you learn how Burroughs Systems will shorten and lighten your labors that you will want to know more about the Burroughs Adding Machine. CU Ask for that book of Systems now—will you? Burroughs Adding Machine Company 289 A b5 Burroughs Block, Detroit, Mich.