27 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 14, /pop] Costs nothing to see it Popular on the links The Rustless Steel Golf Club /Can be purchased from hispecti'on^and1 if° M Chicago Golf Shop, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. weight, balance m Golcher Bros., 510 Market St... .San Francisco, Cal. and angle are not JF W. S. Brown..........523 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa. entirely satis- /jf W. Basche & Son.......Green Bay, Wisconsin aT^ur^ex11־ /jf Kelly Hardware Co., 120 W. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. pense and Jf H. E. Husted..............1 18 E. Main St., Galesburg, 111. we will Jf Arthur L. Johnson......180 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. make a // Grand Leader......................St. Louis, Missouri -cond Jf Robert Forgan & Son................St. Andrews, Scotland ment. ff Von Lengerke & Detmold.....200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Jf These Clubs defy age and atmosphere, and give 25% greater Jf distance to the ball. If you don’t believe it, send for our hand-Jf some catalog and book of testimonials and learn why. THE RUSTLESS GOLF CLUB CO. C J 1055 Old Colony Building, Chicago_____________ A JJ Farwell Trust Co (Г HAS FOR SALE, AT ALL TIMES, MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD, PUBLIC UTILITY, AND IRRIGATION BONDS SUITABLE FOR CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS, YIELDING 3.80% TO 6%. A e 1 CORRESPONDENCE • INVITED N . Û— A 226 LA SALLE ST־ » CHICAGO V JJ ШактЬ? |1ггбй R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS CO. PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, BINDERS Telephones Harrison-350 Corner Plymouth Place and Polk Street CHICAGO, ILL. H. T. HOLTZ & CO. Municipal 1• J Railroad School JjOIlllB Corporation Furnishing Safe Investments for NATIONAL BANKS STATE BANKS TRUST COMPANIES SAVINGS BANKS ESTATES INSTITUTIONS We invite correspondence and inquiries relative to the Bonds owned and offered by us and shall be pleased to send our Descriptive Circulars on request, together with our latest publication entitled “FOR THE INFORMATION OF CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS.” 171 LA SALLE ST. Tel. Randolph 1170 GHICAGO Declare Dividend and Increase Capital At the regular semiannual meeting of the directors of Marietta (Ga.) Trust & Banking Co., the usual 4 per cent dividend for the past six months was declared, and the directors passed a resolution recommending that the capital of the bank be increased by $10,000 to $75,000. v Farmers and Merchants Bank The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Adams-ville, Tenn., has been organized with a capital of $25,000. F. P. Adams is president, J. M. Yancy, vice-president, and Robert Smith, cashier. Directors are: L. J. Surratt, R. L. Brown, F. P. Adams, F. M. Freeman, J. M. Yancy, С. V. Brown, and L. C. Smith. The Chicago Banker on Land and Sea Readers of The Chicago Banker may be interested to know that when traveling at home or abroad they will find copies of the paper on the following railroad trains and ocean steamships: Lake Shore Twentieth Century Limited, Lake Shore Limited, Pennsylvania Limited, Northwestern Overland Limited, Northwestern Los Angeles Limited, Northwestern Colorado Limited, Northwestern North West Limited, Chicago & Alton St. Louis Limited. Cunard Line Steamships : Lusitania, Mauritania, Campania, Caronia, Lucania and Carmania. North German Lloyd Steamships: Cecelie, Kaiser Wm. der Grosse, Kaiser Wm. II., Frederich Wm., Prinz Fred-erich Wm., George Washington. American Line Steamships: St. Paul, New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis. anticipated that Dick Peters of Wellsport will be the cashier of the new institution. The city of Waterloo has sold its $400,000 issue of water bonds to John Stuart Watson of Chicago at 4J4 per cent. Mr. Watson gets a premium of $4,800 and accrued interest from July 15, 1909. Homer Miller of the Iowa National of Des Moines has secured the stock in the Exchange State Bank at Collins, formerly owned by E. A. French who resigned as cashier to become assistant cashier in the Blackhawk National at Waterloo. C. R. Wick of Collins was selected to fill the position of cashier left vacant by Mr. French. The Gowrie Savings has let the contract for the erection of its new bank building to C. E. Atkinson at Webster City. G D. Ellyson, president of the Commercial Savings of Des Moines, has returned from a vacation at East Aurora, N. Y. For the last half dozen years, Mr. Ellyson has spent his vacation with Elbert Hubbard. Cashier Harry Blackburn of the Iowa National of Des Moines has gone to Wyoming to spend two weeks hunting in the mountain country north of Cheyenne. Bank clearings for the Des Moines banks for the week ending August 7th totaled $3,255,011, an increase over the clearings for the corresponding week last year of $695,246.79. V* Dacula Banking Company The Dacula (Ga.) Banking Co. has filed articles of organization with a capital of $25,000. A. M. Wilson, president; W. T. Hinton, vice-president; E. S. Hogan, R. M. Stanleye, G. W. Sikes, S. E. Pharr, and J. M. Wilson are incorporators. 1724, which was found by his three-year-old son who was digging in the garden. The coin is in perfect condition notwithstanding it is 185 years old, and was minted before money was made in the United States. The engraving is of a man wearing a helmet and above the helmet is the word “George.” Des Moines bankers report a large demand for the Lincoln pennies which were received in the city the past week. For the most part they say that the patrons of the banks regard the Lincoln bust as an improvement over the time honored Indian head. The contract for the construction of the new Commercial Bank and Odd Fellows building at Lohrville was let August 3d. The building will be 49x80 feet, two stories high. The bank will occupy the southwest corner of the first floor. Back of this will be a suite of office rooms. State Treasurer Morrow reports that nearly $200,000 more general revenues are in the state treasury than at the corresponding date last year. The higher tax levy on increased valuation of property and greater receipts from collateral inheritance tax are ascribed as the reasons. The State Bank at Stratford has been turned over to its new ownership, consisting of about 100 stockholders, residents of Stratford. P. A. Sanson is president of the new organization, and Edward Peterson cashier. The Cedar Rapids Savings has commenced the construction of its new bank building. It is expected to finish this building this fall, and the work of excavating has already been completed. The residents of Wellsburg have organized a new bank, but have not yet filed articles of incorporation. They have the building formerly occupied by the Gladstone general store and expect to be doing business September 15th. It is