11 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 21, /pop] The Foursome Handicap and other events on the Golf Club Calendar necessitate prizes of varying importance. There is always an added zest to the contest if the trophies be especially attractive. Our stock affords a large selection of desirable and appropriate goods at prices ranging from $5 to $50. SUGGESTIONS Cigarette Cases Belt Buckles Signet Rings Cuff Links Belt Pins Collar Pins Card Cases Hat Pins Watches Match Boxes Photograph Frames Travel Bags Scarf Pins Lockets Umbrellas Purses Automobile Novelties Canes Loving Cups instock at all times from $5 to $500. Special designs prepared when desired. Spaulding & Company Jackson Boulevard and State Street CHICAGO FOURTH STREET NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Capital - - $3,000,000.00 ־ Surplus and Profits - 6,000,000.00 UNEXCELLED COLLECTION FACILITIES CORRESPONDENCE INVITED R. H. RUSHTON, President E. F. SHANBACKER, 1st Vice-President B. M. FAIRES, 2nd Vice-President R. J. CLARK, Cashier W. A. BULKLEY, Assistant Cashier W. K. HARDT, Assistant Cashier FRANK G. ROGERS, Manager foreign Exchange Department SHORT, STANTON & CO. DEALERS IN T) T^T TA Q HIGH GRADE J_) U IN U O MUNICIPAL- RAILROAD-CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL IRRIGATION Suitable for Banks, Individuals, Trust Funds and Estates Principal Secured ; Income Assured Circulars describing offerings furnished on request CHICAGO CINCINNATI 533 First National Bank Building 1005 Fourth National Bank Building Telephone Central 6047 Telephone Main 1280 Pacific Northwest Banking News room on the second floor of the Auditorium Hotel, where all delegates from these states are requested to register. The Great Irrigation Congress Howard Elliott, president of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and a party of eastern stockholders and business men, who are making a tour of Idaho and Washington in a special train, passed several days in Spokane this week, also attending several sessions of the 17th National Irrigation Congress, before which Mr. Elliott spoke on “The Land of Fortune,” the morning of August nth. The party was also entertained at a luncheon in the Hall of the Doges by officers of the National Apple Show, Inc., of which Mr. Elliott is president this year. The purpose of the trip is to give the party an opportunity to see the results of the large amount of money that has been expended in the betterment of the system in the Northwestern states and to look over the country, which will be a producer of enormous tonnage in grains and fruits the coming fall. Mr. Elliott and his party will remain in Washington until early in September, returning then to St. Paul. The party includes Amos T. French, director of the Northern Pacific, New York; Arthur S. Sherwood, of Tower & Sherwood, bankers and brokers, New York; W. P. Lyman, of Devens & Lyman, bankers and brokers, Boston; Francis R. Appleton, president of the Waltham Watch Company, New York; (Continued on page 25) trip tickets from all North Pacific Coast points will be sold via all transcontinental roads to Chicago and return, rate $72.50. Tickets to be sold ONLY ON SEPTEMBER 9TH, with return limit, October 31, 1909. Going transit limit of ten days—so as to permit short stop-overs en route, if desired—stop-overs on return for any length of time within the final limit. This being the first time the Trans-Continental Association has issued special excursion rates from Pacific Coast points for a convention of the American Bankers Association, it is earnestly hoped that a large representation of Washington, Oregon and Idaho bankers will attend. Each bank that is a member of the American Bankers Association is entitled to send a delegate, who will receive every privilege and right that formerly regularly elected delegates only received. If your bank is not a member send in your application at once, to Col. F. E. Farnsworth, secretary, 11 Pine Street, New York, or P. C. Kauffman, treasurer, care Fidelity Trust Co., Tacoma, and receive credentials. A special committee of the Chicago bankers, of which August Blum, vice-president of the First National Bank is chairman, will attend to your application and make comfortable hotel reservations for you. Headquarters will be in the Auditorium Hotel and Annex'. The special headquarters of the Washington, Oregon and Tdaho Bankers associations will be in the large reception Secretary P. C. Kauffman of the Washington Bankers Association is the boss drummer-up for the big A. B. A. convention, among all the state secretaries. In his letter to Washington bankers he says in part : The 35th annual convention of the American Bankers Association will be held in the city of Chicago, September 13th to 16th. By reason of Chicago’s central location, this will undoubtedly be the most important convention in the history of the association, on account of its large attendance. The program has just been announced and will be of extraordinary interest. Addresses will be made by Hon. Jos. G. Cannon, speaker of the house of representatives ;. Hon. Lawrence O. Murray, comptroller of the currency; Hon. Jas. J. Hill, of the Great Northern Railway Co. ; Jas. B. Forgan, president First National Bank of Chicago and other financiers of national reputation. Many matters of the greatest interest to the bankers of the country will be considered and business of the utmost importance transacted. The local committees having the social arrangements of the convention in charge have prepared a program replete with delightful functions— making a special request that delegates bring their wives with them, as the ladies are included in all the entertainments. The Trans-Continental Passenger Association has adopted the recommendation for reduced fares to Chicago, account of the American Bankers Association, as follows: Special round