[ Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 20 MECHANICS ־ AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF ST. LOUIS CAPITAL $2,000,000 SURPLUS $2,500,000 Superior Facilities Offered to Correspondents J. S. CALFEE, Cashier G. L. ALLEN, Assistant Cashier G. M. TRUMBO, Assistant Cashier P. H. MILLER, Assistant Cashier WALKER HILL, President L. A. B ATT AILE, Vice-President JACKSON JOHNSON. Vice-Pres. EPHRON CATLIN, Vice-President & KÜHNE, Bankers LEIPZIG, GERMANY KNAUTH, NACHOD NEW YORK Letters of Credit in Pounds Sterling, Dollars, Marks and Francs for direct sale to Travelers Travelers' Checks in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100 Furnished to Banks and Bankers INVESTMENT SECURITIES J. Humbird, T. L. Greenough, F. B. Grinnell, William Winters, W. J. C. Wakefield, R. B. Porter, and D. W. Twohy. The contract for the building will be awarded by September ist. The Old National Bank will occupy the ground floor and the other stories will be offices. It is expected to have the building ready for accu-pancy by January i, 1911. Gain in Building Operations More than 48 per cent is the gain in the estimated expenditures in building operations in Spokane for the first seven months of 1909, while the increase for the month of July is 3414 per cent, as against the same period in 1908. Two hundred and eleven permits, involving $583,110, were issued in July, as against 182 permits, $433>56o, in July, 1908. For the first seven months of 1909, 1,969 permits, $5,150,530, were issued, as against 1,807 permits, $3,465,840, the same period in 1908. The bank clearings in July were $29,582,345, as against $25,269,160, in July, 1908, while for the first seven months, they aggregated $209,166,462, against $163,366,-025 for the first seven months in 1908. There was an increase of 31 per cent in postal receipts. The business in July, 1909, amounted to $38,-978.15, as against $29,865.88 in July last year. The July business is the largest in the history of the office, with the exception of December, 1908. There was an increase in the stamp sales of $3,000 since July 15th when the registration offices were opened. The record day was August 2d, when the department sold $2,300 worth of stamps. Day & Hansen Security Company Day & Hansen Security Company of Spokane, with a paid up capital of $800,000, re-elected W. T. Day as president, Charles Hurst, vice-president, C. T. Tupper, second vice-president, and C. T. Hansen, secretary. The directors are W. T. Day, C. T. Tupper, C. T. Hansen and A. W. Lacey, all of Spokane; Charles Hurst, president of the Hurst Electrotype Company, New York City; Edgar T. Miller of the First National Bank, Media, Pa.; Edgar C. Smith, president Washington Trust Company, $49,794.80; 100,-000 shares, value $49.71 per share. The assessment of the Pacific States Telephone Company was raised to $305,995 from $297,045 for 1908, when the latter figure was a raise of $100,000 over the valuation of 1907. The light and power plant of the Washington Water Power Company was raised from $537,780 to $57L98o. The highest single personal assessment, is that of the Marshall-Wells Co., wholesale hardware, whose stock and effects are valued at $205,075. Bank Building Company Organized Old National Bank Building Company has been organized by stockholders of the Old National Bank with a capital of $1,300,000 to build and own a 14-story building at Riverside Avenue _ and Stevens Street to cost $1,000,000. Patrick Welch, railroad contractor, is president. T. J. Humbird, lumberman, is vice-president; W. J. C. Wakefield, secretary, and D. W. Twohy, president of the Old National Bank, is treasurer The trustees are P. Welch, Jay P. Graves, T. Foreman Bros. Banking Co. iio LaSalle Street CHICAGO CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000 ESTABLISHED 1862 INCORPORATED AS A STATE BANK 1897 Officers EDWIN G. FOREMAN, Pres. GEORGE N. NEISE, Cashier OSCAR G. FOREMAN, V. P. JOHN TERBORGH. A. Cash. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 18.—Five million dollars has been added to the valuation in Spokane county by E. P. Galbraith, assessor, making the total assessment $82,294,525, as against $77,082,-144 for last year. This is with values the same as in 1908 and exclusive of railroad and public service corporation property assessed by the state tax commission at $10,565,249. The total valuation in the city of Spokane, exclusive of public service corporations is $64,315,084, as against $59,618,675 last year. The same levy as in 1908 will give the city $50,000 more taxes and $25,000 more to the county than last year. The increase is represented by improvements upon real estate and in the valuation of stocks of goods carried by the mercantile establishments, mills, manufacturing plants and public service corporations. The banks alone show an increase of over $500,000, the figures being $561,660, and the stocks of goods have been assessed at $616,580 more than last year. Following is the assessment on 12 banks in Spokane, exclusive of real estate, with the number of shares and value per share. Exchange National Bank, $564,075; 1,000,000 shares of stock valued at $56.41 per share. Farmers and Mechanics Bank, $31,257.30; 50.000 shares of stock valued at $62.50 per share. Fidelity National Bank, $185,284.80; 200,000 shares of stock, value $92.65 per share. Northwest Loan and Trust Company, $64,-727.44; 100,000 shares, value $64.73 Per share. Old National, $433,240.40; 500,000 shares, value $86.65 Per share. Scandinavian-American Bank, $38,475; 100,-000 shares, value $38.47 per share. Spokane & Eastern Trust Co., $401,058.95; 300.000 shares, value $133.70 per share. Spokane State Bank, $20,567.42; 50,000 shares, value $41.44 per share. Traders National Bank, $485,137.34; 600,000 shares, value $80.85 Per share. Union Park Bank, $11,550; 25,000 shares, value $46.20 per share. Union Trust Company, $14,760; 200,000 shares, value $7.37 per share.