27 THE CHICAGO BANKER July io, 1909} $316,000.00 Refunding Water Bonds of the City of Trinidad, State of Colorado The City of Trinidad, Colorado, offers for sale, $316,000.00 twenty year 4־%% refunding Water Bonds, payment of these bonds optional ten years after their date in numerical order, amounts of $25,000 per year. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received, accompanied by a certified check of 2%, up to but no later than July 26th, 1909. All proposals must be addressed to the City Clerk. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Abstract of proceedings leading up to the issue of these bonds, will be furnished by the City upon request. Signed, D. L. TAYLOR, Mayor Attest, I. S. MILLIKEN, City Clerk Farwell Trust JJ fr׳ X, HAS FOR SALE, AT ALL TIMES, MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD, PUBLIC UTILITY, AND IRRIGATION BONDS SUITABLE FOR CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS, YIELDING 3.80% TO 6%. CORRESPONDENCE • INVITED 1A CHICAGO (T 226 LA SALLE ST־ J the bank were responsible for the failure along with Standring׳, but the report of the accountant dissipates these rumors. Bank President and Policeman at Same Time H. B. Wyman, president of the Mechanic’s Savings of Des Moines, is probably the first man in Iowa to be a bank president and policeman at the same time. Mr. Wyman is an enthusiastic canoeist and launchman. Recently there have been many drownings in the Des Moines and Mr. Wyman believes they are largely due to carelessness. At his request, Superintendent of Police Hanery gave Mr. Wyman a commission as special river policeman and presented him with a star authorizing him to make arrests. Mr. Wyman expects to put a stop to carelessness in canoeing if he has to make a few arrests to do it. Will Rebuild on Site of Recent Fire J. D. Whisenand, vice-president of the Central State of Des Moines, has closed an important business deal in the purchase of the site upon which stood the six story Essex block from the Equitable of Iowa Insurance Company for $38,000. The Essex block was recently destroyed by fire. Mr. Whisenand announces the construction soon of a three story structure on the site. Purchases Controlling Interest Frank Cook, president of the First National of Marengo, has purchased the interest of Mrs. J. H. Branch in the Iowa County Loan and Savings, also of Marengo and has thus secured a controlling interest in both institutions. Mr. Cook has been manager of the two banks for some years. He commenced banking as a clerk in the old Marengo Savings in 1888, but went to the First National as cashier in 1901. When Mr. Branch died in 1907, he was made president. He is a leading Iowa banker. Jenkins wrestling match in Des Moines last week when he crashed into the rear end of the machine driven by Harold Wells. No one was injured but both machines were considerably banged up. President R. A. Crawford of the Valley National, Des Moines, and his wife left early in July for an extended trip abroad. Mr. Crawford has been troubled with rheumatism and he expects to sojourn at Carlsbad in hopes of relief. James E. Rounds, son of President J. G. Rounds of the Citizen’s National, Des Moines, who has been quite ill with typhoid fever will recover. Mr. Rounds is a clerk in the institution. A. M. Henderson, mayor of Marengo, and formerly cashier of the Marengo Savings was probably fatally injured when a heavy pulley fell on his head, dropped by a telephone lineman, crushing his skull. Parley Sheldon of the Story County Bank at Ames, and a leading Iowa financier, was in Des Moines on business last week. Des Moines banks observed Monday, July 5th, and by common agreement were closed the entire day. J. C. Voorhees, president of the Bank of Anita, was in Des Moines visiting local bankers and talking over Iowa conditions. Assistant Cashier Edward Slininger of the People’s Saving of Des Moines, is on the Pacific coast for a three weeks’ visit. At the semiannual meeting of the officers and stockholders of the Creston National Bank held to-day, Postmaster Scott Skinner was elected vice-president to fill the vacancy which has existed for some time. J. J. Baxter of Creston was elected to fill the place on the board made vacant by the removal of E. A. Aldrich to Washington. D. C. Shull has been elected vice-president of the Farmers’ Trust and Savings Bank at Sioux City. J. F. Toy was chosen cashier and H. A. Barr, assistant cashier. The City National of Mason City has let the contract for the erection of the new bank building to the General Construction Company of Milwaukee. The proposed new building will be cream Norman brick with Kettle River sandstone trimmings. Work will be begun at once. The new building will cost $75,000. dent, Mr. Spencer will not be sent to Fort Leavenworth to begin his five-year term. Fined for Auto Speeding Evidently the bankers who are inclined to exceed speed limits in their automobiles are not confined to Des Moines. F. C. Christian, a Dougherty banker, was arrested for speeding in Mason City and taxed $25 and costs. Banking Notes A. F. Gruenwaldt has removed from Manning to Coon Rapids and Mr. Gruenwaldt has taken up his duties as cashier of the First National at Coon Rapids. A1 C. Miller of the Home Savings, was made permanent chairman of the Iowa Waterways commission at its meeting in Des Moines last week. Soon thereafter he left for a five weeks’ trip to the coast. Mrs. C. W. Crisman, wife of a well known banker at Colfax, died last week. She was for several years a practical invalid. The American Surety Company at Davenport has increased its dividend one per cent during the past year and declared 9 per cent at its semiannual meeting last week. Ed. H. Hunter, president of the German Savings of Des Moines, is head of a new million dollar syndicate just formed at Denver for the purpose of reclaiming 40,000 acres of Denver land by irrigation. ׳ Des Moines bank clearings total $3,138,-113.39 f°r the week ending June 26th. This is an increase of $583,142.15 over the clearings for the corresponding week last year. The Security State at Rockwell City has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The capital stock is $60,000. The incorporators are M. W. Fitz, E. N. Bailey, Ed. Townsend, N. W. Frick, T. G. Burcham, F. F. Hunter, A.. L. Johnson, George L. Brower, Ed. W. Burch. Officers for the new Oran Savings at Oran are as follows: S. M. Furrows, president: J. L. Gardner, vice-president; R. H. Rohder, cashier. Des Moines bank clearings for the week ending June 19th showed a gain over the corresponding week last year of $307,383.62. The total for the week was $3,294,168.87. Homer Miller of the Iowa National was driving his automobile home from the Gotch- Declared Insane Mrs. Eva Siegel has been identified as the woman who scattered kisses promiscuously about the office of State Auditor Bleakly and through the banking department a fortnight ago. She was taken before the insanity commission and was declared insane. Still Hope for Pardon Friends of Carl M. Spencer, defaulting teller of the Des Moines National, have not yet despaired of securing a pardon for him. Last week a number of his friends went to Washington and his case is now up to President Taft. Until something is heard from the presi-