[ Volume XXVII THE C HI CAGO BANKER 28 pany are a number of the most substantial financiers of St. Louis, who will work in harmony with the local officials in handling investments in Texas. The application for the charter will be filed with the secretary of state within the next few days, and the statement is made that the company will be ready to do business shortly after the first of next month. The company does not expect to be able to take possession of the new quarters in the Scanlan Building until September 1st, and in the meantime the business will be transacted on a limited scale. The entire capital stock of $500,000 has been subscribed and the company will begin business with a surplus of $25,000. of the Union Bank and Trust Company. How well the stockholders have been selected and scattered is best shown by the list of 279 shareholders covering six states, and containing more of the successful business men than *perhaps any company ever organized in Texas. Mr. Tinker will be the president of the Bankers Company, being particularly fitted for the place by years of training and attention to trust affairs, both in the interior and in Houston. He came to Houston four years ago as cashier of the Union Bank and Trust Company, and largely through his system of adopting modern methods, and imbibing the office force with not only a desire, but a determination to give acceptable service, together with New Trust Company Nearly a hundred stockholders of the new Bankers Trust Company met in the rooms of the Houston Business League, Wednesday, and a partial organization was effected by the election of twenty-four directors and the selection of an advisory board composed of xoo members. It was stated that stockholders representing $400,000 of the $500,000 capital stock of the company were present either in person or by proxy. The first matter of business to occupy the attention of the meeting THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION The August Lippincotts The long story in the August Lippincotts is “The Cult and the Catamount” by Dorothy Canfield. To complete this most attractive summer number there are a number of fine short sketches by the best authors and the latest humor. Banking Notes The capital stock of the Crowles (Neb.) Bank has been increased to $15,000. The Citizens Loan & Trust Co. has been organized at Decatur, Ind., with a capital of $50,-000. Solon Toothaker, of Kansas City, Mo., is interested in the organization for a new bank at Mildred, Kan. his special credit ability has been the prime mover-in elevating the Union Bank and Trust Company to a deposit line of over six million of dollars. Many of the principal bankers of the state and the United States are closely associated with the company, forming a connection which will greatly facilitate the handling of Texas securities and loans, it being one feature to buy good notes and make loans on real estate not to exceed 50 per cent of real cash value, and all these notes will be for sale to any investor, besides the other sources of profit, such as the public audit or accountant, legal, rental, collections, publicity, abstract, money orders, real estate. No money will be received except for investments. Among the stockholders in the new com- was the selection of the directors and the following were named: Thomas H. Ball, B. W. Armstrong, R. H. Baker, J. S. Bonner, Judge R. E. Brooks, W. T. Carter, Niels Esperson, M. M. Graves, Breckinridge Jones, John H. Kirby, Abe Levy, H. L. Borden, C. L. Neu-haus, D. C. Powell, W. G. Ragley, W. B. Renn, George A. Rick, J. O. Ross, Miss Kate Scanlan, E. T. Swinney, H. N. Tinker, J. S. Rice, J. W. Link, Hon. J. .M. Moore, H. B. Rice. After the directors were selected an advisory board was named to act in conjunction with the directors in managing the affairs of the concern and W. W. Cameron of Waco was selected as chairman of the board. The Bankers Trust Company has been organized by H. N. Tinker, active vice-president