7 THE CHICAGO BANKER September 4, !pop] The banks in the list comprise institutions whose legal reserve deposits were carried by the Commercial National and Bankers’ National banks before they were consolidated into one organization. In view of the fact that many country banks carry nearly all their 6 per cent of outside reserve in Chicago, and central reserve banks have a great share of their allotted I2J4 per cent there, it is evident that the Commercial National now is the largest holder of the reserve deposits in the middle west. The list mentions thirty-one banks of Illinois and a generous number from states round about. Banks in states as far east as New York and as far west as California are on the list. There are four Texas institutions and one bank in Arkansas which keep reserves in the Commercial National. Still Gaining The Illinois Bankers Association gained fourteen new members during the month of August. The names of the new recruits are as follows: Pecatonica State Bank, Pecatonica; First Trust & Savings Bank, Watseka; Oil Belt National, Oblong; First National, Oblong; First National, Westfield; Stock Yards Savings Bank, Chicago; Farmers State Bank, Armstrong; Bragg Helm & Company, Garrett; Coles County State Bank, Mattoon; Indianola Bank, Indianola; People’s Bank, Stoy; First State & Savings Bank, Wood River; Morgan Bros. Company, Murdock; Sheridan Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago. A new bank is to be established at Summerville, W. Va. corned and appropriately remembered. Inasmuch as the two-cent-per-mile fare is in vogue in this state, no special rate is obtainable except for such number as we cannot guarantee. Delegates and guests are assured the privilege of sending personal and social messages by Western Union and Postal Telegraph without charge, and for which the badge received upon registration, is sufficient identification. The same courtesies probably will be extended by the local and long distance telephone lines. The constitution of the American Bankers Association now provides for a meeting of the members of that organization to be held immediately following the adjournment of the convention of October 12th. This meeting will be at the Powers Grand opera house to nominate members of the executive council of the American Bankers Association, a vice-president for this state, and a member of the nominating committee for the next A. B. A. convention. The meeting will be presided over by Walter S. Rearick, the vice-president for Illinois. All the members of the A. B. A. should attend this Made Reserve Agent for 217 Banks The comptroller of the currency approved the Commercial National of Chicago as reserve agent of 217 national banks scattered throughout the United States. The imposing list of institutions caused considerable comment in Washington when it was given out and the newly constituted Chicago bank arose at once to fame as one of the big financial associations of the country. Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co. Capital and Surplus, $285,000 Deposits, $2,317,110 Solicits Accounts and Collections from Banks, Firms and Individuals on Favorable Terms. WM. BUTTERWORTH, PRE8. NELSON H. GREENE, VICE PRES. 0. W. LUNDAHL, CASH. AND SEC. Illinois Convention Secretary Rinaman calls the attention of all Illinois members to the convention to be held at Decatur, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 12th and 13th. Please note that the 12th of October is a legal holiday. Decatur is preparing to take the best of care of delegates and guests, and promises one and all a good time with ample accommodations. The St. Nicholas Hotel will be the headquarters, and those who cannot get space there will find the Decatur House, just across the square, equally attractive. Members in groups Three and Four should take advantage should take advantage of the special train accommodations, which were made the subject of a special letter, and thus avoid the necessity for hotel facilities. If you are in one of those groups and have not sent in your reservation, do so now. Springfield and Bloomington can be reached readily any hour by suburban trolley from Decatur, and should there be more in attendance than there are accommodations for, it is only a short, pleasant ride to those cities. James Laux, chairman of the hotel committee, will take care of your needs, if you will write to him. Both sessions will be held at Powers Grand opera house, corner South Main and Wood streets. The Hon. Franklin MacVeagh, secretary of the treasury, will be the guest of honor and address the convention. The Hon. Geo. T. Buckingham of Chicago, will also deliver an address. To hear either address will repay you. We are in correspondence with other speakers of national reputation, and complete details will be given in the printed program, which will be mailed members prior to the convention dates. The above, with the address of the Hon. James McKinney, president, should be sufficient to secure your attendance. A most complete and pleasing program of entertainment has been arranged by the local committee. Tuesday afternoon it is planned to take all attendants for an extensive automobile ride through the city, its residence streets, parks and to the country club. A reception to the visiting ladies has been arranged by the local committee at the residence of Mrs. G. B. Gorin, Tuesday afternoon, from three to five. Tuesday evening, the delegates and guests will be the guests of the local entertainment committee for a special performance at the Powers Grand opera house. Immediately after adjournment of the final session, delegates and guests will be taken to the Country Club, where a buffet luncheon will be served on their arrival. The beautiful club house, golf course, bowling alleys, dancing hall and grounds are at their disposal for the balance of the day. The Country Club is a feature of which Decatur is justly proud. Take your clubs with you and try your hand at this sporty nine-hole course. The character of the entertainment should be sufficient evidence that the ladies are expected. I assure you that they will be especially wel- Joyce & Company (Incorporated) General Agents The Rookery Bid¿. Chicago, Illinois ILLINOIS ADVISORY BOARD Charles G. Dawes, Resident Vice-President A. J. Earling David R. Forgan John A. Spoor Walter H. Wilson M. J. Kirkman COUNSEL Calhoun, Lyford & Sheean Winston, Payne, Strawn A Shaw National Surety Co. Of New York Fidelity and Surety Bonds Burglary Insurance