27 THE CHICAGO BANKET July 3, !pop] ESTABLISHED 1879 State Bank of Chicago S. E. Cor. LaSalle and Washington Streets Condensed Report June 24, 1909 LIABILITIES Capital stock...........$1,000,000.00 Surplus (Earned)....... 1,000,000.00 Undivided profits...... 414,754.03 Reserved for Int. & Taxes 96,000.00 Deposits............... 20,105,724.24 $22,616,478.27 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .. .$16,018,634.85 Overdrafts................ 3,661.23 Bonds................. 2,093,508.24 Cash and Due from Banks................. 4,500,673.95 $22,616,478.27 By vote of the stockholders the capital stock of this bank will be increased on July 8, 1909, to $1,500,000. OFFICERS L. A. GODDARD, President FRANK. 1. PACKARD, Ass’t Cashier IOHN R. L1NDGREN, Vice-President C. EDWARD CARLSON, Ass t Cashier HENRY A. HAUGAN, Vice-President SAMUEL E. KN hCH T, Secretary HENRY S. HENSCHEN, Cashier WILLIAM C. MILLER, Ass t Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS DAVID N. BARKER, Manager Jones & Laughlin Steel Co: J. J DA U ,Vice - President Rut d, Murdoch & Co.; CALVIN DURAND, President Durand & Kasper Co.; 1 HEO. FREEMAN, Capitalist; L. A. GODDARD. President; H. A. HAUGAN, Comptroller Chicago^Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co.; JOHN R. L1NDGRHN, Vice-President; THOMAS MURDOCH, President Reid Murdoch & Co.; WM. A. PETERSON, Proprietor Peterson Nursery; GEO. E. RICK-CORDS, Chicago Tile & Trust Co.; MOSES J. WENTWORTH, Capitalist. YOUR BUSINESS INVITED Western Trust & Savings Bank “THE ROOKERY,” CHICAGO Report at Commencement of Business June 24, 1909 LIABILITIES Capital...........$1,000,000.00 Surplus and profits. 204,972.65 Deposits........ 8,768,800.44 $9,973,772.09 RESOURCES Loans and discounts......$6,553,838.19 Bonds.................... 1,043,727.42 Overdrafts.................... 267.59 Cash and sight exchange- 2,363,438.89 Furniture and Fixtures ... 12,500.00 $9,973,772.09 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF DEPOSITS March 15, 1905..................$4,540,483.90 March 23, 1907 ..................6,150,292.43 June 24, 1909 ................... 8,768,800.44 OFFICERS JOSEPH E OTIS, President ADDISON CORNEAU, Ass’t Cashier WALTe R H, WILSON, Vice-President ALBERT E. COEN, Auditor LAWRENCE NELSON, Vice-President LOUIS H. SHROEDER, Mgr. Bond Dept. WILLIAM C. COOK, Cashier J. J. RAHLF, Mgr. Foreign Exchange Dept. TRUST DEPARTMENT W. G. WALLING, Secretary CLARK S. JENNISON, Ass’t Secretary DIRECTORS HOWARD W. BAKER, Butler Bros. ;EDGAR A. BANCROFT, Scott, Bancroft & Stephens; WILLIAM C BOYDEN, Matz, Fisher & Boyden, Attys.; WILLIAM BUTTERWORTH, Pres Deere & Co., Moline, 111.; R. FLOYD CLINCH ,Crerar, Clinch & Co., Coal; GRANGER FARWELL, Pres. Farwell Trust Co.; C. H. HANSON, Pres. C. H. Hanson, Inc. ; W. O. JOHNSON, General Counsel and Director C. _& _EL RL R J JOHN R. MITCHELL, Jhes. FRED W UPHAM, Pres. City Fuel Co.; W. A. WIEBOLDT, W. A. Wieboldt & Co. Dept. Store; WALTER H. WILSON, Vice-President. The Northern Trust Company CHICAGO Report of Condition at Commencement of Business June 24, 1909 RESOURCES Time Loans on Security------------------ $5,009,558.85 Demand Loans on Security----------------- 5,289,934.75 Bonds ___________________________________ 8,213,489.49 Stocks______________________________________ 50,000.00 $18,562,983.09 Bank Premises — Ground------------------------------- Building--------------------------------- 400,000.00 Due from Banks------------- --------------$7,101,969.53 Checks for Clearings----------------------- 416,341.23 Cash on Hand_____ 4,372,057.35 11,890,368.11 Total_______________________,____________________ $31,703,351.20 LIABILITIES Capital Stock---------------------------------------- $ Surplus Fund-------------- -------------------------- 1 •592’ Undivided Profits-------------------------------------- 638,832.72 Reserved for Interest and Taxes----------------------- 165,605.14 Cashier’s Checks--------------------------$ 142,114.72 Certified Checks------------------------- 102,054.86 244,169.58 Demand Deposits------------------------ 15,109,144.10 Time Deposits—___________________________12,545,599.66 27,654,743.76 Total___________________________________________ $31,703.351.20 THE AMERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK Chicago Statement of Condition June 24, 1909 RESOURCES Time Loans $13,259,817.89 Lets and Bond::־..................$20,023,693.97 6,763,876.08 Call Loans.................................... 7,103,216.18 Due from Banks 7,938,839.74 L־h m Vault ::................................ 4,752,915.54 19,794,971.46 liabilities $39,818,665.43 Capitaf Stock Paid in.........................$ ^•®?®’cou'nn Surplus and Undivided Profits................ * tarn Reserved for Interest and Taxes.................. 91,644.85 $ 5,801,238.84 Time Denosits 6,781,265.19 Demand Deposit'si............................ 27,236,161.40 34,017,426.59 OFFICERS $39,818,665.43 EDWIN A. POTTER, President T. P. PHILLIPS Vice:President JAMES R. CHAPMAN, Vice Pres. •,У1се ,Pres,dent CHARLES S. CASTLE, Cashier ״ S»Cr.־tSry . WILSON W. LAMPERT, Asst. Cash. WILLIAM P. KOPF, Asst. Secretary DIRECTORS TOY MORTON loy Morton & Co.; E. H. GARY, Chairman U. S. Steel Corporation; E. P. RIPLEY, Pres. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ryu THEODORE P. Chtcapo Alton R. R.: T. P. PHILLIPS, Formerly Pres. Federal Trust & Savings Bank; JOHN F HARRIS^ Harris Winthrop 8־ Co.; W. H. McDOEL, Pres. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville R. R•; WILLIAM L HENLEY, Pres. Chicago & West. Ind. R. R. Co.; CHARLES H. THORNE Мот^ипегу Ward & Co • ALFRED H MULLIKEN, Pres. Pettibone, Mulhken & Co.; E. J. BUFFINGTON, Pres. niinoU׳Strel Company; WILLIAM KENT Ken, & Burke; GILBERT B. SHAW Lumber; JAS. О HEYWORTH, General Contractor; JAMES R. CHAPMAN, Vice-President; JOHN JAY ABBOTT, Vice-President; EDWIN A. POTTER, President. AMERICAN TRUST BUILDING, MONROE AND CLARK STS.___________________ =Statement of Condition of the- Г NATIONAL OF CHICAGO^ 1y——At Close of Business, June 23, 1909 ^ LIABILITIES Capital Stock.............$ 250,000.00 Surplus....................... 50,000.00 Undivided Profits ..... 16,685.27 Circulation.................. 246,200-00 Deposits....................1,489,514.42 $2,052,399.69 RESOURCES 951,024.76 316,543.14 255,546.88 11,606.92 13,250.00 504,427.99 Loans and Discounts . , Other Bonds and Securities United States Bonds . . Furniture and Fixtures . . Due from U. S. Treasurer Cash and Due from Banks $2,052,399.69 OFFICERS RALPH N. BALLOU, Cashier WM. E. PHILLIPS EDWIN L. WAGNER EDWARD DICKINSON J. L. STACK EDWIN L. WAGNER, President DIRECTORS GEO. A. MACLEAN WM. P. WAGNER FRANK B. PETTIBONE WALTER McBROOM WM. WRIGLEY, JR. CHAS. W. HIGLEY EDWARD R. DAVIS W. C. SHURTLEFF 1802 The Manufacturers National Bank of Racine, Wisconsin STATEMENT, JUNE 23, 1909 (Call of Comptroller of the Currency) 300.000. 00 150.000. 00 101,200.22 25,000.00 150.000. 00 ,020,218.59 Liabilities Capital Stock.................$ Surplus....................... Undivided Profits............. Reserve for Unearned Interest. Circulation................... Deposits ..................... 2 Resources Loans and Discounts......$1,293,935.04 Overdrafts........................... 89.80 United States Bonds....... 150,000.00 Other Bonds..................... 707,816.87 Banking House.................... 30,000.00 Other Real Estate.......... 1,700.00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 7,500.00 Cash ........................... 555,377.10 Due from Banks — $353,564.93 In our own Vault... 201,812.17 $2,746,418.81 $2,746,418.81 E. J. HUEFFNER, President R. H. McELWEE, Vice-President B. B. NORTHROP, Vice-President WARREN J. DAVIS, Cashier E. C. HUEFFNER, Asst. Cashier