23 THE CHICAGO BANKER July 24, 1909] Goes thelRoute like Coasting Down\Hill 1910--our third year of Sixes Exclusively—1910 The 48 horse-power Winton Six for 1910 is the same car as in 1909 only there’s more of it. MORE POWER—Due to our newly perfected carburetor. Clutch enlarged to hold the greater power. MORE SPEED—A new top gear gives the car four forward speeds. MORE ROOM — Lengthened wheel base (124 inches, as against 120 inches ‘ last season) means more room for passengers. LOWER SUSPENSION of body, due to semi-elliptical springs all around. Car equipped with four shock absorbers and four rubber bumpers. SHORTER TURNING RADIUS. Due to inswept frame. MOTOR absolutely the same as last year. Not a single change. Every working part enclosed and protected from dirt and dust. Most motor troubles trace back to the valves; valve troubles on the Winton Six are unknown. SELF-CRANKING—The Winton Six motor cranks itself, and inflates its own tires. This feature is not to be found on any other car of any type. We are now booking orders and placing agencies. Early deliveries to those who order early. THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. Member A. L. A. M. 100 Berea Road Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. Winton Branch Houses (owned and operated by the Company) in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and San Francisco. Send for the finest and most instructive motor car catalog ever issued. Presents rock-bottom facts in a convincing way.