INDEX TO VOLUME XXV No. Page. 20 5 • 9 ii 4 17 13 15 24 27 26 5 iS 19 22 20 9 23 12 ! 9 15 2 I 2 7 4 I 4 20 5 I I 23 12 19 13 13 9 5 22 5 2 23 8 15 24 13 II 30 15 7 18 32 IS 22 2 19 I I 17 3 2 13 “ 5 9 7 11 I 14 28 23 ׳ 29 2q 0 2 21 M 36 24 16 5 8 ii 27 2 17 21 5 14 20 10 5 5 23 20 19 20 22 7 13 m M 22 11 22 18 13 10 30 19 22 2 19 !s 15 ! 19 5 2 9 ! 13 9 3 20 25 28 10 15 15 30 14 19 17 0 24 5 14 ii 8 17 6 5 II 24 II 24 17 ■ 7 9 8 3 17 20 17 17 ׳ 29 3 5 3 9 25 22 Is the Banker Far Removed From the People ....................... Is the Oklahoma Guaranty Law Seriously Kentucky Convention .................. Large British Banks in a Big Amalgamation ................................. Latest Novelties in American Banking, The Many Objections to the Emergency Currency Act ............................... Maryland Bankers Meet at Baltimore. . . . Members and Ex-Members of A. B. A. Council ........................ Michigan Bankers Convention.............. Michigan Banking Conditions.............. Montana Bankers Meet at Billings........ National Grange Banking in Pennsylvania Nationals Win Out ...................... Nebraska Bankers Meet at Lincoln........ Nebraska Idea on Guaranty of Deposits Law .................................... Plan from Iowa College New Capital A New Guaranty Boys . New Mortgage New Savings Bank Law..................... New York City Trust Companies Under Present Legislation ............. New York Convention, The................. North Dakota Convention. The............. Officials of Illinois Groups............. Ohio Bankers at Thousand Islands......... Ohio Banking Conditions Reviewed......... Paid Secretaryship of Illinois Bankers As- Pierson's, Lewis E., Report of Executive Postal Savings Banks Not a Remedy... President Reynolds, Back from Washington .................................. 14■—Problems Which Press Upon Bankers. .. . Profits of London Joint Stock Banks.... Providence Convention of the Institute. . Regulation of Indiana Trust Companies.. Report of Committee on Postal Savings Banks ........................ 14 -"Keynolds, George M., Expert for Monetary Roberts. George E.. to Montana Bankers.. Ross, H. Russel. Closes Debate........... Sale's, James W., Report of Executive Annual Report Savings Bank Section. . Secretary Farnsworth's Secretary F. E. Farnsworth on the Aims and Accomplishments of the American Bankers Association............. Secretary־ Kloss' Report............... Simple Life for Bankers................ Some Early Bankers..................... Some Leading Bankers Sustain Comptroller .............-................. South Dakota Convention ............... State Bank Conversions................. State Clearing Houses in Secretary's Office Talbert, Joseph T., on Commercial Credits Talbert, Joseph T.. on the Clearing Sy־stem Talbert, Joseph T., to the Ohio Bankers. . Tales of the Bank of England........... Tennessee Bankers, The................. The Imminence of the Postal Savings Bank ........................... To Officers and Directors State Banks of Illinois ....................... Trust Company Radicalism vs. Con- Wade, Festus J.. Washington Treasury Expert Opposes Deposit Guaranty ............... Well. Clifton K., Interestingly Reviews the Retiring and Present Administration by Baltimore Chapter............... Wheeler. C. R.. Opposes Guaranty of De- Wisconsin Banking No. Page. 12 14 10 14 4 14 24 14 14 30 12 M ii 14 4 14 17 14 16 14 9 14 12 14 I 14 10 14 2 14 21 M ii 14 4 14 26 14 19 M 5 14 4 14 2 14 I 14 13 M 20 M 12 M 18 M 8 M 21 M 23 14 6 14 24 14 I 14 25 M 20 M 9 M 7 14 ii 14 22 M 10 14 20 M 17 M 3 14 13 M 9 M 6 M 8 U 23 ־־M 7 M 5 14 14 3D 22 M 7 14 23 M' 15 14 6 M M 3D 20 14 18 If 6 I? 9 21 25 6 18 l8 12 8 16 10 ii 19 5 9 & 16 6 28 7 30 5 31 3 7 12 15 13 17 2^) 22 5 29 I II 6 29 8 5 4 5 16 I 3 8 26 17 8 22 20 I 3 30 25 17 5 18 ii 8 19 30 —־־־Danger in Aldrich Bill............. Deposit Guaranty System, The........ Does This Explain?.................. Effect of Increased Gold Output.... Elected at Denver .................. Emergency Currency in Canada........ Emergency־ Currency־ Made Easy.... England Wants Agricultural Credit Banks ......................... Express Companies’ Charges.......... Faulty Bank Examinations ........... Fowler Plan of Deposit Guaranty, The Good Roads Movement. The............ Governmental Finances .............. High Market Quotations and Politics Improving Comptroller's Office !Methods ................................ Investments and Their Care.......... Is It a Sectional Issue?............ Junior Banker, The ................. Lessons from the Dean............... May Crises be Predetermined?........ Monetary־ Commission in Session.... '־Money־ Returning to Chicago.......... — National Banking Statistics ......... National Grange Banks, The.......... New Banking Laws in California.... - -New Illinois Banking Law־ .......... New Surety Bonds in Pennsylvania. . Newspaper Portraiture .............. Northwestern Conditions Sound.... One Way of Protecting Deposits...... Our Interior Waterways.............. Our Junketing Currency Commission Pointer for Currency Commission.... Politics and Business............... ־־Postal Banks Not a Remedy......... Postal Savings Bank, The............ —-Preparing the Emergency Notes.... Present Currency Situation. The.... Problems of the Presidential Campaign ................................. Proper Way to Run a Bank. The... . Public Opinion Is Powerful.......... Question of Guaranty, The........... Representation in Bankers Conventions ............................. Right Notion for a Bank, The........ Short Cut to Deposit Guaranty....... Side Lights on Guaranty Plank....... Some Presidential Year Conditions.. Something You Ought to Read......... Stock Market Conditions Artificial. . Strong Position of the Nationals.... Taft Opposes Deposit Guaranty־...... Testing International Boycott ...... The Banker and His House Organ. . The Roll of Honor?.................. To Regulate Stock and Bond Issues.. To Seek Compulsory Statements.... Trust Companies in Wisconsin........ Walker, B. E.. at Denver............ Yes, the Postal Bank Approaches. .. . Your Duty on November Third......... Ellington, E. T.. a Chicago Chapter Member Delivers an Instructive Address ................................. Eloquent Bank Figures................... ־—Establishment of a National Clearing House Bank .................... Evolution in Banking and Bank Work.. . Exchange Accounts between City and Country Banks ................. Executive Council (Illinois Association Report) ....................... Federal Guaranty of Bank Deposits...... First Annual Report of the Newly Created Bank Commission for Colorado. . Gems from August Blum's Michigan Address ................................. Gilbert. Alexander, President of the New York Clearing House, Tells When Business Will Revive........... Government Banks in China.............. Greater Honesty Among Bankers.......... Group One, Meeting..................... Group Seven, Illinois Bankers.......... Guaranty of Bank Deposits (Part one).. Harris, A. M., on Municipal Bonds...... Hoarding and Its Effects on Business. ... Hollister, Clay H., on the Bill of Lading. . How Paper Money־ is Guarded............, How־ to Value Commercial Paper in Loans Hulbert, E. D., on Our Banking System. . Illinois Convention ................... Ilsley, J. K., Welcomes Bankers........ Inaugural Address British Institute of Banking ..................... Indiana View of Insurance or Indemnity of Deposits ................... Indianapolis Bankers Convention. The.... Inside Workings of a Bank.............. Institute Man in Politics....._........... Instructive Address on ׳'Assets" at Providence Banquet ......................... International Banking ................. Irish Bank Conditions ................. No. Page. 6 27 I 28 15 13 14 5 5 16 I 18 12 28 24 17 13 19 12 17 7 5 15 5 9 29 23 I 19 19 14 21 6 19 8 23 20 21 10 18 23 5 5 5 i6 5 13 16 12 5 13 5 4 28 ii 5 26 12 9 17 6 28 8 10 IÓ 7 18 15 14 17 3 17 21 22 9 17 . 23 16 U 0 12 22 23 30 4 15 21 27 21 19 19 15 19 6 7 16 22 28 23 28 11 17 6 13 I 5 2 16 14 I 21 !s I 13 ! 6 19 20 18 I 4 ii 9 20 19 14 24 14 8 m 24 14 25 14 6 14 14 30 U 14 13 14 19 14 21 15 5 14 17 14 4 14 17 14 4 14 3 14 3 14 16 14 26 14 23 14 16 14 22 m 21 14 8 14 26 14 A Bank Thief by Proxy................... A Digest of the New Currency Law־.... A Kansas Banker Writes on Guaranty of Deposits ....................... Abnormal Features of American Banking Adams, Alva, of Pueblo at Colorado Springs ........................ Address Delivered at the First Annual Banquet at St. Joseph (Mo.). Against Deposit Guaranty................ American and European Banks............. American Institute of Banking Dinner. An Indiana View־ of Deposit Guaranty An Iowa View of Deposit Insurance. . Apple, J. M., of the State Banking Department Tells Some Good Stories Appointment and Compensation of Bank Examiners in Need of Reform. . Arizona Bankers Convention ............. Australasian Banking ................... Bank Commissioner Pierre................ Bank Deposit Guaranty־ bv Nationals Illegal ............ ........... Bankers Views Win Out in Bills of Lading .................................... Banking and Politics ................... Banking Business in Des !Moines......... Banking Conditions in Arizona........... Banking Conditions in Colorado ......... Banking Conditions in Illinois ......... Banking Conditions in Kentucky.......... Banking Conditions in Maryland ......... Banking Conditions in Nebraska.......... Banking Conditions in New York.......... Banking Conditions in Pennsylvania. . . . Banking Partnerships of Worldwide Influence and Importance.................. Banking Salaries in the United States.... Bennett, Granville G., on Probate Problems ................................... Branch Banks Held Unlawful.............. Cannon, James G., on Commercial Paper Chairman of Group 7 for Amendment. .. . Chapman, Joseph. Jr., Speaks for A. I. B. Chapter Section of the A. B. A.......... Chicago Chapter Annual Show ............ Chicago Chapter Prize Paper on Currency- Reform ......................... —Chicago Relations with Banks and Bankers of the South........................... Clearing House Expert on Guaranty of Deposits ....................... Coffin, George M., for Deposit Guaranty. . Colonial Banks ......................... Colorado Convention .................... Commerce and Cotnmonw־ealth Consolidated at St. Louis...................... Commercial Balance Sheet as Bankers View It ........................ Commercial Interests See Good Times.. Comptroller Murray and the Banks........ Condition of New־ Jersey Banks.......... Condition Reports of English Banks.... Confederate Half Dollar and Cent, The.. Co-operation in Commercial Credits...... Corn Exchange in New Home............... Currency and Financial !Methods at Home and Abroad ..................... Defects of New Ohio Banking Law Admitted . :.............................. Denver Convention. The.................. Deposit Insurance Will Not Down......... Depositors' Guaranty by Legislation.... Dickmann. E. R., Reports for Oshkosh Chapter at Wisconsin Conr־ention Dorn, Harold W.. Speaks for Chicago Chapter ........................ Durham, E. D., at !Minnesota Convention Eastern Banks are Stimulating the Building Boom ............................... Editorials:— ־־—A Blow to Speculative Banking...... A Danger in Postal Banks............ A Lay Editorial..................... A People Educated in Saving......... A Timely Explosion ................. A Treasury Call Inevitable.......... Aldrich in the Senate............... Aldrich-Vreeland Situation, The.. .. —Amendment to Illinois Bank Act.... An End of One Objector................ —An End of Private Banking............ Are Railroads Being Treated Fairly. . Bank Act Penalties ................. Bank Deposit Guaranty .............. Bank Legislation in Congress........ Banking Conditions in South Wales.. Banking in Georgia ................. Base no Business on Sentiment....... Both Candidates Pledged ............ Changes in the Tariff............... • Complete Recognition of the West. . Comptroller's New Plans. The........ Comptroller's Plans Working Out... Confidence in Congress.............. Congress and Deposit Guaranty....... Continued Fall in Stocks............