[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 32 Information of Importance to Bankers DONNELL’S PATENT RAIL VAULT We sell the strongest safes in the world. They are made to resist explosives, the electric arc and blowpipe. You can get the lowest rates of insurance on them. Our standard safe is 22״x21nxl6n inside measurement, secured with the latest triple time lock of Sargent & Greenleaf make. We can furnish this modern safe, f. o. b. cars Chicago, for the sum of $850.00. If you will investigate, you will find that Donnell’s Patented Steel Rail Lining is stronger than any plate lining, Manganese or Armor plate lining made. It is the best vault lining on the market and we will sell it subject to a test against any lining made. We sell Hall’s Safe Company’s high grade safes and carry the largest stock in the West. We also handle the York Safe & Lock Company’s high grade burglar-proof work. Their work is famous— they have the largest and best equipped safe factory in the world. We have on hand screw door safes, Manganese safes and plate safes which we have taken in exchange ; also vault linings, burglar-proof vault doors, deposit boxes, etc., which are modern and in good condition as new. We can furnish banks with plans and estimates for the work they desire without cost. DONNELL SAFE COMPANY 200202־ E. Washington Street Tel. Main 2782 CHICAGO Established 1886 iCniv&nsaf Addin¿ and Listin¿ Machines Manufactured in St. Louis—Used Everywhere Have been adopted and endorsed by leading banks of Chicago and other cities. Built to meet all demands for Accuracy, Speed, Durability, Convenience, Economy. Investigate before you Invest. A 2iniv&r«0 <3DC <3 D CD û I û I An employer said, " If I took the amount or that mistake out of your pay, I guess you d be more careful.n But it wasn’t carelessness. With his brain fagged and befogged by long poring over figures, the clerk couldn t think clearly. The only way to prevent mistakes in figures is to put in a o< fill of every ten adding and listing machines sold arc Burroughs) Adding and Listing Machine (Nine out The elimination of costly errors would alone soon pay for the machine. Besides, a Burroughs does any work in figures, in from one-half to one-third the time required by hand. Let us prove this by placing a Burroughs in your bank on free trial. Write for our new book, n A Better Day s Work." It will save for you many of the problems which arise in the day’s work. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPANY^ 65 Burroughs Block, Detroit, Michigan U.S. A. European Address : 65 High Holborn, London, W. C., England^