[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 18 IRVING NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK West Broadway and Chambers St., NEW YORK BENJ. F. WERNER, Cashier DAVID H. G. PENNY, Ass’t Cash. HARRY E. WARD, Ass’t Cashier LEWIS E. PIERSON, President JAMES E. NICHOLS, Vice-Pres. ROLLIN P. GRANT, Vice-Pres. Member of New York Clearing House CAPITAL £y SURPLUS . $ 3,000,000 RESOURCES............... 28,770,000 Strictly a Commercial -Bank- SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR COUNTRY BANKING The LIVE STOCK Exchange National BANK of CHICAGO Volume of Business for Year 1908 Exceeded One Billion Two Hundred Million Dollars Gist, G. S. Greene, N. M. Fraser, John Bur-baw, LeRoy H. Civille, J. N. Stone, C. K. Barreré, J. G. Moodie, C. G. Greene, George F. Gillelen, C. W. Rosenthal, John Veenhuyzen, W. S. Smith, Jack Pinkham. Louisville—John T. Bate, Thomas Green, F. C. Dorsey, Stoddard Johnston, Jr., Charles C. Carter. Memphis—L. C. Humes. Milwaukee—C. G. Fisher, Alex Wall, C. S. Sherman, M. M. Meyer, R. B. Rhoda, F. A. Kirchoff, R. L. Stone, L. Petran, W. Teipel, N. D. Jay. New Orleans—C. F. Sullivan, R. G. Fitzgerald. Philadelphia—W. S. Evans, John C. Knox. Portland—A. M. Wright, C. B. Sewell, James Kennard, S. C. Catching, T. M. Paterson, F. A. Rowe, J. A. Cormick, G. W. Up-saw, J. F. Bruening, D. D. Cuolsen. Alternates, F. C. Warren, A. W. Livingston. Providence—Charles L. Eddy, E. A. Havens; Eli Aylesworth, H. J. Manchester, H. C. Owen, G. A. Harrington, W. G. Meader, H. C. Perry, F. A. Jillson, H. H. Heltzen, C. E. Palmer, M. W. Jones. Alternates, A. E. Bence, H. H. Brooks, H. V. Allen, G. C. Wood, F. A. Thur-ber, W. C. McCormick, J. L. Sherman, L. Stanton, E. W. French, T. R. Clayton, W. F. Farrell, F. H. Bratesman. Oakland—C. F. Dunsmoor, Matt R. Brooner, C. N. Walter, Sam C. Bennetts, S. C. Scott, C. F. Rillet, F. M. Cerini. Richmond—D. E. Mountcastle, H. G. Proctor. Salt Lake City—J. H. Patrick, F. C. Mickel-son, William McEwan, F. R. Sharkey, G. H. Butler. San Francisco—H. L. Clapp, William C. Conner, W. R. Berry, A. F. Frugoli, R. C. Gingg, F. D. Dansen, H. G. Hanley, William A. Marcus, J. M. Masten, E. F. Moffatt, F. C. Mortimer, A. D. Oliver, C. H. Holt, George L. Woolrich, Russell Lowry, W. B. Compton, W. F. Hallahan, Grant Cordrey, Frank L. Moss, I. H. Sanborn. Scranton—E. F. Price, N. S. Swisher, John Benfield, Charles S. Ross, L. A. Howell. Seattle—J. W. Newberger, H. A. Barton, B. W. Pettit, Arthur Drew, C. A. Nelson, C. A. Bemis, B. N. Schnoor, O. B. Woolley, J. C. Glass, L. P. Schaeffer, Roy Nelson, A. C. Kahlke, A. Goodfellow, R. Marshall. Spokane—J. O. Tiffany, A. C. Longshore, Charles A. Ham, Ira N. Yount. St. Louis—W. A. Wilkinson, Henry Aehle, E. M. Tourtelot, Henry B. House, C. B. Hazle-wood, R. R. Sleeper, E. T. Gilmeiser, Fred D. Letz, A. F. Moeller, John R. Nettenstrom, J. B. Schnell, H. L. Benson, E. V. Bacharach, Lee A. King, R. G. Danielson, John F. Yo-kum, Charles S. Cole, W. H. Webb, A. S. GEORGE A. JACKSON Vice-President A. I. B. Boos, John M. Drummond, P>. B. Bellows, C. R. McKay, S. H. Vowell, William F. McDermott, G. E. Bangs, H. R. Ross, S. C. Stallwood. Cincinnati—H. J. Mergler, D. J. Lyons. Cleveland—Guy W. Shanks, Clay Herrick. Frank L. Frey, E. H. A. Guentzler, Leonard W. Klein. Denver—Julius M. Hansen, H. B. Snyder, George A. Brown. Detroit—Gilbert W. Beasley, George A. Beecher, Carl Breitmeyer, Samuel R. Kingston, John R. Rooks. Fort Wayne—Edward N. Detzer. Hartford—A. D. Johnson, H. H. Pease, W. S. Sherwood, J. C. Loomis, A. H. Cooley, A. H. Newton, H. T. Holt. Head of the Lakes—Ross McDonald, A1 De-Vohn, Ray W. Butchart, W. J. Bemrick. Kansas City—C. A. Huff. Los Angeles—A. J. Hartmack, J. M. Hutchinson, James B. Gray, D. W. Carlton, J. B. vote to send to the absent secretary a message of regret at his inability to attend. The motion was carried. Greetings from the American Bankers Association were extended this morning by Col. Fred E. Farnsworth, of New York, who is the secretary of the organization. Col. Farnsworth thanked the members of the American Institute of Banking for the warm reception that had been given and expressed his delight at his ability to be present, at the same time assuring the delegates that he intended to be present at every convention held in the future, no matter where it might be. Col. Farnsworth described the functions of the organization of which he is secretary and declared that the American Bankers Association is proud and appreciative of the work accomplished by the American Institute of Banking, saying that he considered the latter body as a worthy part of the American Bankers Association. Rev. B. L. Whitman, of . Seattle, former president of Columbia College, Washington, D, C., delivered an address on “The Call of the East,” which was received with enthusiasm. W. S• Evans, of Philadelphia, followed with a paper on “Government Bonds and National Bank Notes.” Kenneth A. Millican, of Oakland, Cal., closed the morning session with a humorous rendition entitled, "Tellers’ Troubles.” Afternoon Program Following was the program of this afternoon : Report of the educational committee and discussion of the same. Car ride around city. Steamer on Lake Washington around Mercer Island from Madrona Park, stopping for lunch at Fortuna Park; return about up. m. Majority of Delegates Registered Early The following is the list of delegates elected to attend the convention registered to-day. .,e Baltimore—Raymond B. Cox, James D. Garrett. Boston—Charles H. Marston. Chattanooga—L. G. Brown, F. L. Underwood, C. S. Coffey. Alternates, R. G. Brock, J. G. Shelton, W. R. Snyder. Chicago—H. E. Herrick, H. E. Effefson, A. A. Briggs, Thomas S. Kerr, J. W. Rubecamp, Joseph O. Grant, G. Fred York, R. S. Fletcher, R. B. Fuessle, R. J. Cody, D. W. Westervelt, G. H. Heine, W. L. Clark, Robert G. Gadsden,