27 THE CHICAGO HANKER July 17, 190g] $316,000.00 Refunding Water Bonds of the City of Trinidad, State of Colorado The City of Trinidad, Colorado, offers for sale, $316,000.00 twenty year 4־%% refunding Water Bonds, payment of these bonds optional ten years after their date in numerical order, amounts of $25,000 per year. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received, accompanied by a certified check of 2%, up to but no later than July 26th, 1909. All proposals must be addressed to the City Clerk. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Abstract of proceedings leading up to the issue of these bonds, will be furnished by the City upon request. Signed, D. L. TAYLOR, Mayor Attest, I. S. MILLIKEN, City Clerk ־Ah e F arwell л HAS FOR SALE, AT ALL TIMES, MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD, PUBLIC UTILITY, AND IRRIGATION BONDS SUITABLE FOR CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS, YIELDING 3.80% TO 6%. CORRESPONDENCE • INVITED J (Г 226 LA SALLE -J V The First National of Dyersville has purchased a building and will erect a handsome two story brick in its place at once. Among Iowa bankers who have dropped into Des Moines within the past few days are E. J. Penfield of the Bank of Kelley; President W. W. Sibson of the Commercial State at Salem, S. D.; L. J. Stevens of the First National at Ottumwa, elected vice-president of the Iowa bankers at the Waterloo convention; Cashier W. H. Sleeper of the Union at Sheldon; Cashier С. E. Lofland of the Oskaloosa National; Cashier О. M. Grove of the Farmers Savings at Roland. Directors of the First National of Nora Springs have elected H. C. Hamilton vice-president in place of J. G. Cutler who recently resigned. The Moorhead State has let the contract for a new bank building at Moorhead to the Sioux City Construction Company. The new building will be 25x50, brick, and modern in everv way. The New London Bank has commenced the construction of its new two-story brick building. The building is 30x80 and will be thoroughly equipped with all modern bank appliances. The Chicago Banker on Land and Sea Readers of The Chicago Banker may be interested to know that when traveling at home or abroad they will find copies of the paper on the following railroad trains and ocean steamships: Lake Shore Twentieth Century Limited, Lake Shore Limited, Pennsylvania Limited, Northwestern Overland Limited, Northwestern Los Angeles Limited, Northwestern Colorado Limited, Northwestern North West Limited, Chicago & Alton St. Louis Limited. Cunard Line Steamships: Lusitania, Mauritania, Campania, Caronia, Lucania and Carmania. North German Lloyd Steamships: Cecelie, Kaiser Wm. der Grosse, Kaiser Wm. II., Frederich Wm., Prinz Frederich Wm., George Washington. American Line Steamships: St. Paul, New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis. the month of June. Clearings for that month show an increase of over three million dollars over those of the corresponding month last year. The clearings for June were $12,470,-172.32 as against $8,724,144.12 for June, 1908. Announcement is made that Knoxville, a prosperous city of 4,000, located not far from Des Moines, is to have its fourth national bank. It will be known as the Guaranty Bank of Knoxville. George W. Crozier, representative in the Iowa legislature from Marion county, is president: Thomas Nash, vice-president; N. F. Miller, cashier; directors are W. J. Casey, J. P. Durham, F. B. Roebuck, P. R. Crozier and Alex Smith. The capital stock is $30,000. The other three national banks at Knoxville are the Marion County National, the Knoxville National and the Citizens National. Clearings for the week ending July 10 for the Des Moines banks totaled $3,097,242.59, an increase over the corresponding week last year of $126,601.50. The Darrow Trust & Savings has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. It will be located at New Hampton. The capital stock is $35,000. Incorporators are W. L. Darrow, A. K. Darrow, C. C. Sheakley, George Herterte and M. F. Condon. President Arthur Reynolds, of the Des Moines National, has been confined to his bed with an attack of the summer grip. President Homer Miller, of the Iowa National, of Des Moines, accompanied by Mrs. Miller, is sojourning at Okoboji. Cashier Joseph J. Sherman of the First National at Bancroft stole a march on his friends by taking Miss Mary Thompson of Sioux City, to Milwaukee, where they were married. The First National of Conrad has been authorized to commence business. The capital is $25,000. A. B. Reynolds is president; S. Boaker, vice-president; Homer Thomas, cashier. The Oran Savings at Oran has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The capital stock is $10,000. Officers will be given later. A dividend of 10 per cent has been ordered by Judge H. M. Towner among the creditors of the defunct Corning Savings. The Iowa National of Des Moines will realize $4,695, and other banks will similarly profit as the result of the disbursement. Des Moines bankers are entering heartily into a plan to give Senator A. B. Cummins a reception upon his return from Washington. Senator Cummins’ attitude towards the Aid-rich bill has been satisfactory to his Iowa constituents. Among the bankers upon the reception committee are A. O. Hauge of the Iowa Trust and Savings and I. M. Lieser of the Citizens’ National. The German American bank of Davenport held its eleventh annual meeting last week and re-elected old officers and directors, increased the surplus $10,000, making that amount $60,-000. Seven per cent dividends were declared. Officers who were chosen are: President, 11־. F. Giessler; vice-president, J. L. Geissler; cashier, S. L. Johnson; assistant cashier, J. H. Hahn. President E. E. Hughes of the Boone National at Boone, is representing eastern capitalists who are asking for a franchise for the purchase of the Reynolds Electric properties at Boone. It is understood that President Hughes and his backers intend to construct a railroad from Boone to Waterloo. G. D. Ellyson, vice-president of the Commercial Savings, of Des Moines, has gone East for a three weeks’ trip to Chicago, New York and Washington. While in the East he will attend the annual dinner of the Immortals, given each year by Elbert Hubbard to the members of the order. Auditor of State J. L. Bleakley has issued a charter to the Security State at Rockwell City, which starts with a capital stock of $60,000. D. W. Conrey, of Lowden, while en route to Cedar Rapids lost two bank checks, one of which turned up at Lowden with Mr. Con-rey’s name forged, the amount being $20.50. The other came to the Lowden Savings, cashed by a Des Moines bank. This was for $15.74. There is no clue to the forger. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Milner are entertaining a new daughter at their home in Des Moines. Mr. Milner is connected with the Capital City State, of East Des Moines. O. A. Tweedy, cashier of the National Savings at Centerville, was notified that the two children of his sister, Mrs. Albert Wendland, were burned to death at the Wendland home near Oelrichs, S. D. The children were aged 4 and 2. Officers of the Sioux City Clearing Blouse Association are overjoyed at the showing for