27 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 7, !pop] Costs nothing to see it Popular on the links The Rustless Steel Golf Club / Can be purchased from inspettion^aifd* if ° 7 Chicago Golf Shop, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. weighty balance W Golcher Bros., 510 Market St.. . .San Francisco, Cal. and angle are not JF W. S. Brown.........523 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa. entirely satis- // F. W. Basche & Son.......Green Bay, Wisconsin aT^oTr^ex11־ // Kelly Hardware Co., 120 W. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. pense and // H. E. Husted .. I.........1 18 E. Main St., Galesburg, 111. we will /7 Arthur L. Johnson......180 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. m e ,a /7 Grand Leader...........................St. Louis, Missouri sh^p11־ // Robert Forgan & Son................St. Andrews, Scotland ment. /7 Von Lengerke & Detmold.....200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. /7 These Clubs defy age and atmosphere, and give 25% greater /7 distance to the ball. If you don’t believe it, send for our hand-Jf some catalog and book of testimonials and learn why. / THE RUSTLESS GOLF CLUB CO. 1---1055 ׳ Old Colony Building, Chicago JJ Farwell Trust (Г -JJ HAS FOR SALE, AT ALL TIMES, MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD, PUBLIC UTILITY, AND IRRIGATION BONDS SUITABLE FOR CONSER-VATIVE INVESTORS, YIELDING 3.80% TO 6%. CORRESPONDENCE • INVITED (Г JJ CHICAGO 22© LA SALLE ST. fr V Ш}? HJakratiiB prraa R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS CO. PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, BINDERS Telephones Harrison-350 Corner Plymouth Place and Polk Street CHICAGO, ILL. H. T. HOLTZ & CO. Municipal TJ J Railroad School JjOIHIiS Corporation Furnishing Safe Investments for NATIONAL BANKS STATE BANKS TRUST COMPANIES SAVINGS BANKS ESTATES INSTITUTIONS We invite correspondence and inquiries relative to the Bonds owned and offered by us and shall be pleased to send our Descriptive Circulars on request, together with our latest publication entitled “FOR THE INFORMATION OF CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS," 171 LA SALLE ST. Tel. Randolph 1170 CHICAGO Organize New Bank Dacula, Ga.—A. M. Wilson will be president; W. T. Hinton, vice-president, of the new bank being organized here. The following will be directors: E. S. Hogan, George Sikes, L. E. Pharr, J. M. Wilson and R. M. Stanley. Guaranty Bank of Knoxville The new Guaranty Bank of Knoxville, Iowa, expects to open its doors September 1st. The capital stock of the bank is $30,000. Officers have been elected as follows: George W. Crozier, president; Thos. Nace, vice-president; N. F. Miller, cashier; Geo. W. Crozier, N. F. Miller, W. J. Casey, J. P. Durham, F. P. Robuck, E. R. Crozier, and Alex. Smith, directors. The Chicago Banker on Land and Sea Readers of The Chicago Banker may be interested to know that when traveling at home or abroad they will find copies of the paper on the following railroad trains and ocean steamships: Lake Shore Twentieth Century Limited, Lake Shore Limited, Pennsylvania Limited, Northwestern Overland Limited, Northwestern Los Angeles Limited, Northwestern Colorado Limited, Northwestern North West Limited, Chicago & Alton St. Louis Limited. Cunard Line Steamships: Lusitania, Mauritania, Campania, Caronia, Lucarna and Carmania. North German Lloyd Steamships: Cecelie, Kaiser Wm. der Grosse, Kaiser Wm. II., Frederich Wm., Prinz Fred-erich Wm., George Washington. American Line Steamships: St. Paul, New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis. Banker a Benedict Harold Bull, connected with the First National at Mason City, was secretly married to Miss Ruth McGhee of the same city, surprising their friends who had no warning of the approaching nuptials. Banking Notes The state banking department has issued a certificate to the Peoples Savings at Garrison. A. H. Wilson is president and A. J. Donald, cashier. The First National at Omaha has been made reserve agent for the Malvern National at Malvern. The Commercial National of Cedar Rapids has been made reserve agent for the Commercial National at Waterloo. W. L. Blackington has been chosen vice-president of the Lee County Savings at Fort Madison. G. W. Story has been chosen cashier of the Fairfax Savings, and C. W. Knickerbocker assistant cashier. Cal Kingsley has been elected second vice-president of the Leavitt & Johnson National at Waterloo. J. O. Trumbauer has been made third vice-president. Des Moines Visitors Among Iowa bankers who have visited Des Moines bankers the past week are: Cashier M. B. Wheelock of the Citizens State at Colfax; Elton F. King, president of the First National at Webster City, and W. C. Pyle, cashier; William Weimer, president of the First National of Radcliffe, and Frank Weimer, president of the State Bank of Ledyard. •>* The Bristol (Colo.) State Bank has been organized with a capital of $10,000. of his right hand was severed as neatly as if done by an ax. Former Iowa City Banker Dead Captain C. F. Lovelace, aged 81, formerly a prominent banker at Iowa City, died at Seattle last week. His four children lived at Seattle and he disposed of his holdings at Iowa City a few months ago and joined his children in that Western city. On Vacation Cashier Edward Van Gorder of the First National at Audubon has with Mrs. Van Gorder been visiting in Des Moines with friends the past few days. Losers by Bank Failure Make Appeal Six of the heaviest losers by the failure of the Corwith State several months ago who were not given preference by the district court, have decided to appeal to the supreme court. A. C. Haswell of New York, who is said to have lost $30,000 in the clearing out of Cashier Standring, is one of the appellants. T. S. McClannahan Thomas S. McClannahan, director in the Monmouth National at Monmouth, 111., dropped dead while on a business trip to Crestón, Iowa. McClannahan was dressing in a hotel preparatory to catching an early train when dissolution occurred. Changes in Bank Officials Among recent changes in Iowa national banks was the election of E. Dillenberg as vice-president of the First National at Waukon, succeeding H. F. Opfer, deceased; C. H. Vernon, president of the Okey-Vernon National, Corning, succeeding A. F. Okey, deceased; F. C. Okey, vice-president, in place of C. H. Vernon; L. A. Dugan, vice-president of the Farmers National, in place of Allen Harrod.