19 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 14, !pop] LISTING AND ADDING MACHINE THE WALES VISIBLE Manufactured at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., by the ADDER MACHINE COMPANY The Leading Features in which We Excel VISIBLE Writing :: VISIBLE Adding :: AUTOMATIC Correction Key :: AUTOMATIC Clear Signal, Easy Handle Pull, Rapid Work :: The UP-TO-DATE Adding Machine SAXE & HOGLE - Distributing Agents for Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Northern Minnesota and the Northern Peninsula of Michigan 161 STATE ST. CHICAGO 1 EVERYTHING IN SIGHT’ Directors of the Watkins National, Lawrence, Kan., have declared a semiannual dividend of 5 per cent, and $5,000 added to the surplus, making a total surplus of $50,000. There is still $20,000 of undivided profits, which makes the surplus and undivided profits total 70 per cent of the capital stock of the bank. The First State Bank of Philbrook, Mont., has been organized with a capital of $30,000, and has taken over the business of Warren & Co., bankers. Fred Warren is president, and FL S. Woodward cashier of the institution. The new State Bank and Trust Co. of Port Lavaca, Tex., has elected the following officers: M. S. Mahon, president : C. T. Taylor, vice-president, and J. S. Cockerson, cashier. The capital of the institution is $50,000. Stockholders Ratify Consolidation Columbia, Tenn.—The consolidation of the Maury National Bank and the Farmers & Merchants Bank, both of Columbia, Tenn., was ratified by a recent meeting of the stockholders. The new bank will be known as the Maury National Bank. The bank is capitalized at $200,000. The officers of the institution will be as follows: R. C. Church, president ; W. P. Ridley, J. F. Brownlow and John W. Fry, vice-presidents; C. A. Parker, cashier; H. B. Cochrane, teller. The directors will be as follows: W. P. Ridley, R. C. Church, G. T. Hughes, James Andrews, Jr., J. D. Barrow, Dr. J. A. Edwards, B. P. Dalton. R. L. McKinley, J. F. Stockard, W. V. Thompson, B. Satterfield, J. C. Woten, Dr. Lenore, G. W. Killebrew, W. B. Turner, W. Salmon, John VV. Fry, J. P. Brownlow, C. H. Sharp, M. E. Wheeler, W. J. Howard, and J. O. Cheek. V* Savings Bank of Rockville The Savings Bank of Rockville, Conn., has elected the following directors: William Butler, George Talcott, H. L. James, J. C. Hammond, Jr., Arthur T. Bissell, William Maxwell, Edwin G. Butler, L. T. Tingier, P. B. Leonard, Fred Swindells, and H. L. Allen. Officers elected: President, William Butler; vice-president, George Talcott; secretary and treasurer, Arthur T. Bissell; assistant treasurer, Edwin G. Butler. V» The First National of Alderson, W. Va., and the Greenbrier Valley Bank are to be consolidated. The institution will be known as the First National of Alderson. The capital will be increased from $25,000 to $81,000. First State Bank of Kingsville, Texas; $15,-000. Incorporators—W. R. McKie, Ben T. Laws, Ben F. Wilson and others. Southwestern Casualty Insurance Company of Oklahoma City ; capital, $500,000. Incorporators —I. M. Holcomb, Buran House, J. H. Marshall, H. C. Oeheltree, I. C. Heyman, A. L. Welch, J. M. Owen, W. E. Taylor," R. E. Moist, W. A. Mowharter and W. S. Wier. Farmers’ State Bank of Tipton, Okla.; capital, $10,000. Incorporators—R. S. Corhl, A. J. Stevens, C. W. Howard of Frederick, J. J. Mat-this and W. T. Webb of Manitou, Colo. The First State Bank of Crosbytown, Texas; capital, $25,000. Incorporators—R. L. Over, J. A. Nobles, E. A. Balch. The Farmers and Merchants’ State Bank, Ballinger; $100,000. Incorporators—W B. Ray, R. W. Bruce, J. F. Currio and others. The Paducah State Bank, Paducah; $30,000. Incorporators—L. W. Fry, P. E. Jordan, T. M. Drummond and others. The Gomez State Bank of Gomez filed an amendment to its charter, changing its name to the First State Bank of Plains, and its place of business to Plains, Yoakum county. Banking Notes The Rosenberg State of Rosenberg, Tex., recently organized, is now ready for business, with a paid-in capital of $10,000. The following are the directors: H. R. Kimbler, president; directors: J. S. Rice, A. J. Meininger, W. J. Mein-inger; Prof. J. W. Winston, cashier. The First National of Hoisington, Kansas, elected J. H. Hartman, vice-president; C. P. Munns, cashier, to take the place of Mr. Hartman ; C. A. Elmore, assistant cashier, to succeed J. L. Pieper. The State National of Oklahoma City, elected Edw. H. Cooke, president; J. H. Wilkin and John M. Hale, vice-presidents, to succeed W. M. Grant and C. F. Colcord; Geo. L. Cooke, cashier, to succeed J. L. Wilkins; P. Roden, assistant cashier. The Citizens National of Powhuska, Okla., elected C. E. Vandervoort, president, to succeed W. S. Mathews; John L. Bird, vice-president, to succeed W. T. Mosier; A. W. Hurley, cashier, to succeed R. E. Trammell, and F. A. Kent, assistant cashier. John Johnston is the president, H. M. Savery, vice-president, and Geo. W. Olson, cashier, of a new bank organized at Cedar, Kansas. John Johnston, H. M. Savery, John Simpson, C. F. Krammer, E. C. Wise are directors. coming in on the new issue for which the bank purposes increasing its capital stock from $200,-000 to $250,000. Contemplate Friendly Suit to Test Law Elmer E. Ames, cashier of the Central National Bank of Topeka, and president and manager of the Bankers’ Deposit Guarantee and Surety Company of Kansas, formed to guarantee national bond deposits, said that C. W. Barnes, insurance commissioner of Kansas, had not yet granted his company permission to do business in Kansas. A short time ago the charter board granted a charter to this company to guarantee deposits of the banks of Kansas. Mr. Barnes is not sure that the laws of Kansas will permit the company to do business, and it is probably a friendly suit will be brought in the supreme court of Kansas to mandamus the board so as to settle the question of law. While the national bankers of Kansas are waiting on the settlement of this question, the association of state banks, that was organized July 15th, is gathering in new members and preparing to take advantage of the guaranty law. C. N. Prouty, cashier of the Exchange State Bank in Kansas City, Kas., and president of the association of state bankers, is sending out letters to all state banks in Kansas asking them to join the association before the first annual meeting in Topeka in November. In the letter to the state bankers, Mr. Prouty says: ‘ The purpose of the association is to protect, strengthen and improve state banks, the banking laws of the state of Kansas, and especially the bank depositors’ guaranty law. A strong guaranty fund can be built up. Such an organization can be of great help to the state banking department, and we have the assurance of our bank commissioner that we will have his assistance. There are matters of great importance to be dealt with, among others the amount of premiums we are paying for burglary insurance and depository bonds. We certainly should be able to find or organize a strong company that will write such risks at the old rate.” New Banks Incorporated Guarantee State Bank of Shattuck, Okla., $25,000 capital. Incorporators—R. T. Moody of Canadian', Tex.; J. J. Gerlach of Woodward, E. F. Tubb, R. A. and A. M. Moody of Shattuck. Bank of Reno, Okla.; $10,000. Incorporators —C. O. Harnecl and T. R. Harned of Helena, and G. C. Harned of Jet. Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Tupelo, Okla., $10,ocxd capital. Incorporators— E. D. King of Tupelo, V. S. Cook of Medicine Lodge and C. Brown of Murfreesboro, Ark.