[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 22 The Girard National Bank Of Philadelphia Capital, $ 2,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits, . . 4,015,000.00 Deposits, 41,250,000.00 FRANCIS B. REEVES, President RICHARD L. AUSTIN JOSEPH WAYNE, Jr. Vice-President Cashier THEO. E. WIEDERSHEIM CHARLES M. ASHTON Second Vice-President Asst. Cashier ׳ Satisfactorily Handle Your Business, You Need a Philadelphia Account Special Typewriter for Banks FOX CHECK-LISTING TYPEWRITER fïï Here is a Visible Typewriter for listing checks :11 on remittance blanks. JTT A splendid machine for a special purpose enthu-TU siastically endorsed by every one using it. #TT Send for complete information and ask for the Til privilege of examination and trial. Address TYPEWRITER COMPANY Executive Office and Factory - = Grand Rapids, Mich. FOX 720-740 Front Street Money in Better Demand West Chicago.—Some of the local banks have increased their deposits since July ist, and some of the larger banks have larger deposits than shown in the recent bank statement. It seems that there is some disposition to borrow on the low market in anticipation of firmer rates later. One large concern reported to have borrowed $1,000,000, and other concerns not in the market for some time borrowed substantial amounts. The banks are lending no money under 4 per cent, and it is currently believed by bankers that money will continue at this rate locally or rise further in the months to follow. Commercial paper is a little higher in the West. Country banks are not buying much paper below 4 per cent. There are still purchases in the East of 3J/2 per cent, but banks in this section do not believe there will be much more paper in the West at this price. V Iberville Bank and Trust Company Plaquemine, La.—The stockholders of the Iberville Bank and Trust Company re-elected the following board of directors: Frederic Wilbert, Andrew FI. Gay, Ed. Merimont, Joseph A. Grace, John I. Brown, Dr. W. A. Holloway, R. M. Robertson, Joseph Supple, Dr. F. J. Kearny, J. M. Keith, R. E. Noel, Charles Martin, John Wilbert, Ed. Rourke, Eugene Poche, David Ephraim and H. L. Miller. Officers were re-elected: Joseph A. Grace, president ;Fred Wilbert, vice-president; Louis Des-obry. V• Philadelphia Notes Henry B. Bartow, cashier of the Farmers and Mechanics National Bank, leaves to-morrow for the Adirondacks to spend his vacation. John W. Sparks, of F. W. Sparks & Co., is back from a vacation in the West. Ernest L. Tustin has been elected president of the Belmont Trust Company to succeed J. H, DeVictor, who resigned owing to ill health, and John Fisler also becomes vice-president in place of J. W. Kenworthy. «T Trust Companies Lose Cash A decrease in trust company reserves and an increase in loans are the chief changes disclosed by the combined reports of the state banks and trust companies outside of Greater New York for the week ending July 17th, compiled by the state banking department. Mr. Egner became an employee of the Fidelity nineteen years ago as a clerk. Mr. Taylor has been identified with the institution for a long period and has been a member of the board of directors and the executive committee for several years. H. O. Caswell has been elected vice-president of the First National of Fort Atkinson, Wis. There are reasons why you get better bank stationery for your money when you specify CONSTRUCTION the Price Best at BOND Although near the pinnacle of quality, Construction Bond occupies the middle position in price because of our method of selling direct to the man who makes your stationery, (never through jobbers), and only in amounts of 500 pounds or more. The economies of this method of selling and handling are so marked in comparison with the multi-profit, hand-to-mouth methods by which other fine papers are sold, that Construction Bond offers a real saving to the banker who would like to secure “Impressive Stationery at a Usable Price." Call your stenographer now and dictate:— “ Please send us your Portfolio of specimen Letter-heads showing the various colors and thicknesses of Construction Bond, and mention the names of some local concerns who can supply it in our stationery.” Call your stenographer now, or write it yourself before you forget it. W.E.WROE&CO. 298 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago Guarantee Title and Trust Company President R. J. Davidson of the Guarantee Title and Trust Company, of Pittsburgh, issued a statement announcing the election of H. C. Ward as treasurer, and C. C. Hammond as secretary of the company. Mr. Ward has been with the Guarantee Company for five years, having been recommended by Frank Vanderlip of the National City Bank of New York. He served with Mr. Vanderlip in the treasury department. Secretary Hammond, formerly connected with the Bank of Pittsburgh, N. A., has for a number of years been paying teller of the Guarantee and is a thorough banker. W. H. Seif, first vice-president, is giving a considerable part of his time to the business of the institution, and C. C. Taylor, who is associated with the private interests of A. M. Moreland, one of the Guarantee’s largest stockholders, will devote more time to the company. J. P. McKelvey, who has been associated with Pittsburgh banking interests for eight years, has been elected assistant secretary. New National Banks Washington, July 20.—The comptroller of the currency has approved applications to organize the American National Bank of Huntington, W. Va., capital, $100,000, and the First National Bank of Albion, Pa., capital, $25,000. Certificates were issued authorizing the First National Bank of Oxnard, Cal., capital, $250,-000; the Ashokan National Bank of Brown Station, N. Y., capital $25,000; the Marine National Bank of San Diego, Cal., capital, $100,000; the First National Bank of Beach, N. D., capital, $25,000, to begin business. The corporate existence of the First National Bank of Scottdale, Pa., has been extended. Several Promotions Frederick W. Egner, secretary and treasurer of the Fidelity Trust Company, of Newark, N. J., was elected to the newly created post of third vice-president at a meeting of the board of directors yesterday. Under the new arrangement Mr. Egner will be secretary, in addition to third vice-president. The board named Jerome Taylor, who has been trust officer, to succeed Mr. Egner as treasurer. He will continue as trust officer also.