25 THE CHICAGO BANKER September 4, içoç\ Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK - $1,800,000 SURPLUS 2,000,000 ־ HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, Asst. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at-Law ROBERT D. ELWOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. Elwood 6t Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank.for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W. FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY, FRANK S. WILLOCK, Clinton Iron & Steel Co. of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Brick Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, L. L. McCLELLAND, Chantier & McClung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Secretary J. S. & W. S. Kuhn, Inc. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention PinQ^p National Bank of * 11 Pittsburgh, Pa. DRAFTS—Issued on all principal banking points at best market rates. Over 10000 direct correspondents available for this purpose. CABLE TRANSFERS—Money transmitted by cable to all parts of the world. All such remittances are made through direct correspondents — not through New York or any other American centre. Direct service means reduced expense and a saving of time. COLLECTIONS—On Foreign countries are handled through our direct correspondents, thus insuring efficient service. No unnecessary delays, such as are generally created by roundabout collection methods. JAMES S. KUHN, President WILLIAM S. KUHN, Vice-President F. H. RICHARD, Cashier J. L. DAWSON SPEER, Vice-President T. C. GRIGGS, Asst. Cash. ALEXANDER MURDOCH, Asst. Cash. WM. McK. REED, Asst. Cash. Minister Made Bank Official Indianapolis, Aug. 27.—Rev. George Switer, superintendent of the Lafayette district of the Northwest M. E. conference, and formerly pastor of the M. E. church here, has been elected vice-president of the American National of Lafayette. Bennett Taylor of Lafayette, member of the grain firm of Crabbs-Reynolds-Taylor Company, and C. W. Travis, Lafayette live stock man, and connected with the Tippecanoe County Fair Association, were elected directors. Officers Elected 'The stockholders of the Bank of Colbert, Ga., have elected the following officers:. President, J. R. P. Thompson; vice-president, R. M. Gauld-ing; cashier, J. L. Reinhardt; directors, J. R. P. Thompson, R. M. Gaulding, J. L. Reinhardt, H. H. Hampton, J. B. Griffith, S. B. Little, R. M. Ross, W. C. Murry, and J. A. Faulkner. V* Surplus 50 Per Cent of Capital The stockholder of the Bank of Jackson, La., have elected the following board of directors: D. H. Taylor, D. M. Pipes, G. G. Keller, E. S. Woodfin, Dr. E. C. McKowen, L. Klein and A. S. Tomb. The following officers were re-elected: D. H. Taylor, president; G. G. Keller and E. S. Woodfin, vice-presidents; Chas. E. Gillum, cashier. Ten per cent was added to the surplus fund, bringing the surplus up to 50 per cent of the capital, and a dividend of 4 per cent was declared. _ Two New Banks Articles of incorporation have been filed for the First State Bank of Kellogg, at Wallace, Idaho. It is backed by leading business men of Kellogg and Wardner and has the co-operation of B. F. O’Neil and his associates of Wallace. The bank will start business about August 1st with a paid up capital of $40,000. Articles of incorporation of the Colville Loan and Trust Co., Colville, Wash., have been filed by Geo. W. Seal, D. J. Burk, Edw. Gibson, W. Mighell and others. The capital is $25,000. V* Bank of Cary Open for Business The Bank of Cary, N. C., has opened its doors for business with N. C. Hines in charge as cashier. F. R. Gray is president and M. B. Dry vice-president. The directors are: C. R. Scott, Walter H. Grimes, H. W. Jackson, E. L. Middle-ton, J. M, Hilliard, F. R. Gray, E. F. Upchurch, L. J. Atkins, L. B. Woodall. Peoria Banker Killed Peoria, 111., Aug. 29—Samuel Mosiman, grain merchant, banker and clubman, was killed when his automobile was struck by a suburban car of the Illinois Traction Company, at Morton, at 10:30 o’clock this morning. Mosiman was president of the East Peoria Bank, former mayor of Morton, a village nine miles from Peoria, and a member of the Peoria board of trade, besides belonging to many other enterprises, chief of which was the Moschel & Mosiman Grain Com- Declares Four Per Cent Dividend At a special meeting of the board of directors of the Bank of Ware Shoals, S. C., a semiannual dividend of 4 per cent on the capital stock was declared, payable September 1st. In addition to this semiannual dividend, a very nice sum will be carried into the surplus account, this difference representing the net profits for the past year, after paying out 8 per cent in dividends. The bank of Ware Shoals began operations in February, 1906, and has a capital of $50,000, all Change to National Bank The First Bank of Vale, Ore., has been changed to the United States National Bank of Vale. It has a capital of $75,000. J. L. Cole is president ; T. W. Halliday and L. J. Hadley, vice-presidents ; Elwood L. Clark, cashier ; W. J. Douglass and J. R. Weaver, assistant cashiers. DESIGNED AND ENGRAVED BY SCHAUM ENGRAVING 6c PRINTING CO SUCCESSORS TO CLARK ENGRAVING & PRINTING CO. Designers, Printers, Engravers ADVERTISING AGENTS MILWAUKEE Washoe County Bank At the annual meeting of stockholders of the Washoe County Bank, Reno, Nev., last week reports were presented showing the bank to be in its usual healthy condition. The following board of directors was elected: Geo. W. Mapes, president; O. W. Ward and F. M. Rowland, vice-presidents; C. T. Bender, cashier; G. H. Taylor and Fred Stadtmuller, assistant cashiers; A. H. Manning, Rudolph Herz and D. A. Bender. The following condensed statement at the close of business August 7, 1909, shows resources as follows: Notes and discounts, $1,324,968.82; overdrafts, $57,513.69; stocks and bonds, $299,253.-37; cash on hand and in banks, $432,066.15; bank building and fixtures, $130,000; other real estate, $16,729.70; other resources, $20,484.99; total, $2,280,956.72. Liabilities—Capital, fully paid, $500,000; surplus, $200,000; undivided profits, $39,043.50; re-discounts, $40,000; deposits, $1,501,913.22. V New Directorate Selected The following board of directors has been selected by the new Farmers and Merchants National, Belair, Md.: William E. Robinson, Colonel Otho S. Lee, John A. Robinson, M. A. Reckord, John L. G. Lee, George L. Reynolds, James Wilson, W. O. B. Wright, William H. Smith, and Abel D. Wilson. The officers are: Otho S. Lee, president; Clinton L. Reckord, Lincoln Trust Company The Lincoln Trust Company, Boston, Mass., which has recently been organized, elected the following directors and officers: C. J. Adams, F. W. Archer, John Alden, Charles G. Bancroft, Edwin P. Brown, Clarence A. Bunker, H. F. Butler, Frederick L. Childs, Charles C. Ferris, Paul Fitzpatrick, Oliver M. Fisher, J. H. Goddard, Russell J. Goodnow, Edwin P. Hatch, Jarvis Lamson, G. B. H. Newcomber, Edwin T. Knight, J. F. Morse, W. A. Parsons, H. A. Rhoades, B. H. Sanborn, B. Shattuck, Isaac Sprague, F. M. Starns, R. L. Dudley, Edwin Wilcock, H. F. Winslow, W. H. Woodbury, Winslow A. Parson, Josiah H. Goddard, president, and E. P. Hatch, vice-president. Bank of Brookland H. A. Jones, W. F. Jenks, and others are interested in a new bank being organized at Brook-land, Ark., to be known as the Bank of Brook-land, with a capital of $20,000.