27 THE CHICAGO BANKER July 24, 1909] Costs nothing to see it Popular on the links The Rustless Steel Golf Club я w a, ei fa p w IT s д Farwell Trust Co JJ HAS FOR SALE, AT ALL TIMES, MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD, PUBLIC UTILITY, AND IRRIGATION BONDS SUITABLE FOR CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS, YIELDING 3.80% TO 6%. A (Г c= J CORRESPONDENCE • INVITED ^ f= * 22© LA SALLE ST־ - CHICAGO V J at Dedham; Cashier H. J. Holmes, of the Perry Saving's at Perry; Gus Nelson of Waurika, Oklahoma, former paying teller for the Iowa National, Des Moines. V• New Story by the Author of “Truth Dexter” The great Boston publishing house, Little, Brown & Co., has just sent out a new American novel by Sidney McCall, author of the world-famous tale of Truth Dexter. In private life the author is Mary McNeill Fenollosa, for years a resident of Japan. Her poems and “The Breath of the Gods” have to do with that island empire. In her latest book “Red Horse Hill,” Sidney McCall, as she prefers to sign herself, has furnished another American setting, that of a Southern mill town. The conflict of human interests, a deep love motive that runs through four related lives among the characters of this remarkable story, and the terrific power for good or evil held in the hands of the controller of Southern mills, all bear a vital part in the drama. It is the best work this gifted author has produced, and has on every page the marks of an earnest thinker and of a writer of high artistic ideals. “Red Horse Hill,” as well as all of this author’s previous books, is published by Little, Brown & Company, Boston. Price $1.50. The Chicago Banker on Land and Sea Readers of The Chicago Banker may be interested to know that when traveling at home or abroad they will find copies of the paper on the following railroad trains and ocean steamships: Lake Shore Twentieth Century Limited, Lake Shore Limited, Pennsylvania Limited, Northwestern Overland Limited, Northwestern Los Angeles Limited, Northwestern Colorado Limited, Northwestern North West Limited, Chicago & Alton St. Louis Limited. Cunará Line Steamships: Lusitania, Mauritania, Campania, Caronia, Lu-cania and Carmania. North German Lloyd Steamships: Cecelie, Kaiser Wm. der Grosse, Kaiser Wm. II., Frederich Wm., Prinz Fred-erich Wm., George Washington. American Line Steamships: St. Paul, New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis. The new Guaranty Bank at Knoxville is expected to open its doors September 1st. The capital stock is $30,000 and the responsibility $300,000. Officers were given last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Crawford left last week for Carlsbad, Germany, where they will take treatment for their health. Mr. Crawford is president of the V alley National of Des Moines. The Mason City National has let the contract for the new three story brick bank block and hotel to the Northern Construction Company of Milwaukee. The value of real and personal property in Iowa totals $2,445,458,961 according to reports filed with the auditor of state and compiled by the reports from the county auditors of the state. The Norwalk Savings has filed articles with the secretary of state. The capital stock is $25,000. Incorporators are: R. G. Arnold, F. B. Casaday, J. N. Casaday, W. F. Desenberg, C. B. Kern, C. W. Robinson, W. T. Thomas, H. G. -Wykoff, E. L. Willett, Simon Casaday. Auditor of State Bleakly has issued a certificate to the Citizens Savings of Cresco which starts with a capital stock of $25,000. S. A. Converse is president and John Kakao, cashier. W. M. Jacobson has resigned as cashier of the Farmers Savings at Fenton, and R. S. Blossom, cashier of the Danish American Savings at Ringsted has been chosen to succeed him. The Bank of Hamburg, at Hamburg, has chosen J. E. Morgan as president. F. G. Figert has been elected cashier of the Laurel Savings at Laurel. President James Watt of the German Savings, Des Moines, is enjoying his vacation in England. The First National of Conrad, Iowa, has been authorized with $25,000 capital. The officers: President, A. B. Reynolds; vice-president, Samuel Bock; cashier, Homer S. Thomas. Des Moines Visitors Among the Iowa bankers in Des Moines the past week were: Cashier M. B. Wheelock, of the Citizens State at Colfax; President E. T. Dufur, of the Citizens at Shannon City ; Cashier D. H. Ellis, of the Merchants National at Greene; Cashier M. Slife, of the State Savings Miller’s opponents were Vice-President James Talbott of the Commercial National, Chicago; President E. F. Swinney, of the First National at Kansas City; Cashier George A. Wetmore, of the First National of Chicago. The game became so exciting that it was necessary to play it in installments and at the time of writing, the champion had not been determined. Plea for Pardon Unsuccessful Carl M. Spencer, defaulting teller of the Des Moines National, was not successful in securing a pardon from President Taft. However the president cut off two years of the five which Spencer was sentenced to serve in the government penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, it was expected that he would begin the sentence this week. Bank Clearings Des Moines bank clearings took another, boost for the week ending July 17th, and gained $1,075,388.85 over the clearings for the corresponding week last year. The total clearings for the week were $3,490,404.37. The gain of about 50 per cent is one of the largest in months. Bank Cashier Former Stage Driver Cashier George Pearsall of the Citizens National was giving reminiscences the other day. He declared that forty years ago he was a stage driver in middle and western Iowa. At this he was quite a success and he is still a noted lover of horses and quite capable in their management. Banking Notes The First National at Buffalo Center has brought suit against F. W. Breemer of Kossuth county for $1,000 which it claims is due it from Breemer because of a worthless check that he passed on the check signed by A. D. Kirk. The Franklin County State at Hampton held its annual meeting last week. The 5 per cent dividend was declared. Officers were reelected as follows: A. W. Beed, president: G. F. Beed, vice-president; H. L. Harrison, vice-president; N. A. Inglis, cashier; F. H. Ridgeway, assistant cashier; Ravine Jones, teller. The Blue Grass Savings at Blue Grass has increased its capital stock from $14,000 to $25,000. The City Savings at Bayard suffered a loss of $1,000 in a fire which wiped out the business section of that city last week.