23 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 7, 1909] $3000 is the Market Price of Motor Car Superiority We express it, not as an opinion, but as a fact a fact readily demonstrated — that every four-cylinder car, be the make, size or price what it will, is fundamentally lower in merit than the Winton Six. No amount of embellishment or lavish expenditure on the part of the maker can alter this condition a particle, for as a clock without hands may tick away for years without ever telling the time, so a motor car with less than six cylinders can never render you that supremely satisfactory and delightul service characteristic of the Winton Six. We would be unfair to automobile buyers did we not urge them to investigate the Winton Six before expending $2000 or more in the purchase of any car. The prospective buyer who may be planning to purchase a $4000 car can, by purchasing a Winton Six, save $1000 purchase money and at the same time buy the better car; whereas the prospective buyer who contemplates expending say $2500 for a four can, by adding $500 to his contemplated original investment, secure on his investment a dividend in service and satisfaction so many fold greater that he will count himself fortunate in changing his plan. At $3000 the 48 horse-power Winton Six represents a legitimate profit to us and the absolute limit of automobile value to the car buyer. It is impossible to get a better car even by paying more. We sell our 60 horse-power car at $4500, but it has no higher merit than the $3000 car. The $4500 car has greater power and a larger body. Its price is higher for these reasons, and because it costs decidedly more per car to produce a limited quantity of 60s than to produce a greater quantity of 48s. Comparing cars on their actual value to the buyer (taking into account the quantity and quality of service a car can render its owner) it is obvious to the reasonable mind that, if the facts are as we state them, it is unwise to pay more than $3000 for a touring car, except where greater than 48 horse-power is desired. It is equally unwise to pay $2000 to $2750 for a car of smaller power, when the expenditure of the additional money necessary to secure a Winton Six means to command the maximum of automobile excellence, enjoyment and economy. THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. ioo Berea Road, Cleveland, Ohio Please send Winton Six literature to THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. Member A. L. A. M. CLEVELAND, U. S. A. Winton Branch Houses (owned and operated by the company) in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and San Francisco.