[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 9 The Commercial National Bank of CHICAGO Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $7,000,000 Deposits, $45,000,000 OFFICERS GEORGE E. ROBERTS, PRESIDENT JOSEPH T. TALBERT . . VlCE-PRES'T NATHANIEL R. LOSCH . . Cashier RALPH VAN VECHTEN, 2nd VICE■ Pres׳t GEORGE B. SMITH . Ass•T Cashier DAVID VERNON . . 3rd VlCE-PRES'T HARVEY C. VERNON . Ass'T Cashier W.T. BRUCKNER, Ass'T to Vice-Pres'ts H. ERSKINE SMITH . Ass'T Cashier This bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during forty-five years of continuous service and ¿rowth * THE Capital CONTINENTAL Surplus and NATIONAL Deposits Profits BANK $75,000,000 $7,700,000 OF CHICAGO OFFICERS GEORGE M. REYNOLDS, Pres. ALEX ROBERTSON, Vice-Pres. HERMAN WALDECK, Vice-Pres. WM. G. SCHR0EDER, Cashier BENJAMIN S. MAYER, Asst. Cashier F. H. ELMORE, Asst. Cashier WILBER HATTERY.Asst. Cashier J. R. WASHBURN, Asst. Cashier Respectfully Solicits the Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations Mercantile Firms and Individuals AMPLE RESOURCES COURTEOUS TREATMENT SUPERIOR SERVICE We Solicit Your Chicago Business Quick and Efficient Service OFFICERS R. T. FORBES, President GEO. M. BENEDICT, Cashier WM. A. TILDEN, Vice-President JOHN FLETCHER, As¿.. Cashier J. C. MORRISON, Auditor M. F. RITTENHOUSE R. T. FORBES DIRECTORS WM. A. TILDEN EDWARD TILDEN L. B. PATTERSON The BANKERS NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO Capital, Surplus and Profits $3,250,000 Comparative Statement Showing Increase in Deposits February 5, 1900--------------- $9,884,440.75 February 5, 1903-------------- $13,971,435.23 February 5, 1906-------------- $16,284,921.14 February 5, 1909------------- $23,299,396.63 EDWARD S. LACEY . President FRANK P. JUDSON Cashier JOHN C. CRAFT . . Vice-President CHAS. C. WILLSON Asst. Cashier ROBERT M. WELLS . Vice-President RALPH C. WILSON . Asst. Cashier EDWARD M. LACEY, Asst. Cashier CHARLES H. WEAVER CHARLES T. BOYNTON FRANCIS A. HARDY JOHN C. CRAFT DIRECTORS DANIEL H. BURNHAM RICHARD C. LAKE ROBERT M. WELLS EDWARD S. LACEY MILTON H. WILSON MICHAEL CUDAHY HERBERT F PERKINS JAMES W. STEVENS f|T This bank issues Foreign Exchange, Commercial Credits, Cable Transfers and Circular Letters for travelers, available in all parts of the world. New business desired and unexcelled facilities offered.