[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 22 liTe Girard National Bank Of Philadelphia Capital, $ 2,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits, . . 4,015,000.00 Deposits, 41,250,000.00 FRANCIS B. REEVES, President RICHARD L. AUSTIN JOSEPH WAYNE, Jr. Vice-President Cashier THEO. E. WIEDERSHEIM CHARLES M. ASHTON Second ViceTresident Asst. Cashier To Satisfactorily Handle Your Business, You Need a Philadelphia Account Bank ^ Fixtures Designers & Makers Let us help you arrange your floor plans and elevation. No cost to you. THE NAUMAN CO. - Waterloo, Iowa Ohio Banking News 1909. These dividends may be applied on the unpaid portion of stock. Will Spend Vacation in Europe C. F. M. Niles, president of the Security Savings Bank and Trust Company of Toledo, left for a two-months’ trip to Europe. He is accompanied by Mrs. Niles, and will spend most of his time at Dresden and Berlin. Northern National Makes Improvements The Northern National of Toledo has just completed a number of important improvements to its rooms in the Produce Exchange building. A fine new vault has been installed in the basement, and the upper vault has been remodeled and new collateral boxes placed therein. In addition to this the basement has been completely remodeled and shower baths put in for the use of the clerical force. The Northern is the only institution of its kind in the city that contains this latter feature. Bonds Awarded An issue of $60,000 4 per cent twenty-year bonds was awarded by the Columbus Board of Education to the Central Trust, Safe and Deposit Company of Cincinnati at a premium of $1,140. Citizens Banking and Savings Company The Citizens Banking and Savings Company of Pleasant Ridge has organized with a capital of $25,000. G. B. Smith, B. A. Viehman, John J. Keller, Josiah Kirby, J. M. Bischoff, E. E: Garrettson and others are promoters. Banking Notes A national bank is being organized at Mason. L. M. Kreig has been chosen assistant cashier of the Park National of Newark. The Ohio Trust Co. of Columbus increased its capital from $500,000 to $700,000. A new bank building is to be erected by the Deposit Banking Co. at Delaware. The Valley Savings Bank & Trust Co. of Chillicothe will organize a bank at Kingston. V* A new bank building is to be erected for the Farmers and Merchants Bank at Hinckley, Minn. The First National of Eldorado, Tex., has elected J. S. Pelt as vice-president to succeed William Bevans. R. C. Wood was elected cashier of the First National, Fairbanks, Alaska, to succeed A. Bruning. of the bank’s history is that President James B. Gormly has been an officer of the bank since its organization. The institution was originally organized by his father, John A. Gormly, who became president of the bank, while James B. Gormly was cashier. In April, 1864, the bank took out a national charter and on the death of John A. Gormly in 1878, Mr. James Gormly succeeded him as president. The institution has played a notable part in the history of the city and its officers and directors have always been among the leading spirits in the development of the country. The bank has a capital of $100,- 000, surplus of $20,000, and profits of $11,000. In addition the bank during forty-five years as a stock concern has paid to its stockholders in dividends the sum of $405,000. During its entire career the bank has only had six cashiers and two presidents. In many ways the First National of Bucyrus has a unique history among the national banks of the country, and the completion of the first fifty years of its history is a notable event in financial circles in Ohio. New National Organized The First National, Toledo, has been approved for organization. The bank’s capital is $25,000. The organizers are: N. J. Dunlap, F. P. Long, J. W. Holman, W. H. Sharp, D. W. Baldwin. To Doable Working Capital The Market Savings Bank of Toledo is about to double its working capital, increasing the amount from $50,000 to $100,000. W. G. Voll-mayer, the cashier, has made a splendid record in the handling of the prosperous little institution. He has sent out to his stockholders the notice that those stockholders who cannot conveniently pay in the balance of their unpaid stock on September 1, 1909, will be given the privilege of paying 10 per cent per month of the unpaid portion beginning with September 1, 1909. July 6, 1909, the directors declared a dividend of 20 per cent from the earnings and surplus of this bank, 10 per cent to be paid September 1, 1909, and 10 per cent to be paid February 1, 1910, to all stockholders of record August 15, At a special meeting of the directors of the American Banking & Trust Company of Sandusky, held recently, James Flynn, who has been president of the company since its organization in 1904, presented his resignation to the board. In accepting his resignation, the board adopted resolutions expressing to Mr. Flynn their appreciation of the valuable services rendered by him to the company, their entire confidence in him, and their good wishes for his continued success in the business which will in the future occupy his time. Although Mr. Flynn thus retires from official connection with the company, his interests are still with the bank and his influence will continue to be exerted in its favor. His valuable counsel and wide experience with respect to land titles and values will still be at its service. By a unanimous vote of the board John A. Giedeman was elected to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Flynn’s resignation. Mr. Giedeman’s standing and influence in this community are too well known to need any explanations for his choice on the part of the board, and the officers and directors bespeak for Mr. Giedeman the cordial co-operation of every patron in the effort to secure perfect banking service. Released on Bail James S. Prettyman, vice-president of the bankrupt First National of Dresden, Ohio, who was convicted and given seven years in the federal prison at Leavenworth, Kan., and who has been in jail here pending a new trial at Cincinnati, was released on bail in the sum of $12,500. Jacob and Abraham Kapner, who were convicted with him, will also have trials at that time. Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary The First National of Bucyrus has just celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its opening for business. The bank started as the People’s Deposit Bank on June 30, 1859, and has had a prosperous history throughout its entire career. At the end of last week a celebration was held in the bank’s handsome quarters and the officers and directors received hundreds of visitors and customers who called to congratulate them on the auspicious occasion. An interesting feature