[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 10 The Wisconsin National Bank OF MILWAUKEE CAPITAL $2,000,000 ־ SURPLUS - 1,000,000 OFFICERS L.J. PETIT, President HERMAN F. WOLF, Cashier FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President L. G. BOURNIQUE, Asst. Cashier CHAS. E. ARNOLD, 2nd Vice-President W. L. CHENEY, Asst. Cashier WALTER KASTEN, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS L. J. Petit Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Geo. D. Van Dyke Custave Pabst Charles Schriber Isaac D. Adler H. M. Thompson Patrick Cudahy Wisconsin Trust Company MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $500,000 ־ ־ SURPLUS - 100,000 OFFICERS OLIVER C. FULLER, President GARDNER P.STICKNEY, Vice-President FRED. C. BEST, Secretary R. L. SMITH, Assistant Secretary DIRECTORS L.J. Petit, Chairman Frederick Kasten R.W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Charles Schriber Custave Pabst Gardner P. Stickney Isaac D. Adler H. M. Thompson Patrick Cudahy WISCONSIN NEWS LETTER By Mortimer I. Stevens MILWAUKEE been operating in this state and Minnesota, the checks varying in amounts from $5 to $15. Will be Well Represented Wisconsin bankers will be well represented at the American Bankers Association convention in Chicago during the week of September 13th, twenty-five rooms having been engaged at the Auditorium hotel. Headquarters of the state association will be established in room 132 where a general information bureau for the benefit of visiting members will be conducted. A special request is made that all members register at the headquarters immediately upon their arrival thus insuring speedy delivery of their mail and facilitating the work of the association. Secretary George D. Bartlett will be in charge at headquarters during the convention. Will Organize Treasurers A movement is on foot to organize a Wisconsin County Treasurers’ association and a meeting of all county treasurers has been called at Wausau on September 22d for that purpose. One of the objects of the association will be to promote a law extending the term of office of county treasurers from two to four years because of the difficulties in securing the bond they are now required to furnish. Would Raise the Limit Mayor Rose, of Milwaukee, has suddenly discovered that city property is only assessed 60 per cent of its true value and believes that a law should be speedily enacted to permit the assessment to be made at the “full” value in order to and placing them to the best advantage through the secretary of the association, thus securing discounts for quantity and permitting the securing of bids not practical when purchasing in single lots. Wisconsin Bankers Warned ,‘Short-account” and “no-account” check artists have been plying their calling among the bankers of the central, eastern and western parts of the state and thus far have evaded capture. One C. A. Redmond is in the habit of cashing drafts drawn on the Hermitage Distillery Co., Frankfort, Ky., with saloon keepers in amounts of $50 and $75, the drafts being unauthorized and the arrest of the drawer is desired by the Kentucky firm. Jack E. Fitz is the name signed on bogus checks by another individual who has Several of Milwaukee’s leading banking institutions find their ledgers showing heavier country bank deposits than have obtained for a number of years past and take this as evidence of the fact that Wisconsin farmers are having their full share of prosperous crops. Demand for shipments of currency to interior points in this state have steadily increased during the past week while the receipts have been merely nominal. Business houses throughout the state, particularly in Milwaukee, are looking forward to an unusually active fall and winter and in a number of instances are laying their plans for extensive improvements in the near future. Evidence of this lies in the steady request for loans obtaining at the banks. Such large plants as the Allis-Chal-mers and International Harvester company report increased orders and are gradually approaching their full complement of men in the shops. Bond sales in Milwaukee are reported about normal for this season of the year with indications of a good market within a short time. Sales of securities throughout the state have been quiet. Establish Purchasing Agency Secretary George D. Bartlett, of the Wisconsin Bankers’ Association, is busy perfecting the plans for a general purchasing agency for the benefit of members of the association. To some extent this has already been accomplished and a considerable item of expense has been saved those who have taken advantage of the system. Briefly, it amounts to the lumping of orders for such items as typewriters, adding machines, etc., etc.,