15 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 7, 1909] gygg**миеея—к1#1маа^вняня*в*вее1**я8аавеевавв established 1872 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK MINNEAPOLIS Total Resources $30,000,000 -i S? ’־ s:־ • BP■•׳ • -; í * ¡si¡» Capital & Surplus $4,000,000 The Only Bank in the Northwest with a Complete Foreign Department will be installed which will meet a need that is felt in this community, as many of our citizens are now renting boxes for their valuable papers in burglar proof vaults in Dayton and other large cities. V* Philippine Improvement Bonds Offered Bids will be received by the Bureau of Insular Affairs of the War Department until 2. p. m., August 17th, for $1,500,000 4 per cent 10 to 30-year optional public improvement bonds of the Philippine Islands. The bonds will be accepted at par as security for the deposit of public money of the United States should further deposits be made. These bonds were authorized by congress by act of February 6, 1903, which provided for a total issue of $5,000,000, of which $3,500,000 already have been put out. A Bank Fraud A particularly rank check fraud has just been reported by the Cleveland National Bank through Assistant Cashier J. A. Ward. A check drawn by “J. J. Johnson” to the order of “M. J. Nolan” on the “Manufacturers’ National Bank” of Cleveland, came through from New York. There is no “Manufacturers’ National Bank” in Cleveland, nor any bank approaching that alleged institution in title. The name of the bank was printed on the check, as was Johnson’s name. Inasmuch as all this printing was done, it is hardly probable that the fraud) is limited to a single case, and a warning has been sent to other bankers to look out for these checks. Increase Capital Stock The Bank of Lumberton’s (N. C.) capital stock has been increased to $100,000. The surplus stands at $20,000. Two new directors, A. W. Pearce and Oscar Page, have been added, making a total of 15. Commercial National to Install New Vaults In 1865 the First National Bank of Union City, Ind., was organized and opened for business. After a successful career of twelve years its character was surrendered, and it was succeeded by the Commercial Bank—a state bank organized under the laws of Indiana. The charter of the latter expired in 1897, and the management, having had experience under both the state and United States laws, and believing the national system was the better of the two, decided to wind up its affairs. At this time the Commercial National Bank was organized, with the same officers, and under the same management. Since this change was made the business of the bank has largely increased, and it has built up for itself an enviable reputation for safety and fair dealing. It is now proposed to increase the bank’s facilities for carrying on its business, and provide for further extensions by installing a fine new burglar and fire proof vault, and remodeling the inside furnishings of its building. This work, now under way, will require some two months for its completion, and will give the Commercial National one of the most complete banking outfits in this section. In connection with the new vault an excellent safe deposit system for the storage of valuable papers of every description which the tariffs must be filed, except that they are ordered to do so within a reasonable time. This will give an opportunity to shippers to file complaints against rates which they deem excessive and to secure reductions if they are found to be too high. V J. H. T. Ryman Gives a Welcome to Missoula (Continued from page 11) tions and time-locks that you would not know how to use an old-fashioned key if I gave you one. And it is so long since our key was last used that I doubt if there is anybody who knows where it is. The fact is, our gates are always open and for you we spread the streets that lead from them with the roses of cordial greetings and the laurels of honest praise. For you are the mainstay of our state’s substantial commercial structure and we are proud of the distinguished honor of entertaining your association. I, therefore, on the part of the University City, bid you, individually and collectively, a genuine Missoula welcome and hope that your stay with us will be pleasant throughout. ^ .. S. F. Zombro was elected president of the Central National of Los Angeles. State Convention Dates Secretary Address ...D. S. Kloss........Tyrone..... ... Wm. B. Hughes.....Omaha...... ... F. E. Farnsworth..New York... ...H. Reynolds........Las Vegas... ... Isham Bridges.....Louisville_ ...R. L. Rinaman......Chicago.... Association Place .. Pennsylvania.......Bedford Springs... .. Nebraska...........Omaha....... .. A. B. A............Chicago_____ . .New Mexico.........Santa Fe ... .. Kentucky...........Louisville... . .Illinois...........Decatur---- Date September 7, 8 ... September 8, 9 ... September 13-18. . September 15--- October 6, 7... October 12, 13_