25 THE CHICAGO BANKER July 31, i9־op] . CIDCT National Bank of K 1 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. On Monday, August 2, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH will occupy its superb new building, at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Wood Street, where a hearty welcome awaits all depositors, regardless of the size of their accounts. JAMES S. KUHN, President WILLIAM S. KUHN, Vice-President F. H. RICHARD, Cashier T T DAWSON SPEER, Vice-President T. C. GRIGGS, Asst. Cash. ALEXANDER MURDOCH. Asst. Cash. WM. McK. REED, Asst. Cash. Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK $1,800,000 ־ SURPLUS 2,000,000 - - ־ HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, Asst. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at־Law ROBERT D. ELWOOD, JAS. S. KUHN EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. Elwood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W. FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY FRANK S WILLOCK Clinton Iron & Steel Co. of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Bnck Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY L. L. McCLELLAND Chantler & McClung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Secretary J. S. & W. S. Kuhn, Inc. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention room, unusually large safe deposit vaults and other innovations, will mark the construction of the building. It is expected to be ready for occupancy by January ist next. The interior furnishings of the bank will be of white marble and mahogany. Banking Notes R. H. Beamer is president, E. E. Gaddis, vice-president, and M. O. Harling, cashier, of the new Home Savings of Woodland. The First State and Savings Bank of Los Gatos is being organized with a capital of $50,-000. The organizers are R. R. Bell, D. P. Simons, W. T. Lathrop, S. D. Balch and J. A. Case. Earl H. Webb was elected to the board of directors of the Berkeley National and the University Savings of Berkeley, to take the place of Louis Titus who resigned. The Bank of Garden Grove has been organized with a capital of $25,000. The directors are C. E. Lamme, H. R. Andre, H. C. Head, Frank Ey and J. Weisser. Charles G. Greene, vice-president of the First National of Long Beach, was elected cashier of the Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles. Charles G. Greene has resigned as vice-president of the First National of Long Beach. Robert D. Judkins was elected cashier. The Bank of La Mesa has been organized with a capital of $25,000. S. C. Grable, C. C. Park, H. H. Clements are directors. The American National of Monrovia elected C. H. Ainley, president, to succeed W. B. Scarborough, W. C. Patterson, vice-president, to take the place of Mr. Ainley, and A. Adams, assistant cashier, to succeed K. E. Lawrence. M. Leonhardt has been elected assistant cashier of the First National of Covina. J. C. Droge was elected president, William Schmidt, vice-president, and O. H. Root, cashier and secretary of the new Bank of Tracy, organized at Tracy. Andrew F. Hodge has been elected president; W. R. Gore, vice-president; C. H. Slocum, cashier, and W. W. Hinsey, assistant cashier, of the new Bank of Fair Oaks. The Placer County Bank of Auburn has increased its paid-up capital from $50,000 to $100,000. nation of the affairs of the institution and found !that it was not complying with the banking laws and was carrying only 5 per cent of its deposits in cash, instead of 15 per cent, as the law demands. This suspension is not a very serious matter, as the institution had previously paid off 90 per cent of its depositors and was in a fair way to wind up its affairs and go into voluntary liquidation, without loss to any of its creditors. Application Approved The comptroller of the currency has approved the application of J. F. Giles, J. M. Edmunds, A. C. Tobias, George P. Blair and F. C. Paulin to organize the First National of Calexico with capital of $50,000. The comptroller of the currency issued a certificate authorizing the First National of Claremont to begin business with a capital of $25,000. George Jeniks is president; O. H. Duvall, vice-president, and W. N. Beach, cashier. It is the conversion of the Citizens State Bank of Claremont. New Bank Building in Oakland Contracts for the building of a banking edifice have been let by the Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank. The new building will be located at 13th and Franklin streets, and wilt be constructed of Mante stone. Although divided into two stories only, the edifice will be as high as an ordinary 3-story building. The work of construction will commence immediately. The main entrance to the building will be on Franklin st. A ladies’ waiting room, a customers’ meeting- DESIGNED AND ENGRAVED BY SCHAUM ENGRAVING & PRINTING CO SUCCESSORS TO CLARK ENGRAVING & PRINTING CO. Designers, Printers, Engravers ADVERTISING AGENTS MILWAUKEE mento Chamber of Commerce, and O. L. Dar-row, vice-president of the Sutter National Bank, have been appointed trustees for the subscribers. Herman Davis was made manager pending final organization. Change to a National The comptroller of the currency has issued a certificate authorizing the McCloud National of McCloud to commence business, with a capital of $25,000. J. H. Queal is president; Fred F. Spencer, vice-president; William Thompson, cashier, and J. H. Heininger, assistant cashier. It is the conversion of the McCloud Valley Bank. City and County Bank The City and County Bank is now occupying its new quarters in the Lincoln Realty building, at Fifth and Market streets, and both the officers and depositors of the institution are delighted with the new banking rooms. Strength in shown in the massive design and construction of the vault, which is the only one of its kind in the city. The vault was designed and built especially for the City and County Bank by one of San Francisco’s best known safe companies. The door of the vault is constructed of chrome steel and in itself weighs over ten tons. It is fitted with automatic attachments and equipped with time locks. Two New Nationals The comptroller of the currency issued a certificate authorizing the First National of Oxnard to begin business with a capital of $250,000, with J. A. Donlon as president; J. A. Driffill, vice-president, and George E. Hume, cashier. It is a conversion of the Bank of Oxnard, The comptroller also authorized the Marine National Bank of San Diego to begin business with a capital of $xoo,ooo. G. W. Fishburn is president and F. A. Garetson vice-president. Increase Directorate The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Fort Bragg was held July 12th. The number of directors were increased from five to seven, and the following persons were elected for the ensuing year: president, H. A. Weller; vice-president, W. P. Plummer; cashier, J. E. Weller; assistant cashier, Charles IT. Weller, to reside in San Francisco. The directors are: W. P. Plummer, IT. A. Weller, C. R. Johnson, George Golden, J. E. Weller, W. A. McCornack, Leonard Barnard. Bank Suspension not Serious The Bullfrog Bank and Trust Co. at Rhyolite closed its doors recently upon demand by State Bank Examiner Van Fleet, who made an exami-