25 THE CHICAGO BANKER July 24, 1909] Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK - $1,800,000 SURPLUS - - - 2,000,000 HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, Asst. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRE CTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at-Law ROBERT D. ELWOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. Elwood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W, FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY, FRANK S. WILLOCK, Clinton Iron & Steel Co. of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Brick Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, L. L. McCLELLAND, Chantier & McClung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Secretary J. S. & W. S. Kuhn, Inc. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention National Bank of rll\0 I Pittsburgh, Pa. Every Service a Bank May Render is performed ■for its customers by the First National Bank of Pittsburgh, cheerfully, promptly and on the very best terms. Generous and helpful treatment is a marked characteristic of the institution. Its ample resources enable it to take care of its customers’ interest to the fullest extent. Officers invite consultation on banking affairs of any magnitude. Liberal Terms on Reserve Accounts Capital Slock ■ $1,000,000.00 Deposits - - $22,286,370.93 Surplus & Profits 2,229,649.00 Resources - - 26,516,019.93 Bank Clearings The Stockton clearings for the month ending June 28th are $2,301,724 against $1,963,-214 last year. W. A. Curtis W. A. Curtis has been elected a director of the California National, Sacramento, vice Al-den Anderson, resigned. The directors of the Capitol Banking and Trust Co. will meet soon to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of President Anderson from that institution. Bank of Tracy The directors of the Bank of Tracy recently organized by electing the following officers: President, J. C. Droge; vice-president, William Schmidt; cashier and secretary, O. H. Root. All the stock has been taken. H. L. Bissell H. L. Bissell, who has officiated as cashier of the Roseville Banking and Trust Company, Roseville, has resigned and, it is understood, will assume charge of a bank at Fair Oaks, being put in at that point by his company, the California Corporation. South Dakota Bank Conditions The reports of conditions of banks of South Dakota at the last call, show that individual deposits carried were $69,267,543, of which the state banks were carrying over $42,000,000, and the national banks over $26,000,000. The national banks show a decrease of $70,000 from April 23d to June 23d, and the state banks show an increase of $1,765,277, from February 26th to May 26th, the nearest date for comparative figures, showing a net increase of $1,750,-000 for the spring months. While the banks show the above figures of individual deposits in the state, the assessor’s figures of cash returned for taxation at about the same time will show a very much different condition. J. H. Puelicher J. H. Puelicher, cashier of the Marshall & Ilsley Bank, Milwaukee, who recently returned home from a health-seeking trip of three months, is now at his desk at the bank a part of each day. While not wholly recovered, Mr. Puelicher is greatly improved and it is believed he will soon be fully restored. *>« The Union Trust Company of Jersey City, N. J., will erect a new building. The following were placed in nomination and elected by acclamation: John J. Schlitz, J. H. Newbern, H. Hawley, Lauchlin Robertson, Ben Thomas, Edwin Alderson and Andrie Vieux. The amount of capital under which the company will incorporate was decided to be placed at $75,000, the number of shares being 750 of a par value of $100 each. The committee of organization was continued and the secretary instructed to draw up and forward the articles of incorporation to the secretary of state at Sacramento. Home Savings Bank The directors of the newly organized Home Savings Bank of Woodland have elected the following officers: R. H. Beamer, president; E. E. Gaddis, vice-president; M. O. Harling, cashier. The directors are: R. H. Beamer, T. J. Vaughn, T. F. Dop King, T. H. Ryder, R. Alge, E. E. Gaddis, George Weider, S. C. Deamer, M. A. McGriff, F. Miller and E. Krel-lenberg. New Bank Building for Gilroy The contract for constructing the new Bank of Gilroy building was recently awarded to H. J. Wood, of Watsonville, for $22,260. Three vaults will be constructed by the Par-cells Safe Co. of San Francisco, Bank of La Mesa The Bank of La Mesa, San Diego ,has been incorporated with capital of $25,000, to do a general banking business, by S. C. Grable, C. C. Park, H. H. Clements, and others. SUCCESSORS TO CLARK ENGRAVING & PRINTING CO. Designers, printers, engravers ADVERTISING AGENTS MILWAUKEE Home Savings Bank The new Home Savings Bank of San Diego opened its doors June 4th, on Lime Street, to the public, with Harry J. Hall as cashier and the following board of directors: J. M. Clark, G. W. Wisdom, W. A. Hayden, I7. D. Hall, et al. W. H. Balridge is president. The capitalization is $25,000, all of which is paid in. E. H. Webb Elected Director Earl H. Webb was yesterday elected to the board of directors of the Berkeley National of Berkely in place of Louis Titus, who resigned. It was announced by George P. Baxter, president of the Berkeley National Bank, that Webb will give up his law practice and devote his time entirely to the banking business, becoming cashier of the banks with which he is now identified. Changes Officer* Changes in the First National of Palo Alto have been announced as follows: M. A. Buchan, president, in place of C. E. Childs; C. E. Jordan, cashier, in place of Eli King; no assistant cashier in place of C. E. Jordan. Elected to Presidency At a meeting of the board of directors of the. Merchants National Bank and the Scandinavian Savings of San Francisco, Lewis I. Cow-gill, who has been vice-president and managing officer of the bank since its organization, was elected president to succeed the late Capt. Charles Nelson. Captain Jacob Jensen, who represents large shipping interests in San Francisco, was chosen to fill the vacancy in the board caused by Captain Nelson’s death. Frederick F. Sayre, president of the California Sugar and White Pine Co., was elected vice-president, L. M. Macdonald, cashier, and F. W. Judson, assistant cashier, remain unchanged. Increase Capital Under New Law The Santa Barbara Savings and Loan Co. of Santa Barbara will increase its capital from $100,000 to $225,000, under the new state banking law which provides that all banks must have a capitalization of 10 per cent of the deposits. Organize Security Company About one dozen of Delano’s prominent business men met recently and took preliminary steps to a permanent formation of the Delano Home Securities Co. The question of a name for the new company was taken up and the Delano Home Securities Co. was chosen.