[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER I ♦ IRVING National Exchange Bank West Broadway and Chambers Street, New York r A REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE IRVING NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK at New York City, in the State of New York, at the close of business, June 23, 1909 RESOURCES Loans and discounts...................817,694.082 10 82 1.042 ' ־ ־ ־ 00 3.000 00 5.000 00 5.300 61 5.224 00 000.( 44 871 ־ Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits Premiums on U. S. bonds.......... Bonds, securities, etc........... Furniture and Fixtures........... Due from national banks not reserve ascents .... 1,457, Due from State and private banks and bankers. trust companies and savings banks.............. 585.964 98 Checks fthd other cash items.................... 160,930 02 Exchanges for Clearing House.................... 1.078.078 60 Notes of other national banks................... 104.500 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents..... 1.186 62 Lawful money reserve in bank. viz. Specie............................83,880,512 00 Legal tender notes................ 1,956,566 00 5,837,078 00 3.000 00 5.000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer ( 5 per cent of circulation)......................... Due from U. S. Treasurer.................. Total..........................................828,502,259 19 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in...........................8 2,000,000 00 Surplus fund .................................... 1.000.000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid. 450,367 94 National bank notes on׳ s’ anding.................. 790,800 00 Due to other national banks...................... 7.182,483 76 Due to State and private banks and bankers....... 1.662.158 30 Due to trust companies and savings banks........ 2,860.130 56 Dividends unpaid ...................................... 815 00 Individual deposits subject to check............ 11,883.052 06 Demand certificates of deposit...................... 68.955 04 Certified checks................................... 178.795 26 Cashier’s checks outstanding....................... 396,406 06 United States deposits.............................. 10.000 00 Reserved for taxes.................................. IS,295 21 Total........................................$28,502,259 19 State of New York. County of New York, ss.: I, B. F. WERNER, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. B. F. WERNER. Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of dune. 1909. E. D. JUNIOR, Notary Public, Kings County Certificate filed in New York County JAS. E. NICHOLS GERRISH H. MTLLIKEN 1). W. WHITMORE Correct — Attest: V. Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Chartered Accountants 79 Wall Street New York, June 24, 1909 To the Examination Committee of the Board of Directors, Irving National Exchange Bank, New York City— In accordance with your instructions, we made an examination of the Resources and Liabilities of your bank as at the close of business on May 19, 1909. The Cash, Securities, Loans and relative collateral, amounts due from banks and all other items forming part of the resources, were examined and found in order. The amounts due to banks were verified and the other Liabilities as shown in the Statement of Condition were checked with the records and found to be as represented. WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the Statement of Condition embodied in our report on the accounts as at May 19, 1909, is in accordance with the books of the Bank, and, in our opinion, exhibits a full and true statement of the Resources and Liabilities of the Bank as at that date. Yours truly, MARWICK, MITCHELL & CO. Chartered Accountants -J IRVING NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK BENJ. F. WERNER, Cashier DAVID H. G. PENNY, A. Cash. HARRY E. WARD, A. Cash. LEWIS E. PIERSON, Pres. JAMES E. NICHOLS, V. Pres. ROLLIN P. GRANT, V. Pres.