7 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 7, içoç] Continental National-American Trust The official calls for the meetings of the stockholders of the Continental National and the American Trust and Savings Bank, to vote on the proposition to combine those two institutions have been issued for August 31st. Stockholders in the Continental of record August 1st, will be entitled to subscribe at $175 per share for $2,-000,000 of the $5,000,000 of new stock to be issued by that bank. The other $3,000,000 is to be sold at par to a committee to be exchanged for the $3,000,000 capital of the American Trust. To provide the $3,000,000 necessary in this transaction the Continental will pay $400,000 out of its undivided profits and the American Trust will pay $2,600,000 out of its surplus and undivided profits. The Continental will increase its board of directors from twelve to twenty-three in order to take over eleven of the directors of the American Trust. V» The Corn Exchange of Omaha The new Corn Exchange Bank of Omaha, Neb., has begun business. The bank has an authorized capital stock of $500,000, with $300,-000 paid up. The officers include: President, Joseph Hayden; vice-president, T. E. Stevens; cashier, J. W. Thoms; directors, James A. Lan-gan, B. F. Marshall, E. P. Meyers, Charles 11־. Pickens, Charles R. Sherman, Goetlieb Storz, and John R. Webster. V* The Guaranty Bank of Knoxville, Iowa, is a new institution with a capital of $30,000. George W. Crozier is president. for burglary insurance and depository bonds. We certainly should be able to find, or organize, a strong company that will write such risks at the old rate, at least, that which has recently been doubled. Our secretary already has a $2 rate from one company. We are told that the insurance company now being organized by the national bankers will write for their members only. Our first annual meeting will be held at Topeka in November, and all subjects dealt with will be matters of direct interest to state bankers. We urge you to become a member, and to meet with us. _ Run on New Lincoln Pennies There was a run on the Chicago subtreasury this week, coin collectors keeping the cashier, Frank C. Russell, busy with their demands for part of the limited coinage of Lincoln centennial pennies. By noon of the first day the supply of 200,000 was nearly exhausted. For the first time in history the United States government has coined pennies without the head of an Indian. These pennies bear a stamp of the head of Abraham Lincoln, and in view of the fact that they will be scarce, collectors engaged in an unusual rush for them. _ Chatom State Bank James N. Granade is president, O. L. Gray vice-president, W. -M. Smith cashier of the new Chatom (Ala.) State Bank, with a capital of $15,000. The following are the directors: W. M. Smith, O. L. Gray, James N. Granade, J. F. Granade, C. J. Dees, C. F. Carpenter, Joe C. Granade, and J. Williams. Bankers ! Advise your customers to use POSTAL CAE© OTECI (patented) For paying small sums. They are safe, economical and convenient, and save time, money and errors. Samples for 1 Oc silver. E. P. SELDEN ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA EDMOND C. VAN DIEST ROBERT McF. DOBLE THOMAS L. WILKINSON ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS COMPANY Consulting and Supervising Engineers 417 Century Building 17th & Stout Streets DENVER, COLORADO NATIONAL STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK An institution with ample capital offers perfect service to Bankers interested in live stock business at the St. Louis National Stock Yards NATIONAL STOCK YARDS - - - ILLINOIS Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co. Capital and Surplus, $285,000 Deposits, $2,317,110 Solicits Accounts and Collections from Banks, Firms and Individuals on Favorable Terms. WM. BUTTER WORTH, PRE8, NEL80N H. GREENE, VICE PRE8. C. W. LUNDAHL, CASH. AND SEC. Chicago Visitors Bob Crawford, president of the Mendota National, Mendota, Illinois, was seen passing through Chicago last Saturday with members of his family, going North. It is suspected he is looking for a quiet, cool fishing resort somewhere in the woods of Northern Minnesota. J. W. Lyder, Jr., cashier of the Northern National, Duluth, Minn., visited Chicago one day last week. Mr. Lyder reports business conditions in Duluth as being good, and to show the faith of the Northern National in the future of that important commercial and shipping point announces their intention to build a fifteen-story office building, where the home of the Northern National will be located. A. J. Conover, president of the Dayton Savings and Trust Company, Dayton, Ohio, spent several days in Chicago■ on his way home from a trip to the Northwest. Mr. Conover was accompanied by his wife. They traveled west by the way of the Canadian Pacific, returning through California and back over the Santa Fe. Mr. Conover is also a director of the Dayton National Bank and president of the Gem City Stove & Range Company. He was greatly impressed with the enthusiasm of the people of the Northwest. Mr. Conover hopes to return to Chicago to the convention in September. *>» New Members of I. B. A. The Illinois Bankers Association have obtained the following new members: Porter Fishback and Company, Chicago; South Side State and Savings Bank, Chicago; The Edge-water Bank, Chicago; Krause Savings Bank, Chicago; Merchants Bank of Chicago, Chicago; Peoples Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago; West Englewood Bank, Chicago; Washington Park Bank, Chicago; Illinois State Bank, Quincy; Illiopolis Bank, Illiopolis; St. Joseph Bank, St. J oseph ; Farmers Bank, Liberty; Citizens Bank, Donovan; First National, Le Roy. V* New Kansas State Bankers Association Washington, Kan., August 3.—The newly organized state bankers association is making a vigorous campaign for new members and the following strong letter sent out over the name of the president, by Secretary W. E. Wilson, explains the aims of the rival organization to the regular state association. President C. N. Prouty says: To the state bankers of Kansas: On the 15th day of this month the Kansas State Bankers Association was organized at Topeka, Kansas. If you are not a member we urge you to become one. The right step has been taken. The purpose of the association is to protect, strengthen, and improve state banks, the hanking laws of the state of Kansas, and especially the bank depositor’s guaranty law. A strong guaranty fund can be built up. Such an organization can be of great help to the state banking department, and we have the assurance of our bank commissioner that we will have his assistance. There are matters of great importance to be dealt with, among others the amount of premiums we are paying Joyce & Company (Incorporated) General Agents The Rookery Bldg. Chicago, Illinois ILLINOIS ADVISORY BOARD Charles G. Dawes, Resident Vice-President A. J. Earling David R. Forgan John A. Spoor Walter H. Wilson M. J. Kirkman COUNSEL Calhoun, Lyford & Sheean Winston, Payne, Strawn & Shaw National Surety Go. OÏ New York D fl №№ Fidelity and Surety Bonds JJUJjUo Burglary Insurance