25 THE.CHICAGO BANKER August 14, 1909] Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK - $1,800,000 SURPLUS 2,000,000 - - ־ HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, Asst. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at-Law ROBERT D. ELWOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. Elwood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W, FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY, FRANK S. W1LLOCK, Clinton Iron & Steel Co. of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Brick Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, L. L. McCLELLAND, Chantier & McClung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Secretary J. S. & W. S. Kuhn, Inc. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention r^ir)C^p National Bank of r I 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. DRAFTS—Issued on all principal banking points at best market rates. Over 10000 direct correspondents available for this purpose. CABLE TRANSFERS—Money transmitted by cable to all parts of the world. All such remittances are made through direct correspondents — not through New York or any other American centre. Direct service means reduced expense and a saving of time. COLLECTIONS—On Foreign countries are handled through our direct correspondents, thus insuring efficient service. No unnecessary delays, such as are generally created by roundabout collection methods. JAMES S. KUHN. President WILLIAM S. KUHN, Vice-President F. H. RICHARD, Cashier J. L. DAWSON SPEER, Vice-President T. C. GRIGGS, Asst. Cash. ALEXANDER MURDOCH. Asst. Cash. WM. McK. REED, Asst. Cash. Made Reserve Agent The First National of Pittsburgh has been approved as reserve agent for the Homer City National Bank of Homer City, Pa. Firm Dissolved The stock exchange firm of T. E. Allison & Co. was dissolved August 1st and is succeeded by L. T. Layton & Co. Mr. Layton is junior partner in the present firm. Auditor Resigns P. G. Cameron, formerly auditor of the Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, has resigned to take a similar position with a New York banking house. A. N. Voegtly Made Director Adolph N. Voegtly, assistant treasurer of the Pittsburgh Bank for Savings, has been made a director of the Real Estate Savings and Trust Company of Allegheny. Another Consolidation The First National and the Punxsutawny National of Punxsutawny consolidated with a capital of §200,000. The institution will be known as the Punxsutawny National. S. A. Rinn is president; John A. Weber, vice-president; Frank B. Lang, cashier, and J. L. Kurtz, assistant cashier. Harleysville National Bank The new Harleysville National has elected the following officers: President, Alvin C. Alderfer; vice-president, M. C. Clemens; secretary, I. S. Bucher; directors, Dr. V. S. Keeler, M. S. Clemens, Jacob S. Gabel, Arthur R. Bean, Frank S. Long, B. F. Snyder, David K. Moyer, and Abram A. Groff. Bank of Bonanza The Bank of Bonanza, Ore., has doubled its capital stock. The bank opened a few years ago with a capital of $10,000. Bonanza is so situated that it will one day be the trading center for all of the valleys in eastern Klamath county. Construction work on the Clear Lake dam is bringing considerable business and the fact that there is positive assurance that within a few years the government will deliver water in that part of the project is also responsible for some of the prosperity. V John D. Hall has become a director of the Meriden National, Meriden, Conn., succeeding his father, the late Seth J. Hall. M. Brogan, J. F. Kelsey, L. J. Hadley and J. L. Cole. The comptroller of currency has approved the application of M. E. Lyons, C. L. Best, Joseph Herrscher, W. K. Cole, J. N. Wrank and others to organize the First National of San Leandro, with a capital of $50,000. V In and Around Pittsburgh (Continued from page 16) The West End Savings & Trust Company has declared a quarterly dividend of 4 per cent. The Philadelphia Company has declared its regular semiannual dividend of 2p2 per cent, payable September 1st, to holders of record August 10th. Many on Vacation Trips W. W. McCandless, manager of the Pittsburgh clearing house, is away on his vacation, and his place is supplied by George A. Stephenson, of the Second National. J. S. Kuhn, president of the First National of Pittsburgh, has returned from a several months’ trip abroad. B. H. Smyers, treasurer of the Pittsburgh Trust Co., is out of town on a vacation trip. H. C. Ward, treasurer of the Guarantee Title & Trust Co., has returned from a brief business trip East. Levi L. Rue, president of the Philadelphia National of Philadelphia, left for a vacation at Loon Lake, in .the Adirondacks. SCHAUM ENGRAVING & PRINTING CO SUCCESSORS TO CLARK ENGRAVING & PRINTING CO. Designers. Printers, Engravers advertising Agents MILWAUKEE Changes in Nixon National Changes in the Nixon National of Reno: F. M. Lee, vice-president; R. C. Turrittin, cashier, in place of F. M. Lee; H. H. Kennedy, assistant cashier, in place of R. C. Turrittin. Comptroller Approves Change The comptroller of the currency has approved the conversion of the Commercial Bank of Upland into the Commercial National Bank of Upland. Its capital is $25,000. Also, the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Fullerton into The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Fullerton. Its capital is $25,000. Bank Assessments Raised The board of equalization has directed the county assessor to raise the assessment of the Savings Bank of Napa $135,000; of the Carver Bank of St. Helena, $122,000, and of the Bank of Napa, $119,000. The assessor was also directed to assess the stockholders for shares of stock they hold as follows: First National Bank of Napa, $50,000; Carver National Bank of St. Helena, $50,000; Napa Savings Bank, $25,000. District Attorney Silva was asked by the board for an opinion upon three points touching on the investigation of the assessable property of the banks of Napa county, reported to the board on the first point, which was as to whether the stock of both national and state banks is assessable, he held with Attorney Theodore A. Bill, who has been employed by the board as special counsel on the matter, that it is assessable. On the second point, which was as to whether or not the deposits of savings banks invested in non-taxable securities, is taxable, he held also with Attorney Bill that they are assessable. On the third point, which was as to whether or not the board had the authority to compel banks to furnish a statement of their depositors, he was not ready to give an opinion. New National Banks The comptroller of the currency reports the following national banks organized: First National of Oxnard, capital $250,000, by J. A. Donlan, president; J. A. Driffill, vice-president; : G. E. Hume, cashier (conversion of the Bank of Oxnard). The Ashokan National of Brown Station, N. Y., capital $25,000, by J. D. Lecky, president; C. A. Perkins, vice-president; Littleton Fitzgerald, Jr., acting cashier. The Marine National of San Diego, capital $100,000, by G. W. Fishburn, president; F. A. Garetson, vice-president. The First National of Westfall, Ore., capital $25,000, by Elwood L. Clark of Vale, D.